“Oh… What happened?” Katherine said as she rubbed her head. I had just made it to the infirmary as she regained consciousness. “You had a bit of an accident dearie, but everyone on your team is fine.” Replied Glentha, “Look, here is one now.” She pointed at me as I walked in. As we were treated for our injuries I explained to Katherine that she blocked the full blast of the explosion and that Gus tended to our wounds and that Reggie got help. I decided to omit my pathetic attempts to save her and my mental breakdown. “I’m really glad to see that you’re okay,” Katherine said before I could say the same to her, so I nodded in agreement. “I wouldn’t say either of you are okay,” Glentha said in a strict tone. “You, young lady, won’t be leaving this infirmary for a week, and no combat for another two!” Katherine’s expression became a mix of sadness and fury as she quickly sat up in her bed to protest. “You can’t do that! I won’t survive doing nothing for so! OUCH!” she said grasping the side of her head as she fell back into bed. “I won’t have any of your complainings!” Glentha shouted before pointing a finger at me, “And you! You shouldn’t be walking on your own! There will be no physical activity for three days! And you must take these healing herbs with every meal.” She said as she passed me my medicine. I didn’t dare disagree.
Glentha left to go check on or terrorize, Krimsun in another room. I stayed and chatted with Katherine for a little while longer. “I’ll have to thank Gus for healing us, I had no idea he had a talent for that kind of magic,” Katherine said thoughtfully. “I didn’t expect it either,” I replied, “it was a totally different side of him, composed, efficient like he was totally in his element.” “Figures that Reggie would run off to get help, useless coward. I’m gonna punch him in his wretched face the next time I see him!” Katherine proclaimed. I’m not sure what she expected Reggie to do instead, but he is an insufferable moron, so I didn’t object. “Katherine?” I said hesitantly. “That is, in fact, my name,” she replied in a sarcastic tone. I responded with a frustrated breath before continuing. “What do you think of the Guildmaster?”
“Guildmaster Vincent?” she looked at me quizzically. “I don’t know, he seems alright. I’ve heard that he is incredibly strong, why do you ask?” “Oh, no reason,” I said looking down, it was probably better to not cause unnecessary drama. “Oh, well if there was no reason then why ask?” she replied inquisitively. “Really, it’s nothing!” I replied. “Tell me, or I will figure it out myself!” Katherine said in her famously stubborn tone. So much for subtly, “Alright, alright, but keep it down!” I said in a harsh whisper. She smiled victoriously as I began explaining. “I am pretty sure… No… I know that the Guildmaster was one of the Pestak at Trodthrew.” Katherine’s expression turned grim, but she remained silent. “He… he… was the one who burned…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. Katherine placed her arm around me, “I understand.” She said softly. I knew that she meant it, but she couldn’t possibly. “I know that he was simply doing what most adventurers do… What we just did… But I can’t get it out of my head.” I sobbed. She nodded and I could tell that she was thinking of a reply, but before she could, I nodded back.
Gus came by a couple of hours later with a small wheelchair. “Hey guys, I’m glad you are feeling better. I found a wheelchair for Mak, it is a bit big though.” This was an understatement, as usual, the chair was clearly meant for someone at least three times my size. “Thanks, I can make it work,” I said, my mind racing with possible modifications I could make to it. “Thanks for taking care of us Gus, you did great!” Katherine said gratefully. Gus blushed slightly and replied, “Don’t mention it, I was just…” Katherine cut him off, “No, you saved us, I will repay you, whether you like it or not!” She said sternly before breaking into laughter.
We decided to let Katherine get some rest, so Gus helped me into the wheelchair, and we went to get some food. The dining hall was mostly empty, as it was fairly late at this point. Gus took to me to an empty table and went to grab us some food. As I waited, I tried to distract my mind by thinking about how I could improve my wheelchair to better suit my size. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a figure out the window, walking away from the guild premises. “Oh please, don’t be Katherine,” I thought to myself as I tried to make out the figure in the dark. But suddenly, they vanished. I knew Katherine didn’t practice invisibility or teleportation magic, so who was it? Gus returned with two bowls of beef stew and handed me one. “Eat up. Don’t forget your medicine.” He said. I threw in the herbs to the stew and began to chow down. The herbs were bitter and made the whole dish taste vile, not that the food here was fantastic, to begin with. I hurriedly tried to force the food down. As I munched on my food, I noticed that Gus paused before eating. “Oh, suppose…” Gus said awkwardly before stopping. “Suppose what?” I asked curiously. “I suppose the Nequese don’t have a Hero?”