" So this is Eastern huh?" I said to myself as I got out of the car and stretched my legs.
Driving for hours always made me cranky.
I took a look around. Jocks , sorority bitches , nerds.Everything college material.I took out a cigarette , to calm my nerves.
Damn colleges , too much drama.
" Hey , do you have a lighter?" A guy asked me.
" Sure." I tossed him the lighter.
Taking a few drags out of my cigarette made me feel better.
" A girl shouldn't smoke." The guy from before said.
I took off my sunglasses and gave him a stare.
He put his hands upwards.
" Didn't say anything."
I chuckled.
" Wait , you look familiar." He said.
" How so , first time here." I said as I dropped the last bit of the cigarette down on the ground and crushed it with my shoe.
" Oh my god, you look like a friend of mine." he said jumping like an idiot.
" And ?" I said uninterested.
He outstretched his hand. " Name's Finch girl."
I took his hand "Raven."
Then a thought clicked in my head. " Wait , what's this friends name ?"604Please respect copyright.PENANAP05GVyxbe7
I said edging from my car.
" Abby , why ?" He said.
Seriously ? Is it so easy to find a person here.
" Would you take me to her." I said.
" Why would I do that ?" He said looking at me suspicious.
" I am her cousin."
He opened his mouth and all that came out was an :
" Oh."
He put his cigarette out and nudged me to follow him. He lead me through a yard and through what looked like a cafeteria door.
" There." He pointed. I looked the way he was pointing ,there was a table filled with jocks except for four people who looked normal.
" You look exactly like her." Finch said. He put an arm around my shoulder and pushed me forward.
" Finch." The two girls said.
" Hey girls , this is Raven." Finch said pushing me forward and I glared at him.
" Hi , I am America." The girl said.
I nodded.
" Pidge, do you know her?" one of the guys said.
Abby was staring at me.
This is somehow very awkward.
" Wait , look she looks just like Abby." The other guy said.
I looked at the others , they seemed fine.
" Hey Abby , who's the slut ?" One of the jocks asked.
Slut ?
" Are they your friends ?" I asked Abby.
She looked at them. " Not all of them."
I nodded and walked near the guy who spoke.
All the jocks looked at me as I sat near the guy and crossed me legs.
" What's your name ?" I asked with my best flirtly smile.
" Jenks , but for you , Chris."
I chuckled.
" Well Chris , I thought I heard you call me a slut." I said putting a finger on his chest.
" Are you ?" He said moving closer.
I smiled.
" Well." I said.
I got up and the went behind me and leaned into his ear.
" Call me slut again and your balls will be my dogs dinner."
" Your just a slut , what do you think you can do ?" He said chuckling.
I smiled , waiting for this.I took his head and crashed it on the table.
" Call me slut again and you will pay." I said.
I kept crushing his face on the table.
He nodded.
" Good boy."
I looked behind me to fine the whole cafeteria looking at me.
No need to re-phrase what I said earlier , I hate college.
Abby kept staring at me and so were her friends.
" Name's Raven , I know you may not know me but I am your cousin." I said.
" What?" She asked shocked.
" Abby doesn't have any relatives."The girl next to her said waking up from her seat.
Good she has good friends.
I smiled.
" Well , it's up to you to believe me or not. I'll stay here for a while if you want to talk." I said slipping my glasses back on.
I walked outside and grabbed another cigarette.
Well that went well. I just scared the shit out of her.
" Wait." I heard someone shout behind me.
Abby was jogging my way.
" Are you really my cousin?" She asked.
Her eyes looked hopeful but also doubt laid in them.
Deep secrets laid in them.
" Yeah." I said.
" But how ?" She asked.
I looked around to see if no one was around.
Her friends were coming our way.
" Pidge ?" The guy said putting a hand around Abby's waist.
" Pidge?" I asked.
" Yeah and ?" The guy said, with a murderous glare.
" Travis." Abby said.
" So you really her cousin?" The other guy said.
" Well believe it or not I am." I said looking at them.
" Do they know?" I asked to her giving her the right stare to understand me.
She nodded.
" Well , Mike had a sister and well I am her daughter." I put it simply.
" He never said he had a sister."Abby said.
" Well , of course , she had a more of a drunk ass then your father." I said.
" Had?" Abby said suspecting something.
" Yeah , they died when I was four."I said.
" No way." The girl said.
" No that"'s not possible are you-"Abby said.
" Unlucky four." The other girl said putting a hand on her mouth.
" Great , my reputation proceeds me ,well my luck." I said taking a few drags our of my cigarette.
" An unlucky four exist? Thought you were the only lucky thirteen." The guy named Travis said.
" Well , it runs in the family pretty boy." I said.
He glared at me , making it clear he doesn't like me.
" Why now ? And why didn't Mike take you ?" Abby asked.
Fear dwelled in her eyes.
" He didn't want me , well who would want an unlucky child , really ?" I said chuckling.
" How can you laugh?"
" America right ?" I asked.
The other guy put a hand on her shoulder.
" Well , if you know Abby so much you must know from what she went through right ?" I said
She nodded.
" Well , to put it bluntly I was worse." I said.
She was about to say something but I stopped her.
" Look I don't know what she went through , with a father like Mike , I can imagine , that's why I came,I couldn't leave my foster family until I was an appropriate age.That's why , I am sorry I couldn't come before and let you pass through that deep shit alone. But I can see now that you have great company and I can leave." I said turning my back to them.
" Hey , pretty boy , protect her if she is so important to you." I said.
" No need to tell me." Travis said sounding truthful.
I chuckled and walked to my car.
A hand stopped me.
" Wait, why are you leaving ?" She said.
I turned around to look at her.
" Look , I know that being an Abernathy is no cake and you want to get away from it and don't get me wrong me too, so I just came to check on you , to tell you that even if our family is shitty , you have a cousin. That's all." I said smiling at her.
" The hell with that , you just show up , tell a bomb like that and just leave , are you fucking kidding me ?" Travis said.
I looked at him.
" Shut the fuck up." I said with my worst glare.
He took a step back.
" I like her." The other boy said.
America turned around with a hole in her face.
" Wait baby , let me explain , she just made Travis take a step back , you must admit that's awesome."he said putting his hands of America's shoulder.
She thought for a second and seemed to calmed down.
" True , 'mad dog' maddox is not so mad." America said.
" America , you know I hate that fucken name." Travis said.
" Trav, don't talk to her like that ,man." The other guy stepped in front of the girl.
" Sorry Mare." Travis said turning his attention back to me.
" This is why I am leaving." I said.
They all turned to look at me.
" Get why I got called unlucky , Abby?" I asked her.
She was still looking at me , trying to find a connection somehow.
"Oh come on , it wasn't your fault."America said.
I smiled.
" Who knows."
I turned around and dropped in my car.
Abby didn't say anything.
Not that I blame her , I dropped a bomb like that on her.
I started the engine and then I heard a thump.I turned around to see Abby in the passengers side.
" What?" I asked her.
" I want to know my cousin before she leaves." She smiled.
" Sure about that ? I am not a piece of cake." I said.
" Don't worry so aren't I."
Well somehow we do look the same. I looked at the others.
" Coming?"
They all looked at me for a second but dropped behind me without a word.
" Where to ?" I turned to Abby.
She turned around.
" Sure take her to our place."Travis said.
" Well , look who is opening up." I said.
" Shut up." He said.
"Travis don't talk to my family that way." Abby said.
Travis looked taken aback.
" Don't worry Abby , I am sure , he is just concerned about you." I said.
She turned to me.
" Lead the way." I said before this car got a shit lot awkward.