*Sometime later*
"I love you Emma but I am sorry but I have to go." Roy begun.
"Why? When are you coming back?"
"Not sure five or even seven years."
"Then take me with you." I said with desperation. We had just graduated and he was suddenly giving me such an announcement on graduation day?
"I am sorry Emma. Let's break up."
"What? Why?" I stood shocked and surprised by how everything was breaking fast. "H-have you found another girl..." I asked feeling broken.
"Yes, Emma. She is so pretty and even talented but she is just so stupid." He went on to say. What a jerk! He even has the guts to describe his new girlfriend.
"You cheater!" I yelled as I hit his chest.
"She is also very strong." He added.
"Why would you do this to me? Was all that we had a lie? How long have you..." I swallowed hard.
"We have dated for three months two weeks three days six hours twenty four minutes and..." He looked at his watch. "10...11...12..13 seconds"
"You..." I was about to walk away when he pulled me to a hug. Of course I wasn't going to let him cheat me with his warm hug I was hurting so I pushed him but he did not barge.
"I was only joking Emma. You are my first and last girlfriend."
I looked up to him...Of course I knew that! He was just joking! There possibly couldn't be any girl smarter than me!
"Well, I don't like it! Don't do that again! Ever!" I hit him playfully. "Were you joking about leaving too?" I asked with a worried look and he smiled.
"I wasn't. I am leaving, but with you. Aren't you going to a dance workshop? Who is going to accompany you?"
"Really?? Yes!!" I said excitedly and hugged him tightly.
"Oh, not again!" the lovebirds are at it again." Caleb approached as with Olivia and James a new member of our friend group.
"Am I seriously the only one who is still surprised by the fact they are not siblings? Oh I would have had my chance!" Olivia said.
"Well, we have graduated. I'll miss this school." We all turn to face the building that contained our most cherried moments.
"For sure I'll miss sneaking out through that small hole in the fence." I said eying Caleb.
"Ah, the days." Caleb said.
"Wait, you two sneaked out?? How come I have never heard this?!" Roy exclaimed.
"I guess it's a secret between me and Emma." Caleb said then winked.
"Hey! You can't keep secrets with my girl!" Roy said.
"Say cheese!!" Olivia yelled and before Roy could position himself ready for the camera she snapped the picture. We all laughed at the funny face Roy made in the photo.
"I am keeping this one! Who knows when I'll need to threaten Roy with it!"
"Send me a copy. It might become really useful!" Caleb said.
"Actually, Caleb, you are no better, See?" I pointed at him in the photo looking also funny.
"Give me that!" He grabbed the camera and deleted the photo.
"Hey!" We all whined.
"No worries. I have a copy. You know what they say, always keep a spare one just incase your jealous friend deletes it!" Olivia said.
"No one says that!" James cut in. and we nodded in approval.
I smiled. It was finally a new beginning for me. As for me and Roy dating, we had decided to keep it as a secret from our parents at least until further notice...At least that was what I thought until Roy invited them over saying that I had something to tell them!
That jerk!!
"Emma?" Mom snapped me back to reality. "You had something to tell us?"
"Right, well, I wanted to tell you guys..." I looked to Roy who was also seated next to them waiting to hear what I wanted to say. "Roy and I are in love with each other and there is nothing you can do and also we want your blessing, it's not like we are getting married but still please allow as to date though technically we are dating it's just that you are unaware and...yeah that's it!" I finished my statement and looked to them. The were silent then burst out laughing.
"We already knew that honey." Mom said.
"You knew?"
"Yes dear, Roy already told us everything and it was quite obvious!"
Roy told them everything and still he asked me to tell them?? I glared at Roy who smiled innocently. I too smiled a fake innocent smile. If only he knew...