Fragmented Memory: The Last Marsh Druid | Penana
Fragmented Memory: The Last Marsh Druid
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Fragmented Memory: The Last Marsh Druid
Mark Foster
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(Just a personal project)

In Mun'do, there are places in which people know of as the Towers. Filled with treasures of a forgotten time, people venture into the levels of these Towers to hit it big. But it is not without a catch.

These Towers are guarded by hordes of monsters, from the weak but uncountable Goblin Hordes, to the strong Dragon broods, these creatures guard the treasures within the Towers. Though there are rumors that a Tower's inhabitants have destroyed a city, adventurers remain unfazed.

Heath Erhonial, a member of the rare Marsh Druid circle, in certain circumstances ends up in the city of Regoir, built around the great Tower Heartcold. It is here he begins his journey on discovering friends, foes, powers, his lost memories from 5 years ago, and his heritage as the last Marsh Druid.

Heath's story is only but a fragment of the myriad of characters that would change the world. From an isekai protagonist to knights that are bonded with a parasite, Fragmented Memory is a collection of stories, some with continuity, others without, that wants to convey a world that is both benevolent and unforgiving. 

Hope you enjoy! DM me with your suggestions and comments. Thank you! :D

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 25 minutes
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