train of thought | Penana
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I woke up in the middle of an abandoned house when I suddenly heard a loud police siren approaching. I searched my cellphone and noticed that my clothes and hands were covered in blood when I looked around there was an old woman who was bloody and had a knife stuck in her chest I was surprised and ran out of the door when I met three policemen. The inspector and the two police officers introduced themselves as Hugo Graver, Rem Meguire and Henric Ivler. the inspector asked my name and what I was doing in the abandoned house. as the inspector asked me the two policemen went straight to the abandoned house.

"my name is lex jaeger and i don't know how i got here." I answered.

Insp: why is your dress stained with blood?

"I don't know. what I remember, I just drank at the bar and then when I woke up I was already here."

"He is telling the truth Inspector. I have not seen a killer sleeping at the crime scene after he killed the victim"

that's what the man said while walking towards us.

Insp: why did you just come eustace?

and that's where I first met detective eustace rehn.

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