I couldn't remember what happened after Rayi shoved me into the back of my consciousness. There was a roaring in my ears that had yet to leave. When I came to, Will was standing over me with his knee pressed harshly into my chest. He was breathing heavily, the right sleeve of his shirt soaked with blood. I couldn't tell what he was thinking as I stared up at him with wide eyes.
"Hard to believe that slip of a girl could take almost all of us out." I heard one sniff as the roaring lessened.
I felt my brow wrinkle in confusion. I attacked the Archangels and—mostly—won?
"My Lord," I looked back at Will. He had his head turned to where Joel stood, his face pale with shock. "What should we do with her?"
The words Joel had said before came back, as well as the burning anger. There must have been a shift in my aura because Will had whirled back on me, one hand grabbing me by the neck and the other placed by my head so he could maintain his balance. My sternum crunched as he added pressure with his knee, forcing a gasp out of me.
"Don't even think about it," He snarled malignly at me.
The look of abhorrence in his eyes made tears prick my eyes, my anger vanishing completely from his expression. I whimpered pathetically, wondering if my life would be ended by him. I hoped he would show me some mercy, even if I didn't deserve it.
"...Send her back." Joel's defeated tone made both of our heads snap in his direction.
"What?!" Came the collective response from the Archangels, especially Luke. His face was paler—if that were possible—and covered with sweat. The sneer he gave me was darker than before. I looked away from him swiftly.
Joel sank into his throne, all the unkindness that had been on his face earlier replaced with moroseness. He repeated, "Send her back to Hell. It is apparent she knows nothing of Dezso's whereabouts or condition. She has shown herself to be too dangerous to remain in Heaven, even as a prisoner. William, you take her."
"Then why not just kill her?" Luke questioned, his white eyes seeming to glow with his indignation.
Joel's eyes met mine before they hardened and looked away. "That would undoubtedly start a war. As it is, we are on the brink for bringing an Optima here. I gave the order out of conniption and for that I apologize. William, bring her back to the portal in no worse condition than she already is in."
I wasn't sure if he was giving the order out of some misplaced fraternal concern for me, or something else. I highly doubted now, of all times, he would begin to worry about my wellbeing. Either way, it hadn't mended my general opinion on him. I said, loud enough for all of them to hear me, "A leader should never give a command when his emotions are rampant."
"Why you-!" One of the Archangels, who rivaled the size of the Steel-Toed Angel, took a step toward me before a tall woman grabbed his arm and shook her head when he glowered at her.
Will got off me before gripping the front of my dress and lifting me up. As soon as my feet touched the cold floor, he grasped my bicep tightly and began to lead me out of the room.
We were moving quickly through the halls, the stained windows a blur. I stumbled several times trying to keep pace with his long strides as he virtually dragged me to the golden gate. The guards there gave an outcry of protest when they saw me and realized I had been released rather than executed. I shot them both a dirty look.
There was a flutter and I turned my attention back to Will. His wings were outstretched to their full span. They flapped and we left the ground. Once we were out of sight, he pulled me into his arms, holding me bridal style. I instinctively wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he dived, his wings pressed flat against his body. My stomach was in my throat and I nearly bit through my lip to hold back my scream of panic. How could he be so used to this sensation?
We didn't speak during the flight down. I refrained from looking at him, uncertain if the look of abhorrence would still be there. His body was so warm, my eyes drooping somewhat despite the speed of our descent. His thumb briefly rubbed my thigh, but it happened so quickly I wasn't sure if I imagined it. I still didn't dare steal a glance at his handsome face. Will spread his wings once more when the ground came into sight, slowing our plunge to a lazy crawl.
As his feet touched the ground he let me slide out of his arms, my feet touching the cool grass. It was dark out, the stars shining dimly in the inky sky. Looking to my right I saw the portal and felt a wave of relief that he had brought me directly to it. Without looking at him, I made to move towards the portal, but a hand stopped me.
I didn't move as I felt my body tense. Will gently tugged on my arm, coaxing me to come closer and face him. After a moment's hesitation, I obeyed but kept my eyes on his leather boots.
"Melanie." His tone was chiding. I shrank like a child who had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. He noticed and sighed, "Are you alright?"
Rayi rolled her eyes, unimpressed by his concern. Funny time to start showing it. She muttered grumpily.
I lifted one shoulder and dropped it, my hands fisting the front of my frock. He sighed a little impatiently and his fingers went under my chin, tilting my face up to him. He didn't look at me the way he had in Heaven, though there was still a trace of fear in his crimson eyes. I felt penitent just seeing the trace.
"What did He say to you?" He asked softly.
My shoulders stiffened around my neck. He removed his fingers from my chin and stared at me with interest. He added, "I've never seen you so upset before. He must have said something highly offensive."
I finally found my voice with a croaky, "Why do you care? I mean nothing to you now."
The atmosphere seemed to drop ten degrees. I honestly thought Luke had followed us until I saw Will's face. It was a mixture of anger and hurt, his mouth downturned severely. For a moment his eyes flashed brightly. "Is that what you think?"
"It's what I know." As my voice returned, it grew sharper. "You left me out to die in the snow."
If possible, he frowned more so. His brow was crinkled and his eyes were beginning to narrow. I slid my right foot back several millimeters.
"I did no such thing. You ran out into a blizzard. I assumed you made it to the portal safely. You're alive, aren't you?" He sneered, his tone condescending in the last sentence.
Rayi was beginning to stir the more my ire magnified. I imagined my eyes were red tinged by now. I growled, "The only reason I am alive is because the Angel of Love discovered me, half frozen, and permitted me to take shelter in his greenhouse. He ensured my survival, something you didn't do."
Will seemed shocked at my information and, for a moment, regret clouded his eyes before they hardened once more. He murmured, "You still didn't tell me what God said to you."
"I do not see how that is any of your concern. I mean nothing to you anymore, so I would appreciate it if you would stop prying into matters that do not concern you." I retorted coldly before spinning on my heel to face the portal. "Now if you will excuse me, I would very much like to return home."
Before I could take a step, Will gripped both my arms and spun me around to face him. His grip was tight, almost painfully so, and I couldn't help but to gasp in alarm. His hair was rising like a dog's hackles.
He bared his teeth at me as he snarled, "Dammit, Melanie, stop being a brat! I'm sorry, okay?! I'm sorry I blamed you for something you had no part in. I'm sorry I didn't go after you when you ran into the blizzard. God knows how much I wanted to but my pride wouldn't let me!"
I gaped at him with wide eyes. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, sagging with the exhalation. His grip loosened until he was barely holding my arms. If I wanted to I could pull myself away and meet no resistance, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. When he reopened his eyes they were softer, any nuances of fear or anger long gone.
"I'm sorry," he continued, his voice quieting into a rumble, "that you were forced to Heaven and treated so roughly."
His left hand rose and lightly touched my cheek on the place the Steel-Toed Angel struck me, and added, "When Amir began to kick you around it took all my self-control to keep me from tearing him apart."
I could feel my resolve begin to slip as I stared up at him. How often had I dreamed of his warm touch against my face? And now here he was, caressing my face like he had done several months before. I permitted myself to lean somewhat into his hand, my eyelids fluttering.
"And then to see you lose yourself to your Adsecula." My blood chilled at the mention of Rayi. "I was worried you were gone completely. That was when I realized no matter how little I see you or how angry I was at you for something purely coincidental, it wouldn't change how I feel. So, don't ever doubt you mean nothing to me when you mean everything to me."
A lump was beginning to form in my throat. My mouth dried and I felt my eyes mist over. Will stared imploringly at me as he pleaded, "Please, Melanie. Forgive me. These months have been torturous without your presence."
Rayi could feel me weakening and scorned, Your heart is too soft. She said nothing more after. I chose not to respond to her.
Instead, I lifted my hand up and rested it on Will's hand; the one still on my cheek. I grabbed it and pressed his palm against my lips. I kissed it and said, "I have missed you, too."
He slid his hand out of mine and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. I hugged him back, burying my face in his soft tunic. I felt him rest his head on mine, his nose probably buried in my hair.
Against his chest I said, muffled, "I will not tell you what God said to me. It is...not my place to say."
I could sense he wasn't happy with my reluctance to disclose to him what his Lord said that caused such a violent reaction from me, but he didn't pry. He just nodded and placed a kiss on the top of my head. I pulled back from him, filled with a warmth I hadn't felt since last winter.
"I must go now and so should you before they begin to suspect." I suggested, looking over my shoulder at the waiting portal.
I faced Will as he nodded. He promised, "I will see you soon. Be safe."
He took my hand, squeezed it, and spread his wings once more. With several mighty beats, he took to the sky. I stood and watched him fly until he was a tiny dot. Rayi called my attention to the portal, reminding me of the guards posted on the other side. I slouched and pushed my fringe out of my face.
"How am I supposed to go through then? Lucifer's orders were specific: No one leaves or enters through the portal. I'll be killed if I just waltz through." I wondered aloud, my contempt for my kidnapping increasing all the more.
You can shift into a raven and hope for the best. Rayi suggested.
I thought about her suggestion and tried to come up with an alternative. Walking through was out of the question unless I wanted to be beheaded. And, there was really no other way to get back without being in a contract with a human.
"Yeah. Right. Hope for the best." I shifted into a raven and soared through the portal.
I nearly ran directly into a guard, who shouted in alarm. He batted at me as his hellhound leaped for me, trying to capture me in its powerful jaws. I cawed indignantly and flew up out of their reach.
"It's just a dumb crow. Leave it; the atmosphere will kill it soon enough." His partner said dismissively.
I flew swiftly until I reached the beginning of the city. There were very few demons on the street and as I flew past the massive watch tower, it chimed two in the morning. Inwardly, I muttered a string of curses. There was no doubt my lack of presence had been noticed.
I landed behind my house and shifted back before creeping inside. The entire house was silent and it seemed like everyone was sleeping, thankfully. I crept up the stairs, wincing when they creaked under my weight, and pressed myself against the wall as I got to my room.
To my surprise, my door opened itself and a hand grabbed my wrist, yanking me in. I almost screamed, but another hand covered my mouth before I could. Glowing amber eyes peered down at me and white teeth flashed in the darkness.
"Where have you been?" Zane hissed, releasing me when he felt me relax in his hold. "The King asked for you and Father was furious when no one could find you. Why is your dress so torn up?"
I hesitated. If I told him what happened he would have to tell Father and I would be used as an excuse for Lucifer to launch an attack on the angels. I'd be damned if I would be like Helen of Troy. Mentioning our mother had a bastard with an angel was also out of the question. Before I could stammer out a lie, Zane leaned toward me, sniffing me.
"You smell like human air." He accused, his eyes glowing brighter in his annoyance.
"I had a contract. It took longer than anticipated." I half lied, looking away from his eyes.
"What? What kind of contract takes twelve hours?" He scorned.
"You know I can't disclose the information of my contracts." I growled, walking over to my bed. "Get out; I'm exhausted."
"If I find out you lied to me..." He trailed off, his implications heavy.
"I'm not." I snapped.
I didn't face him as I unzipped my dress. I heard him leave, quietly closing my door behind him. I sighed and stepped out of my dress. I wanted to bathe, but I didn't have the strength to lug myself to my bathroom. I collapsed face first on my bed, asleep before I had even hit the mattress.