Olympia woke up to the sun beginning to shine through the window. Felix was still fast asleep. She sat up and stretched. She looked over at Felix and Fella. Olympia got up and walked over to the window. It was nice outside. It had rained just as Felix had said, and the sky had begun to clear of clouds. Felix groaned quietly in his sleep. Olympia let out a small chuckle as she heard him.
Fella lifted her head sleepily and looked over at Olympia. “Good morning!” She greeted Fella. “Did you sleep well?” Olympia asked her. She nodded and jumped down from the bed. She walked over and leapt up onto the windowsill. “Should we wake Felix up or let him sleep?” she asked Fella. The small dragon looked over at Felix. She was about to jump from the windowsill when Felix jerked awake. He was breathing hard and shaking, his eyes wild with terror. His claws dug into the mattress.
“Are you ok?” Olympia asked, walking over to him. She was a bit taken back at how he woke up. Felix flinched away from her for a moment as if he didn’t recognize her. He blinked quickly and looked down. “Y-yeah, I-I’m fine.” He said quietly, though he still looked tense. “If you’re fine then look at me and tell me you’re fine,” Olympia said. She sat down at the edge of the bed. Felix didn’t respond. Though he didn’t look at her head on, his gaze seemed haunted with memories. Fella looked at him with concern. “I won’t ask,” was all Olympia said before getting up from the bed.
“I-It was just a nightmare.” Felix said, glancing around the room as if the walls were his enemy. Olympia pulled him into a hug, “Mom used to do this when I used to have nightmares. It probably won’t help,” she said. Felix didn’t move for a moment, then relaxed a little. He was still breathing fast, and she could feel his heart pounding. “You remind me of my sister sometimes.” He muttered. Olympia pulled away, “Really?” “She was much louder than you, but… she was kind.” Felix couldn’t help but smile at the memories.
“I can be loud sometimes.” Olympia laughed. “She was loud all the time. She was always smiling.” Felix said quietly. “No sad stuff or else we'll both end up crying,” Olympia said. Felix let out a small laugh, and pulled away, quickly wiping something from his eyes before she saw. Fella chirped something to Felix. “We should get something to eat,” Olympia said. Felix nodded then looked down at Fella. “I don’t like to talk about her.” He said.
Olympia listened to him but didn’t say anything. There were things that people don’t like to share. She grabbed her boots and started to put them on. Felix stood and pulled his cloak over his shoulders. Fella jumped onto his shoulder. Olympia grabbed her cloak but didn’t put it on. “We should probably leave through the window.” Felix said. “Fine, but you’re catching me again, "Olympia stated. Felix nodded and opened the window. They were hit with a gust of cold air. For the first time Olympia liked the feeling of the cold air.
Felix walked over to the window and looked down. It was over a twenty-foot drop. Fella jumped from Felix’s shoulder to Olympia’s and chirped something to Felix. “Alright.” He said. He crouched on the edge of the window, his eyes seeming to calculate exactly what he needed to do. With no warning, he dug his claws into the wood of the window and swung himself over the edge, hanging by one hand as his feet scratched the wall for a purchase. A moment later, he looked down, and let go. He rolled when he hit the ground and got up without much trouble. He looked up after brushing himself off.
Olympia watched as Feliz looked up. She looked back at the room door, thinking about walking out. She got up to the edge of the window and took a deep breath. “Why does he make it look easy,” she said out loud. Olympia grabbed the side of the window, closing her eyes and pushed away from the window. She could feel the wind on her skin. Felix caught her easily, and quickly set her down. “We’re never doing this again,” Olympia said to him. “Agreed.” Felix replied. Fella jumped from the window and glided down, managing to land clumsily on Felix’s shoulder.
“We should get something to eat and then try to buy some things,” Olympia stated. “Anything in particular you want?” Felix pulled his hood up as he spoke. She thought about it. There were things she wanted to try but they needed to save money. “Not at the moment,” she said.
“You don’t need to worry about prices, remember? I can take whatever we need given enough time.” He said. Fella climbed under his hood, pressing her small scaly head against his furry neck. Felix once again forgot that he was speaking to the princess. “You know I might have to report if you keep stealing,” Olympia laughed. Felix wasn’t sure what to say to that. “I… forget your kind of in charge of this place.” He muttered.
Olympia was a bit shocked at his response. Yes, she was a princess, but she didn’t really have a say in things. “My kind…. right.” she blurted out without knowing. Felix cast her a confused look. Fella chirped something in Felix’s ear. “I doubt that would happen.” He muttered. “Doubt what would happen?” Olympia asked. “She said you might turn us in to the soldiers.” Felix replied. He said it in a joking tone, but the threat of being arrested was something that worried him. Especially because of the risk to Fella.
“I was joking. I would never. I… I’ve never even thought about it.” Olympia said. She felt a pain in her heart to even think about turning them in. Not after turning to them for help. “I know.” Felix replied with a shrug. “What would you do if I did get caught? Out of curiosity.” “Get you out of course. I don’t know how but I’m willing to try.” she responded. “Can’t you basically tell anyone to do whatever you want?” Felix asked.
Olympia let out a small chuckle, “I wish it was as simple as you think.” “Isn’t it?” Felix kept his ears back as they entered the market. Fella was hidden in the shadow of his hood. “No. Very few people know I even exist,” Olympia told him. “If I could tell people what to do, we wouldn’t be in this mess right,” she said but it sounded more like a question instead. “Well, I don’t know what would really change. How come so few know about you?” Felix asked.
“We should really get something to eat,” Olympia said, changing the subject. If he knew, he would stay with her or go his own way. “Something smells good from over there,” she turned away from him. Felix followed. He knew she was avoiding the question, but he wouldn’t press her. It was difficult for him to pick out the smell of one thing with so many others vying for his attention. The downside to having heightened senses. “Come on,” she said, grabbing his hand. Felix followed her, trying not to cut her hand with his claws as she pulled on his own. He weaved between the crowd, taking coins from everyone they passed.
She looked around trying to find something to eat. Everything was so different from what she had in the castle. Olympia had no idea what exactly she was looking for. “You’ve only ever had castle food, huh? If you think this is different, just wait till we leave Thovell.” Felix told her with a smile. A couple people who passed noticed his fangs and shied away. Felix dropped his smile and pulled the hood further over his head. “How did you know?” Olympia joked. “Just a guess.” Felix replied, unable to repress another smile.
“Can you choose? I have no idea what I want,” Olympia said, a bit embarrassed. Felix looked around. Usually, he just got whatever was closest to the exit, but that usually wasn’t very good food. Fella nudged him lightly and said something in Felix’s ear. Felix had to pretend to sneeze to hide her. Felix wordlessly began leading Olympia in a random direction. Olympia followed behind him, “Something happened?” She asked. “No, Fella found food. Sorry, I’m not used to having another person around.” He glanced back at her as if reminding himself that he was no longer by himself.
Felix stopped at one of the vendors. He was selling oval-shaped pieces of bread with a cooked egg on top sprinkled with some kind of meat. Felix paid for three. He had almost certainly stolen the money. “Dear Irene, they look so good,” Olympia whipped the drool from the corner of her mouth. Felix laughed and handed her one, holding the other two. “Do you want to find someplace to sit, or walk around while we eat?” Felix asked. “Walk around,” she responded before taking a bite of the bread. Olympia didn’t actually pay attention to what he asked, only the last part.
Vendors shouted for the attention of the market, selling all kinds of random things. Felix ate his first then broke small pieces of Fella’s to give to her. Olympia ate hers with one hand the other was holding onto Felix’s cape. She did not want to get lost in the crowd of people. Felix noticed this but didn’t comment. He wasn’t used to having to protect others aside from Fella, so he didn’t mind her sticking close. He didn’t want to lose her either.
“So, what do you want to get now?” Felix asked, giving the last of Fella’s food to her. Olympia finished the last of her food and looked around. “We should head to the library. I want to look for something,” she said. “Alright. I have no clue where that is. I think I’ve only been here once.” Felix replied, leading her away from the market. He seemed to relax a little as they left the crowd. Olympia hadn’t even noticed he had tensed.
Olympia looked around trying to find the library. She was still holding on to Felix’s cape and wasn’t paying attention to anything else. They eventually found it. “I’ll be inside in a minute. Can you watch Fella for me?” Felix asked. “Yeah,” she said. She wanted to ask why but didn’t. “Come on Fella,” Olympia called her. Fella huffed something and jumped to Olympia’s shoulder. She hid beneath Olympia’s hair as Felix climbed the nearest building.
“Don’t worry too much about him,” Olympia told her as they walked into the library. She pulled the hoodie over her head, making sure that no one could see Fella. She headed towards the books to see if she could find anything about Thovell. Olympia knew she needed to tell Felix but after she found what she’s looking for. The library was smaller than others she had seen. She was still able to find books on her kingdom though. Fella just silently watched. She glanced back once, but Felix was out of sight.
Olympia grabbed a few books that had Thovell as title and sat down in a corner. She flipped through one book trying to find the history of her kingdom. She put the book to the side not finding what she wanted and picked up another. Olympia continued to do the same thing for a few minutes.
“Fella, if you were to find out that you’re not exactly who everyone tells you are. What would you do?” Olympia asked. She knew that if Fella responded she wouldn’t understand it. Fella chirped something, but she knew that Olympia didn’t understand. She looked around then jumped onto the book. She pointed to the word wouldn’t and then the word care. She shrugged in her dragon kind of way.
“I know, but what if it’s in the way others may get hurt?” Olympia asked. Fella sat on the book, seeming to think about it. Olympia chuckled a bit at her action. “It’s fine, you don’t have to respond,” she told her. “Just promise that if I start acting weird, take Felix far away from me,” Olympia rubbed under her chin. Fella leaned into her finger but didn’t really make any kind of response.
Olympia moved the book a bit, making Fella fall on her lap. “Sorry, I need to flip the page,” she told her. “You can read better like this,” she put the book in front of Fella. Fella chirped something and sat in Olympia’s lap. Now that she thought about it, Fella seemed a little bigger. Pointing to a few words with her tail, Fella asked what Olympia was looking for.
She thought about the question. “Something about the past that might be connected to me,” Olympia responded. “You learn secrets when people don’t pay attention to you,” she told her. Fella nodded. Or you are the only thing someone can talk to. She spelled out. “What do up mean?” Olympia asked, flipping to the next page of the book. Fella took a moment to find all the words to respond. He only has me. Was what she spelled out.
She looked at Fella for a moment. “You’re lucky to have him and he’s lucky to have you,” Olympia told her. “Not everyone has somebody.” Fella nodded. He was alone for a long time, she spelled. “Everyone is alone in the beginning, and some are alone at the end,” she stated. Fella nodded. After a moment, she spelled something else out. He never told me he had a sister.
Olympia stayed silent for a second. “I may not know much about everyone, but I know there are things better left unsaid.” She flipped through a few more pages before picking up another book. Fella curled up in Olympia’s lap, scanning the pages along with Olympia. After scanning through some pages, Olympia stopped at a certain part. It told the story of the first Queen of Thovell. “I didn’t know Thovell had a Queen as a ruler!” she said out loud.
Fella lifted her head, then looked from Olympia to the book. She didn’t seem to understand why this was important. “Queen Emeline, first and last Queen of Thovell,” Olympia read out loud. The next page had a portrait of the queen. She ran her finger over the picture. Olympia continued to the next page to find a page ripped out. “For Irene's sake!” she yelled. “Nothing ever goes my way,” she put the book down. “Couldn’t find what you were looking for?” Felix asked, walking around the corner of the bookshelf. Fella looked over at him and chirped something to him.
Olympia closed the book and looked up at Felix. “Don’t scare me like that,” she said, putting her hand over her heart. “Sorry.” Felix replied. She opened the book back to the portrait. “Not exactly what I was looking for but it’s something,” Olympia said, answering his question. “Well, what were you looking for?” Felix asked, sitting beside her. Fella jumped to his lap. “Some history on Thovell,” she responded. “But there was nothing.” “Well, I can help you if you’re more specific.” Felix offered.
She opened the book back up and showed the portrait to Felix. “I want to know more about her.” Olympia stated. “Well, I haven’t done much research on Thovel’s royalty, but the library at Dragon Valley has just about everything. I haven’t been there myself, but I’ve heard stories and songs.” Felix told her. Olympia nodded at him and looked back at the book. “Did you know Thovel had a woman as a ruler?” she asked him. “No.” Olympia looked at him, “Me either.” “Well what does it say about her?” Felix asked. “Nothing,” she flipped to where the page was ripped out and showed him. “Well that’s just great. What kind of person does that to books?” Felix said.
“For some reason, I feel like I’ve seen her before,” Olympia told him. “Well, you wouldn’t really hear about the first ruler unless you really went digging.” Felix said with a shrug. “I know but these are the only books about Thovell here,” Olympia pointed to the five books that were in front of her. “No book on Thovell in Thovell? That’s dumb.” Felix stated. Olympia chuckled a bit. “In the castle there weren't many books about Thovell either,” she said. “I guess it is a small kingdom.”
Olympia closed the book and let out a sigh. “This is so frustrating. Even if the kingdom is small, at least some history needs to be recorded,” she said. “Well, there could have been a point where one of the past rulers was replaced by someone not of their family line, and the history of that past family line could have been erased. Just a theory though.” “We’ll hang on to that theory then,” Olympia said. “Hopefully we can find more about her and Thovell.” “Hopefully. Do you want to hang out here for a little bit longer, or go do something else? We can stay here for as long as you want.” Felix said
“Let's go do something else,” she said, getting up. “I’ll put the books back and we can leave.” Olympia grabbed the books and put them back where she found them. Felix picked up Fella and put her on his shoulders as he stood. She buried herself in his fur as he pulled his hood down to hide her. Olympia backed away from the bookshelf but stumbled feeling a sharp pain in her chest. “I almost fell,” she played it off. Felix looked at her confused. “There’s nothing to trip on.” He said. “What do you want to do?” she asked him. Felix knew she was avoiding the question, but he decided not to press her.
“There isn’t really much that I do aside from stuff with Fella and walk around town in search of food, so whatever you want to do is fine with me.” He said with a shrug. “We can walk around and then find food to eat,” she stated. “Would you like to lead the way then?” He asked. Olympia started walking away and out the library. “I hope today goes well!” She told him. “Likely will. There isn’t much that could really go wrong.” Felix said.
“Let’s hope not.” She smiled. Felix couldn’t help but smile. “Onto our adventure!” Olympia laughed pointing forward. “Onward.” He replied with a slight laugh. “You know we should do this thing where we buy a souvenir from each place we visit. I mean if you want,” Olympia said nervously. “You just want to get stuff, don’t you?” Felix asked with a smirk. “Yes and no,” she chuckled. “They’ll be somewhat of a memory,” she told him. “Alright. Anything in particular you want?” “Not yet but we’ll see,” Olympia stated.
Felix’ ears went back as they entered the market once more. A million voices came from all directions. Felix took a bit from those around them as they walked. Olympia had a smile on her face as she looked around. It felt nice to be out without someone watching her every move. Felix couldn’t help but smile too. She reminded him so much of his sister. It felt good to be around someone else. Olympia stopped in front of a stand. She saw a crescent moon pin laying there. “Do you want it?” Felix asked. Her eyes lit up, "Can we?” Felix smiled and paid for it. Olympia grabbed the pin and put it on Felix’s cape. “There you go,” she smiled. “Don’t you want it?” He asked, confused. “I did but for you. It looks better on you,” she told him. “You sure you don’t want it?” He asked, confused.
Olympia shook her head. “The next one’s mine,” she said. She only wanted it to give to Felix as a thank you gift. “Okay then.” He said with a laugh. Olympia smiled and continued to walk. “Does Fella want anything?” she asked him. Felix looked over at her. She shook her head. “Guess not. Makes sense, she is a dragon. All she ever really wants are shiny objects so she can hoard them, but I don’t have anywhere for her to make an actual horde.” Felix explained. Olympia took out a ring from her pocket. “Something like this?” she asked. Fella looked over at it then lifted her head, seemingly interested. She knew better than to steal in broad daylight.
“You can have it; I have no use for it.” Olympia said to her. She’s had that ring for a while now. Fella quickly darted from Felix’s shoulder, snatched the ring, and hid in Felix’s cape pocket. “I guess she likes it,” Olympia chuckled. Felix smiled. “She would have quite a large horde if I let her.” He said. “How come you don’t?" she asked. “She would fill all of my pockets and then I would run out of space for even Fella.” “I guess that’s true. Why don’t we buy a bag for her things,” Olympia said. “Because then I have to keep track of that too.” Felix said with a smile. Olympia nodded. “Then from time to time we can get her something shiny,” she stated. “She usually just horades random coins I steal, and then gets mad when I use them.” He said with a small smile.
“This is why she should have her own things,” she said. “That way she won’t get mad.” “I don’t know… I don’t want to encourage her to steal. Especially because dragon keeping is illegal in a lot of places including Thovell.” Felix said. “Who said anything about her stealing?” Olympia smirked. “If she figures out, she’s allowed to start hoarding she’s gonna take every shiny thing she sees.” He explained. “I understand,” she responded. “I would let her if we had an actual house, but we don’t.” Felix said with a sigh. Olympia stopped in her tracks. Having a house does sound good. Not having many people around sounds great. “What is it?” Felix asked. “Nothing wrong, but having a house has a nice ring to it,” she told him. “I haven’t had a permanent place in a long time. There always seems to be some reason I have to leave or can’t stay long.” Felix said.
Olympia looked at him, “Soon you’ll have a permanent place,” She gave him a smile. Felix cast her a confused look. “I’m just saying,” she told him. “You say that like you already have a place in mind.” He said. “Not really,” she shrugged at him. “Well now I’m curious so you have to tell me what you meant.” Felix teased. “I really don’t. I’m just saying that maybe when this is all over, you’ll find some place,” she giggled a bit. Felix smiled. “Maybe. I don’t really know what I would do with myself though once I’m not traveling.” He said. “You can still travel but this time you have a place to go back to,” she told him. “I guess that’s true.” He said.
“You think you’ll come back when these invaders leave?” She shook her head at him. “No, after all this I plan on leaving.” Olympia said. “Don’t you want to know what happened to your family?” Felix asked. “Whenever the invaders leave, I’ll do a quick trip to see how they are, but I won’t stay for long,” she stated. “I guess that makes sense. Don’t want to be trapped in the castle I’m assuming, princess?” He used the word princess as less of a title and more of a nickname. “If I stay, I’ll probably have arranged marriage or something,” she laughed. “Not what I’m looking for.” “I never really thought about that kind of stuff. I always assumed everything was just handed to you.” Felix admitted. “It’s not the first time I heard that. You’re half right. There are some who have everything handed to them but there are others who don’t,” Olympia explained. “In all honesty I hated the royal family.” He confessed.
Olympia had a feeling that he did but hearing it hurt. She felt a pain in her chest once again. Was it because of what he said or was it because of something else? “Why?” she asked. “Well, growing up on the streets and then seeing this huge castle all for one family full of all you could ever need while I was starving made me kind of upset. I always felt like none of you knew what it felt like to suffer the way I had.” He explained, looking down. Olympia looked back at him. “I’m not going to lie to you or get upset about it. Truth is the royal family owns nothing, the church does. I’ve never really thought about it like that since I never leave the castle,” she said to him. “What’s the point of the royal family then?” He asked.
“To maintain order. Since the church can’t control everyone, they need someone else to do it.” Olympia explained. “Seems kind of pointless when you put it like that.” Felix said. “It is, but we can’t do anything about it,” she told him. “Why? The people listen to the king, so if the king decided not to obey the church anymore, the people would probably go with it. Besides, you have literally thousands of soldiers at your disposal.” Felix asked. “I wish it was that easy. The last time someone tried that they….” she looked down. “Oh. Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter if we’re leaving anyways.”
“I don’t hate you by the way. I just… don’t like the idea of people having grand feasts and fancy clothes while I’m starving in rags.” He explained. “Felix…. If I told you something, can you keep it a secret?” Olympia asked. “Of course.” He said, glancing down at her slightly confused. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into an alley. “A few days before the whole invasion thing I found something…” she said. “I… I may not be related to the royal family…” she looked away. “What do you mean?” He asked, confused. “I stumbled upon some letter from the queen to the church. I have royal blood, but I may not be related to the royal family of Thovell.” she said. “Where do you think you came from then?” He asked.
Olympia shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I didn’t have time to look through the other letters.” she said. “Other letters? How many… okay, what did the one you read say?” Felix asked. “There were so many. I don’t remember much but the queen said something about me finding out about something and asking if the church took care of everything,” she stated. A thought crossed Felix’s mind, but he quickly pushed it away. Olympia noticed his expression became worried for a moment, but it changed back in a moment. “Do you have any ideas as to what she might have been talking about?” She shook her head, “If I’m being honest… I never really considered her my mother if that makes sense.” Felix shrugged. “Kind of.” He replied.
“She never once looked my way..” Olympia laughed. Felix put a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to worry about her anymore.” He told her with a smile. “You’re right,” she smiled back.
“But what was with your expression changing?” she asked. “Just a stupid idea.” He replied dismissively. “Do you think that maybe she has something to do with the invaders?” she asked. “Well… if there was something about you the queen didn’t want others to know, and she told the church to take care of it… it might not have been invaders here to take over the kingdom. Probably not though, right? It couldn’t be something that important.” He explained.
Olympia nodded. “This kingdom has so many secrets. There is still something I don’t get...” she said. “What?” “If they already invaded Thovell, how am I involved in this?” she asked. “Yes, I might be from the royal family but like I told you no one really knows about me.” She looked at him. “Technically, this whole valley is still within the kingdom’s territory. Maybe they just want complete control. I don’t see why they’re burning down the whole kingdom, but still. They might not even realize you exist, and we’re just going into the wrong towns.” “What are the right towns then… I hope that all this stops,” Olympia kneeled down. “I mean they have the king in their hands, all they have to do is tell him what to say.” Felix knelt beside her. “It won’t matter once we’re gone. A few more days and we’ll be in the North pass. Once we’re out of there, then we can go wherever we want.” Felix assured her.
“You’re right, I’m probably just overthinking everything,” she smiled. Felix stood and offered her a hand. “Do you want to get something for yourself?” He asked with a smile. She took his hand and stood up. “No.” “What do you want to do then? We could stay here for a while longer or start going again?” He asked. Olympia let out a chuckle. “You don’t always have to ask me. What do you want to do?” she said. Felix shrugged. “I don’t really know.” He said. “Ok. What does Fella want to do then?” she asked. Felix opened the pocket in his cloak. She was fast asleep, gripping Olympia’s ring in her tiny claws. “Sleep apparently.” Felix said with a laugh.
Olympia giggled. “We can head out of town, if you want.” she suggested. Felix smiled and led the way to the edge of town. The moment he was out from between the buildings he breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed. Olympia followed quietly behind Felix, as her mind wondered. She felt a sharp pain and the dizziness, making her stumble hitting her forehead onto his back. Felix stopped and looked back at her with concern. “Are you okay?” He asked, grabbing her arm so she didn’t fall. “Yeah, sorry.” she rubbed her head a bit. “What happened?” He asked. “It was a sharp pain and then dizziness,” she said. Felix glanced around, his ears perking up for the sound of anyone who might have followed them. “Do you know why?” He asked. “No, it’s not the first time this has happened,” she said. “Does this feel normal or like some kind of spell?” He asked.
She looked at him confused. “I’m not sure,” she stated. “Can you stand on your own? I don’t want you to fall again.” Felix said. “I can.” Olympia smiled. Felix let go of her, waiting a moment to make sure she was okay to stand on her own. Olympia rubbed her head one more time and stood still for a sec. “Ok, I’m good.” Felix started again, walking beside her now so he could catch her if she fell. His ears were angles behind them, trying to detect even the quietest sound of pursuit. His tail twitched anxiously. Olympia gave him a few pats on his back. “Relax a bit,” she said. “Sorry, I’m just worried. That isn’t normal, and I’m not about to let someone get the drop on us.” He said, looking away from the trees for a moment to meet her gaze.
“I know but this has happened before. You don’t have to be on guard all the time, relax.” she told him. “I thought you said this was the first time.” Felix said. “I said this isn’t the first time it has happened,” Olympia said. “Oh. I guess I misheard you. When did this happen before?” He asked. “The first time it happened I was around five, I think. After that it happened again when I was eight and then it just continued after that,” she said. “You have no ideas at all as to why this happens?” He asked. “At first I thought that it was because I wasn’t sleeping well but now, I don’t know,” she sighed. “You think it has anything to do with your powers?” He asked. “Maybe… I don’t know.” “Well now you have me worried about you.” Felix sighed.
“Thank you and the same goes with you,” Olympia smiled at him. “What are you worried about me for?” He asked, nudging her lightly. “What happens if you fall sick? Who’s going to protect me?” she joked. “I don’t get sick. Well, I did once. That was not fun. It was just a cold or something, but I couldn’t hunt or walk all the way to town for a week.” Felix replied. “Now if you get sick, I’m here,” Olympia nudged him. “Okay, but you have to steal more than a single coin to get food. I don’t wanna starve again.” He teased with a smile. He acted like starving was normal. “My looks will probably help,” she laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “What are you just gonna beg, or are you gonna try and distract people with your face?” He teased.
Olympia gasped in shock, “Felix, you can’t say that to a lady,” she teased back. “Well, it’s a good thing you aren’t one!” He exclaimed, laughing. Olympia stared at him in disbelief but started laughing. “Very funny,” she pushed him a bit. “Hey, princesses don’t push.” He said as he pushed her back. “Says who?” she said, pushing him again. “I don’t know, I just assumed princesses are supposed to be the ones pushed. You know cuz all of em’ are pushovers.” He laughed. “Seriously where do you come up with these things?” she laughed as well. “What, my witty witty puns? I guess I’m just amazing,” he stepped in front of her and bowed with a grin on his face. She rolled her eyes at him. “Your bowing needs more work,” she teased, walking past him. “We’ll excuse me if I didn’t grow up in a castle. Only thing to bow to is trees and dragons. None of the wild ones deserve respect though.” Felix said, jogging to catch up to her.
“Don’t worry I’ll teach you,” she chuckled. “When would I ever need to know how to do that?” He asked. “Who knows, one day we might get inside a castle… who knows...” Olympia half-joked. “I’ll just say my back hurts.” Felix stated. “Nice try but you won’t get out of it that easy,” she patted his back. “Olympia, look at me. Who would ever want this weirdo in their castle? If I was in a castle, it would be to steal.” He said as he ducked under her hand and pushed her from behind. “You can be my pretend knight,” Olympia said, jumping onto his back. “Onwards to our adventure my pretend knight,” she pointed forwards. “Oh, so heavy!” He exclaimed, falling into the grass with a laugh.
“Hey!” she yelled falling next to him. “I am not...” she pouted. “Yes, but I’m not strong.” He replied, poking her. “Whatever,” she laughed. “Olympia, you really think I could pass as a knight? Look at me.” He asked as he got up. The sun was beginning to bear the horizon, but it was hidden under the grey clouds hiding the sky. “Anyone can be a knight.” she said getting up. “As long as you put your mind to it.” “I would not make a good knight. I think I would just let anyone attacking get to you while I run.” He teased.
“Then I’ll be your knight,” she pretended to flex her non-existing muscles. “Oh wow, I’m so intimidated. The most terrifying process in all the land.” He teased sarcastically." I know. No one can stop me.” She followed his lead. Fella poked her head out of Felix’s pocket and roared. She then climbed up onto his head and roared again. “Oh no, save me brave knight!” Felix exclaimed. “I shall defeat you!” she said. Olympia rubbed under Fella’s chin. Fella laughed and rolled off Felix’s head. He held out his hands to catch her, but she glided to the ground and then rolled onto her back, her paws twitching as she made high-pitched death noises. “See I told you I was strong,” Olympia laughed.
Felix picked up Fella and put her on his shoulder. She draped herself dramatically over his shoulder and stuck out her young. Felix laughed. “You’ve murdered Fella!” He exclaimed over dramatically. Olympia bent over her hand over her stomach laughing too hard. “Stop… I can’t… breath,” she laughed. “I shall avenge you Fella!” Felix shouted, then began poking Olympia. She fell onto her knees. “Admit your defeat, murderer!” Felix shouted with a grin. Olympia looked up at him, “I admit my defeat.” “Are you dead?” He asked, still poking her. “Yes.”
“Victory!” Felix picked her up. “Welp, time to go find a burial spot for my dragon and my foe.” He said, beginning to walk again. Olympia looked over at Fella and laughed seeing her. Fella opened her eyes for a moment then closed them again when Olympia saw. She laughed even harder. “Told you I can be your knight,” she said to Felix. “Dead people don’t talk, Olympia.” Felix stated with a smile. Olympia rolled at him and mumbled what he said. Felix poked her again but acted like he hadn’t done anything.
“No poking... that tickles,” Olympia giggled. “You are dead.” He stated, poking her again. Lightning suddenly flashed above them, startling Fella The small dragon pressed into Felix’s neck. Olympia immediately grabbed onto Felix as well. “It’s okay,” Felix laughed. He smiled down at Olympia then started for the cover of the trees. Olympia didn’t let go of him, still in shock. “I’ll protect you.” Felix said with a smile. Thunder rumbled not far off, lightning brightening the sky again. Olympia didn’t say anything and continued to hold onto him. “Come on, let’s find some shelter to wait out the storm.” Felix said, moving to the woods.
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