The Vialist | Penana
The Vialist
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The Vialist
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"You're going back, aren't you?" Clancy asked at last.

Tyler nodded, glancing at him. Clancy sighed, nodding. "You always were a stubborn idiot."

The old Tyler would have objected. The old Tyler would have probably taken offense. But this Tyler, this new, post-end-of-the-world-book-reading Tyler, this whatever he was now Tyler, had to admit Clancy had a point. If any of what this man had said was true, perhaps going back was, in fact, the worst idea yet. But Tyler was out of good ideas. And running for the rest of his life didn't sound right, either.

"Alright," Clancy stood, walking over to one of the bookshelves and pulling a book down. "I'm not going back with you. I can't go back there. So you might as well take this."

Tyler glanced down at the book that Clancy had handed him, then slowly pulled out The Untold. He looked between the two, then back up at Clancy. "I don't... It's the same book."

Clancy shook his head. "Not the same. Mine is the somewhat like a sequel. I've called it The Vialist. But..." He paused a moment, staring intently at Tyler. "I hope you understand that what you are going back to is not what you think it will be. What I wrote in those letters, in that first book... That was over a year ago. Dema has changed since you last saw it. You may understand now that you must know what happened in order to know how to fix it, but I cannot promise that you will be able to."

Tyler nodded silently, then motioned towards The Vialist. "You said it was like a sequel. If you're not coming back, then who's story is it?" A small, grim smile crept across Clancy's face. "Yours."

The Vialist is a Twenty One Pilots AU story centered around the world and mythology of Dema and Trench, inspired by the Clancy letters to promote their studio album "Trench."

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