Dan peeked by the door, "Can I come in?"
"Sure, what's up?" I arranged the pens and folders scattered in front of me making some space for Dan. He handed me a piece of paper.
"These are the needed ingredients for next week, and also on the bottom are additional things for Mrs. Blossom, she said she would pick it up by herself"
I scanned the paper "Liquid smoke, Liquid nitrogen, sumac, turmeric powder, and oregano. Wow, these are unusual is she making some kind of D-I-Y?"
Dan shrugged "You never know what's going on in that lady's mind. Anyways, any improvements on Joville?"
I cracked my knuckles absentmindedly thinking for an answer. After that scenario in the house I'm starting to think this bet was too easy for me "Yeah, a little, I take it easy on her or else she might think I'm using her as a rebound"
Dan played with his fingers "Reese is. . . . I think trying to resist. I invited him for a drink last weekend but he turned me down. Any idea what's going on in that beautiful mind of his?"
I couldn't help smiling "You really had to exaggerate? Beautiful mind what the heck is that, we haven't had time to chat lately. I thinks somethings bothering him"
"Can you find out for me? Please?" Dan gave me the worst puppy eyes I've ever seen.
"If you agree to never doing that again I'll help you and if I do find out, don't tell him directly or else he'll think you're stalking him" I crossed my arms on my chest leaning back.
"You're the best" he blew me a kiss, I rolled my eyes.
Knock, knock
"Oh, is this a bad time?" it was Joville looking flustered.
"Come in Joville, Dan was about to go" I looked at him pointedly.
He winked and stood up "Yeah, I was. Please" he gestured the chair. Joville walked closer and sat down, looking back at Dan his back to her.
"So, what's stirring up in that beautiful mind of yours?" quoting Dan's words, I smiled inwardly.
Joville gave me a half smile "Yesterday I was exploring the city when I saw this park with rental bikes 20 mins from here, do you want to try it sometime?"
"Can we bring Atlas? He might get a bit anxious not having his daily walk"
"Sure, also my parents sent their regards to you and they wanted us to visit them whenever we have the time"
I cooed "Aww, they're so sweet. I'd love that. We can also ride those boats you have in the lake"
Joville smiled genuinely, I had to remember these small details if I want her to fall for me, hard. "Those were my favorite growing up, we could also fish and eat what we catch"
"Sounds great! Are you inviting anyone else?"
Joville's smiled dropped a bit "No, I said to them you were the only one coming."
"I see" Why only me Joville? I swallowed.
"We can bring the gang next time if you want" Joville recovered from her reverie.
"Sure, that seems fun, it would be like a team building to get us more closer and to know our strengths and weaknesses"
Joville nodded "I guess that's all for now, I already hear Reese calling me" she joked.
I smiled "Okay, thank you, Joville."
Not more than ten minutes Jane walked in. I'm famous today with all these visits, is it world visiting day? Unlike Dan and Joville, Jane walked in directly and sat not missing a beat. I waited for her to speak up but I guess she wanted me to speak first.
"To what do I owe the pleasure Jane?" I smiled politely.
"Can you accompany me later for a drink?" Jane squirmed in her seat.
"What's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need medical assistance?" examining her features, nothing seems unusual on her face or arms.
"I'll tell you all about it later" Jane stood up and without saying goodbye she closed the door.
Hmm, what's up with her? I shrugged and went back to work, writing the needed supplies Dan ordered and encoding them. As I was facing the computer I checked they're attendance and also computed their salary and sent the report to Mr. Blossom for approval. Time passed by and before I know it, Jane walked inside.
"Let's go"
"Eager are you?" I stood up from the computer and turned it off, cleaning my desk and grabbed my things and my sling bag. I turned to Jane and we headed out.
Fifteen minutes later I had my second shot glass of tequila. Memories of Jella and Joville fighting in a bar flooded back to me making me swallow hard. We were seated by the bar stools watching the bartender whip the drinks. Jane, across me, looked so deep in thought.
"Should I ask or would you tell?" I took another shot.
"I am attracted to Mr. Dan Griffin" she stated simply not looking at me.397Please respect copyright.PENANA6dBMqDDUnJ
I blinked did I hear her right? "I'm sorry, could you speak up?"
"You heard me, can you keep your distance?" Jane took a shot then looked at me.
Earlier Dan wanted to know what was bothering Reese but instead I receive this, Dan is going to flip. "Is that why your snappy at me? Nothings going on between us"
"You don't know me Art, just do as I say or things will get rough between us" she took another shot and handed a bill leaving me on my own confused with the sudden revelation.397Please respect copyright.PENANA51g9bCYLCd