They barged through the pitch-black corridors. Fortunately, there were flashlights built into their guns. "This way," Aris hissed. "I was near here, so Sonya should be here." The walls were too thick to hear, but he assumed that way, sauntering and hurrying across the twisty, winding halls, until they encountered a shocked guard.
"Hands above your head!" Gally commanded, cocking the gun. The guard released his weapon, and Aris shot a bullet straight through his chest. "This way!" Gally said, clinging to the walls as they slinked past the unconscious guard. "He might wake up. Now, tell me, you said Sonya is somewhere?"
"Yeah, she should be," Aris responded. Just then, two scientists were sauntering down the corridor, about to pass them, when Gally approached them and released the grenade, which bounced off a wall.
Janson and Paige had whirled around, guards shielding them as they rushed forward, but Aris's reaction was immediate. He leaped up, tackling the man to the ground, seizing his arms and then shoving him down into the hall. "Janson!" he heard Paige yell, but then, realized Gally must have knocked her unconscious, as he whirled around to face Gally.
"Let's go," he said, trying to catch his breath.
"Yes, she was kidnapped by WICKED after we were defeated," Aris murmured. He was loath to speak to it. Maybe she was already deceased, gone in heaven, but he didn't want to crush the hopes. "Let's just go." He gripped the Launcher in hand, firing at whoever was in his path and lifted the microphone to his lips. "Did you see Minho yet?"
"Not yet," was the reply. "I think he's in one of the testing rooms. We are still locating him. How's your status?" There was statics on the other side, Thomas seemed to be fiddling with something. "Some rooms don't contain windows, we have broken and forced our way into some of them. But not all."
"Okay," Aris responded and clicked off the radio. He began trudging after Gally, firing at random scientists who were striding down the corridors. "You screwed us over, now here's your chance," he said and pressed the gun. The woman shrieked, pressing her bandage against her head. "Where's Janson?" he said, forcing the muzzle of the gun against her head. The woman reached for her Launcher, but Gally forced the gun onto her head. "Well?"
She exhaled a breath. "I swear, I have no idea where's AD Janson. I'm just a guard." He kicked the female guard in the stomach, giving a hefty blow at the man, as the grenade slammed into her chest. "Let's go," he said through clenched teeth to Gally, who seemed amused at the death of the guard. He fired another bullet, and sauntered over to the door, desperately nudging it against his entire body.
"That must be a lab, only the doctors can have access through it," Aris said, pushing open the door. To his astonishment, it swung open freely. A man was leaning over the table, blocking his view of the person strapped to the bed, but he realized he recognized the girl strapped down in the bed.
Sonya. She had tubes plugged into her body. "Sonya!" he shouted, bolting over to her. "What's happened to you?" The girl gasped for air, her body trembling. Gally had shot the man in the lab coat in the chest, and Aris had hurtled a glass object from the lab. Pulling out the bullet, but before he could reload the gun, he sank to his knees.
"Are you all right?" he said, seizing her shirt, and pulling her into his body. He tugged away from the leather straps and pulled the tubes plugged into her body away from her arms. "What's happened?" She stared up at him, her eyes of fear and shock as she jolted up abruptly, seizing his hands and forcing him into an embrace.
"Oh, my god, how did you break me out?" she said, squeezing his hands together. Tears poured out of her eyes, as he assisted her in rising to her feet. He dragged her towards the door, his Launcher cocked for any incoming insane scientists barging in, as he closed the door with a final slam.
As they continued on, Sonya explained everything to him. "I kept blacking out, they kept attaching all these machines to me and then forcing me to watch a boy get shot, but it was only an illusion," she said hurriedly. "That boy...it was you, Aris! I watched your death play out before me, but fortunately, it shut off, and a syringe plunged into my arm, then I was completely unconscious. I attempted to surface, but it was no use."
"I'm so sorry," Aris muttered under his breath. Gally patted Sonya's arm, before turning back to the main route out of the building.