The following are included as explanatory remarks, not exact definitions, for the reader who may not be familiar with the terms.
ACV: Armoured Command Vehicle.925Please respect copyright.PENANADqw5v71PH6
925Please respect copyright.PENANAuZw6ve4b51
Ao-dai: The Vietnamese national dress, a close-fitting top and bodice, with long flowing panels from the waist, under which long pants or trousers are worn. Pronounced "ow zhy," by the Northerners and "ow why' by the Southerners.925Please respect copyright.PENANA25h0D1VewH
925Please respect copyright.PENANABSUfsTn8pY
Arc of fire: Each weapon is positioned to fire over a certain piece of ground, which has left and right boundaries. If this is planted on a map, the area would be represented as an arc of the extremities of the boundaries. There are primary (main) and secondary arcs of fire.925Please respect copyright.PENANAWOHS7n4XWs
925Please respect copyright.PENANA1r2ZBs4o9e
ARVN: Army of the Republic of Vietnam, usually pronounced "arvin."925Please respect copyright.PENANAVRIQbBMewC
925Please respect copyright.PENANAQtJKxgJo0I
AWOL: Absent Without Leave.925Please respect copyright.PENANAetlbipshRH
925Please respect copyright.PENANA3yyshz5tCG
Back-up: With reference to meals, coming back for a second serving.
Base-bludging: Bludging in a base or rear area. Anyone who is farther back from the enemy than oneself is a base-bludger. They rarely, if ever, go forward of the wire.925Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZJvjqSg7e
925Please respect copyright.PENANAvJundKmbUb
Base-up! Make camp.
Basic Webbing: Generally the minimum harness that a soldier can wear and carry to enable him to perform his basic fighting functions: waist belt, shoulder harness, ammunition pouches, water bottles, bayonet, entrenching tool, and whatever else the unit deems necessary. On this "basic" webbing the thoughtful army can build big and little packs, bedding, radios, and so on.
925Please respect copyright.PENANAyKx7keRsUb
BHQ: Battalion Headquarters.925Please respect copyright.PENANAVIK9FUUY08
925Please respect copyright.PENANAW0dYxCdgf7
Bird: girl/woman925Please respect copyright.PENANArpjkPF01U9
925Please respect copyright.PENANAijcnnDASJM
Brass-up: To shoot, be shot at, as in "they brassed up two Charlies," and "they got brassed up by a machine gun."
CHQ: Company Headquarters.925Please respect copyright.PENANALrynChdj98
925Please respect copyright.PENANAZAey6jIWlX
Chalk: The group of passengers for a single aircraft.925Please respect copyright.PENANAFIzwS1ZN39
925Please respect copyright.PENANAP8d4XTQbri
Charlie: The enemy, from VC = Viet Cong = Victor Charlie in radio phonetics.925Please respect copyright.PENANAzYmecgoVKc
925Please respect copyright.PENANA8w6dxJRaRa
CO: Commanding Officer.925Please respect copyright.PENANAa6VLQpA0Wu
925Please respect copyright.PENANAREh8lFxuDM
CP: Command Post925Please respect copyright.PENANAnNnvfdfbiP
925Please respect copyright.PENANApsZil2t5PT
CSM: Company Sergeant Major.
925Please respect copyright.PENANAGZiNm4rGNE
Corps: The British army is composed of various corps e.g. infantry, artillery, transport, dental, etc. Everyone belongs to one of them.
925Please respect copyright.PENANAMUF7uRUuqN
III Corps Conference: South Vietnam was divided into four Corps Tactical Zones (CTZ): I, II, III, and IV. These were a means of dividing the country into areas of responsibility in which the various units operated, and had nothing to do with the infantry, artillery, etc., kind of corps. The III Corps HQ was almost adjacent to the airbase and the Conference was attended by a British representative.925Please respect copyright.PENANAwfwrO9vHRY
925Please respect copyright.PENANAGqGEOdzF9L
DMZ: The so-called Demilitarized Zone between North and South Vietnam.925Please respect copyright.PENANA5mM5r8PAWx
925Please respect copyright.PENANAfFvDdPp2T6
Dust-off: Radio callsign for a medical evacuation helicopter, the crews of which were renowned and revered for their efforts to lift wounded out of battle and back to the medical facilities despite bad weather and enemy gunfire. Spoken usage included: "We require Dust-off for six," and "Nigel got Dusted-off to Saigon," i.e., Nigel was evacuated to Saigon by helicopter.925Please respect copyright.PENANAXTYtMgRBBi
925Please respect copyright.PENANApLJ9gSfwbg
FAC: Forward Air Controller: a pilot who flies a small (Cessna) aircraft into the battle area to locate, mark, and guide the fighters or bombers onto the targets. A high degree of skill and courage was needed.
925Please respect copyright.PENANAcEGBST6kTZ
FN: Fabrique Nationale, the Belgian firm of arms makers.925Please respect copyright.PENANA8nnPcTwp4F
925Please respect copyright.PENANAVTQWklysih
Forward of the wire: Outside the barbed-wire perimeter of the unit or base, i.e., out where the enemy may be met. See "basebludger" and "pogo."925Please respect copyright.PENANAWfhXjVlsUq
925Please respect copyright.PENANAllSIrtSfVq
GVN: Government of Vietnam, the Saigon regime.925Please respect copyright.PENANAODjbK7YgB4
925Please respect copyright.PENANAd2oXcU3cf1
Hutchi: Japanese (possibly Korean) word for house or shelter, corrupted to mean the soldier's tent in the field. American "hooch" or "hoochi."925Please respect copyright.PENANAN55D2VKKlK
925Please respect copyright.PENANAOx2RHIhbAl
Huey: UH-1 Helicopter, became Huey.925Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5Hpk0TNgG
925Please respect copyright.PENANATdX6RNmZWH
IO: Intelligence Officer.925Please respect copyright.PENANAjjFd8wCF7E
925Please respect copyright.PENANA7b9yXc3zkU
Iron Triangle: A jungle area, roughly shaped like a triangle, about 30 miles west of Saigon, used by the Viet Cong as a base area.925Please respect copyright.PENANA1P56jjI27d
925Please respect copyright.PENANA6ir8Nmpj5M
J: Jungle.925Please respect copyright.PENANA1HCFKZWma3
925Please respect copyright.PENANAeqjAZJPghR
KIA: Killed In Action.925Please respect copyright.PENANANndtbT36sA
925Please respect copyright.PENANArgdopJBU1Q
Locstat: Location statement, present location.925Please respect copyright.PENANA4tmG6JIRre
925Please respect copyright.PENANAjwQDNYiroA
LO: Liaison Officer925Please respect copyright.PENANAjNK3qdOyRm
925Please respect copyright.PENANAOWCSdsAkLs
Local Force: The Viet Cong National Liberation Front organized their fighting forces on several levels. At the bottom was the village guerilla, then units organized to operate in their home area----but larger than the usual village squad, and given tasks of a more demanding military nature, naturally enough these were called local force units. Above them were regional units and finally the main force.925Please respect copyright.PENANASc0x6dYRzC
925Please respect copyright.PENANAFuiyLUAO5l
LZ: Landing Zone925Please respect copyright.PENANASR8MDfX05h
925Please respect copyright.PENANAHX3qE8DoES
Main Force: Units of soldiers who have graduated from the village guerillas, local and regional force units, are full-time members of the armed forces, and are now regular troops who can be given military tasks such as those given to regular units of the NATO armies.925Please respect copyright.PENANAYV3gCciq5F
925Please respect copyright.PENANA6MxbiIsFNG
MASH: Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.925Please respect copyright.PENANAGwqagIWMp4
925Please respect copyright.PENANAbVn7Fg8UCB
Military Region: The National Liberation Front had divided Vietnam into these areas for their own administrative and operational purposes.925Please respect copyright.PENANAGbsBmaNqPp
925Please respect copyright.PENANAyNfDzRtQAz
MPC: Military Payment Certificate. "Play money" or "Monopoly money" issued by the military authorities in an attempt to halt the flow of dollars into the black market, etc. It is only good in the military system such as canteens, messes, etc. The type or pattern of MPC would be changed at very short notice, and all unchanged old MPC would then be so much paper. There are said to be people throughout Asia with boxes of old MPC, hoping for the day when the particular pattern is again issued, and they will get rich.925Please respect copyright.PENANASxDlbs2VaE
925Please respect copyright.PENANAFzjRnjYBG3
MP: Military Police.925Please respect copyright.PENANAHpd2LYsaZ3
925Please respect copyright.PENANAhwmZsxWBkX
NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer, i.e., below the rank of 2nd lieutenant.
925Please respect copyright.PENANAZ27cq4GwJP
NLF: National Liberation Front. No Communist Revolution is complete without this title.925Please respect copyright.PENANA6Eb20GJQWN
925Please respect copyright.PENANA39XXb6TZOG
NVA: North Vietnamese Army. Never admitted by Hanoi to be in South Vietnam, an assertion believed only by the very naive.925Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4e2B7nKtL
925Please respect copyright.PENANAgHrjK64dGc
OC: Officer Commanding. A company has an OC, a battalion a CO, a division a COC---General Officer Commanding.925Please respect copyright.PENANAGgbu26ofS8
925Please respect copyright.PENANAzeYNMoXNg1
Orders Group: A gathering for the purpose of passing on orders to subordinates.925Please respect copyright.PENANA7H0BwxBNSl
925Please respect copyright.PENANAM8zBsttrzI
Political Officer: The communist forces, being the armed effort of the political organization, are always subject to strict political control, which is achieved by placing a political infrastructure paralleling that of the military command, at all levels from company on up. The political officer has the final word in disagreements between the military and political. Called commissars in earlier times, they are a very important and effective means of ensuring control, motivation, and explanation of policy to the soldiers.925Please respect copyright.PENANA2pm79LqCt7
925Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3MFBxkG2q
Pepper-pot: A tactic for advancing under fire where one or two soldiers at a time leap up, run forward a few paces, go down, roll away, and fire on the enemy while their comrades are doing likewise. The enemy is presented with fleeting targets all across his front, making it very hard for him to take on an accurate shot. Like many other things, it requires practice and teamwork.925Please respect copyright.PENANAVW73J4X9aq
925Please respect copyright.PENANAxUSrNskIJk
Pogo: See Basebludging. Pogos are the same, but worse. They supposedly spend their time bouncing aimlessly around the rear areas on a pogo-stick and are thus of no use to the fighting troops, i.e., anyone closer to, or likely to be closer to, the enemy.925Please respect copyright.PENANA9py3ve9XbE
925Please respect copyright.PENANAj3iFQjuZYv
PPS: Russian submachine gun of World War II vintage, firing a 7.62mm round.925Please respect copyright.PENANAiTm6EdV3IJ
925Please respect copyright.PENANANAiYgB4cXT
PX: Post Exchange = US Canteen.925Please respect copyright.PENANA9px81NTySe
925Please respect copyright.PENANAMXmOSCghOT
RATTV: Royal Army Training Team, Vietnam.925Please respect copyright.PENANAhteeXxnLNC
925Please respect copyright.PENANAbazQocOBlD
Regional Force: Along with a similar organization called the popular force, were part-time troops of the Saigon Regime, used for guard and other light military duties, which could include operations to search for the VC, normally operating in their home locations or areas. Abbreviated in RF/PE so immediately were called "ruffpuffs."925Please respect copyright.PENANAhM72Fqq6cu
925Please respect copyright.PENANAGTQvdmVN7X
RPD: Russian light machine gun for section or squad use. The initials stand for the Russian words, the D being for Degtyarev, the designer.925Please respect copyright.PENANAaMIvlF1GKM
925Please respect copyright.PENANA6K2gDA9YxY
RMO: Regional Medical Officer, the battalion doctor.925Please respect copyright.PENANA2N0MhK35Ol
925Please respect copyright.PENANAFGLmvFtIDO
RSM: Regimental Sergeant Major, the senior noncommissioned officer in the unit, responsible to the CO for discipline.925Please respect copyright.PENANAtUcVFlWxpt
925Please respect copyright.PENANAgyvugdKnIm
RV: Rendezvous925Please respect copyright.PENANAKpiTL4Ow5u
925Please respect copyright.PENANABHuPfxJUNa
Slicks: Troop-carrying helicopters, as opposed to armed versions, the "gunships," called "pigs"925Please respect copyright.PENANATUZexY4DuN
925Please respect copyright.PENANAV1Xv08QZ7n
Slope: U.S. term for Asian, similar to the British "wog."925Please respect copyright.PENANANk2ezcGc4t
925Please respect copyright.PENANAdrcKyKCFeC
SLR: Self Loading Rifle; the British-modified Belgian FN, produced at Birmingham, firing the standard NATO 7.62mm round, pronounced "slur."925Please respect copyright.PENANAL3qSBTnlvB
925Please respect copyright.PENANAhPLB7yEVyf
Smoke: To shoot, kill925Please respect copyright.PENANA7baVnfb7gv
925Please respect copyright.PENANAg3zJsRjMat
Tommy: A British soldier.925Please respect copyright.PENANAXLt7LDOFnK
925Please respect copyright.PENANAnyfxFXPLMk
Twenty mike mike: 20-millimeter cannon, from 20mm.925Please respect copyright.PENANAROhq66QWvQ
925Please respect copyright.PENANAaUn1N0Ekub
VC: Viet Cong, the Vietnamese for Vietnamese Communist.925Please respect copyright.PENANAfrJXNzwD4h
925Please respect copyright.PENANAPUsgQKeQf6
VNAF: Vietnamese Air Force.925Please respect copyright.PENANAtE1mZgDmNP
925Please respect copyright.PENANAMt8Hi5F9gC
War Zone D: A term dating from the 1950s war against the French, for a large expanse of jungle about forty miles northeast of Saigon, in which the VC had base camps, training areas, etc., and which was rarely entered by government forces prior to 1965; also called D-Zone or Zone D. Zone C was farther to the southwest, and others were to the north.925Please respect copyright.PENANAOpqpIaxanh
925Please respect copyright.PENANANzftu3ECYI
Wog: British slang for an Asian: more fully "Westernized Oriental Gentleman." Plural is "wogs" and the land is sometimes referred to as "Woggeria."925Please respect copyright.PENANAAFZt6dRfxT
925Please respect copyright.PENANARdA4LuEKmG
Watch your front!: Do not stare down your shirt buttons and trouser fly, but pay attention to the area of ground before you, your arc of fire.925Please respect copyright.PENANA3irz0Z8EZJ
925Please respect copyright.PENANAt6YT5CLtJf
WIA: Wounded in Action. 925Please respect copyright.PENANAMT5c6jkx8Z
925Please respect copyright.PENANAB7gvj9cdps
Yank(s): citizen(s) of the United States of America.925Please respect copyright.PENANAJIBzvR7KPp
925Please respect copyright.PENANAjG17xhzhV6
925Please respect copyright.PENANA6nBAaxW0NX
925Please respect copyright.PENANAn75lSEiujl
925Please respect copyright.PENANAewykWTJL3i
925Please respect copyright.PENANAJKHQJPPrpU
925Please respect copyright.PENANAvmqrKWOjBc
925Please respect copyright.PENANAntpz0Px62Q
925Please respect copyright.PENANAWfZHQuRIy4
925Please respect copyright.PENANApJ4HAylpN1
925Please respect copyright.PENANAlEFd4dfX9M
925Please respect copyright.PENANAWDtdhWJZZl
925Please respect copyright.PENANA8FsyFD3Utx
925Please respect copyright.PENANAM6d80ZFdEh
925Please respect copyright.PENANAMF4xDveTMq
925Please respect copyright.PENANASB4FPAPLP1
925Please respect copyright.PENANAB4Kfzn1pWt
925Please respect copyright.PENANAT3Zy9CbYl1
925Please respect copyright.PENANAgQjTZIWKPG
925Please respect copyright.PENANAH74SrfchL8
925Please respect copyright.PENANAK449EO6vQo
925Please respect copyright.PENANAj8j2Bq9WQk
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925Please respect copyright.PENANAqXTHvMKV9V
925Please respect copyright.PENANAupfNMzfHNh