for some godforsaken reason people seem to think i'm just a fairy tale well its true after all that's how all little boys and girls know me as just a bedtime story. i wonder who made up that rubbish but i'm not here to rant about fairy tales no i'm here to tell you the truth and for gods sake my name is isabella not cinderella not ella or briella or whatever else you've all decided my name is its isabella and this is my fairytale.
my mother was a beautiful woman who passed away when i was child.of course i might of had something to do with that perphaps i might of slipped some deadly arsenic into her tea or slipped some lead into her face powder or something along the lines of that there are many ways to discretely dispose of someone after all.when i say she was beautiful i'm not kidding she had a lovely smiley face and cheeks of flushed red not to mention her sliky long curly brown hair. so i had to dispose of her she got in my way and so she had to go after all she extremely humble and far too uptight with money. father would want to buy me a pretty new dress but she would disaggree an the basis that i would become a spoilt dare she describing her own kin as spoilt . however her death was not in vain ith no one to stop father dotting on me with love and attention and gifting me everything my sweet innocent heart could want i was living the dream.
that was till father decided that i had to have a mother figure. hah me need a mother figure how did he come to that decision but as much as i begged pleaded and cried i was still forced to welcome my new stepmother and stepsisters as soon as they arrived i had decided it was time for my papas timely death after all her had been looking sicker and sicker with all the arcenic i was slipping into his tea and so i finished the job with some water hemlock i found in the woods. poor papa he had violent seizures for several days before he died. but at last he was out of my way and my wealth was closer than ever and easier to obtain too.
my stepmother was a weak and feeble woman and was easy to manipulate to get what i wanted after all i had given her a few hints on what had happened to her husband. her stepdaughters were my servants they were just like their sol parent useless to me. after all i was a manipulative person i ran my fathers bussess and because of that we flourished a few words hear and there and i was gifted an envelope to the princes royal ball.with my new found wealth i spared no expense on a lavish dress.i was the belle of the ball.
and very soon i would be isabella the queen.