It was the darkness that was surrounding him the same pitch-black darkness which once he resented, which with time became his only companion. But now he was terrified to stand alone in the darkness. It was enclosing and entrapping him. He looked down at his hands sensing the dampness all over them, he expected to see traces of sweat but he was petrified seeing the scarlet color of blood, he looked all over his body to find traces of any injury which caused the flow of blood, but he was not injured. That's when he heard the rough scream, he looked up with a sudden surge of panic, all instincts inside him shouted him to run but he stood rooted to his spot, it was as if his legs had lost the ability to move, he thought that the scream would disappear like it always did but the scream just got louder and louder so did the panic inside him. He enshrouded his ears with his hands to shut down the reverberating sound of the scream but the effort was just in vain, finally gathering the tiny bit of strength left in him and shoving the burning panic deep inside him, he started moving in the direction of the scream. At first, it was difficult for him to move in the darkness but soon he took a steady pace. All of a sudden the scream died down to nothing, but he still kept moving, there was something which was pulling him towards it. The silence scared him more than the screaming did, he took each step consciously, but the path just went on and on, after which felt like an eternity, he finally gave up the idea of moving forward and was about to turn around when he heard the tiny suppressed sobs, he stopped and looked around him to find where the sound was coming from, that’s when he saw a small boy sitting in front of him with his head in between his knees and crying softly, Dylan could feel the boy's devastated state like one of his own, Dylan silently kept looking at the boy afraid to make any sound which would terrify the boy even more. The boy slowly looked up at Dylan, he had the same intense topaz blue eyes as Dylan, Dylan gasped when he saw the boys face, the boy was his seven-year-old self.
Dylan got up with a sudden jolt, gasping for air. He felt like his lungs were burning. With his eyes still closed he leaned into the headboard slat of his bed, breathing in maximum air he could inject into his throbbing lungs. He tried to calm down but the lingering bits of his nightmare didn’t let the calming down easy. He slowly started becoming conscious of his surroundings when his nightmare started drifting far apart from his reach, but as soon as he became aware of the wetness covering his body, Dylan found himself panic-stricken. He didn't dare to open his eyes and look at his damp body. He was afraid of finding blood all over him as he did in the nightmare. But when He opened his eyes he found himself drenched in his own sweat and immediately felt stupid for bracing such an absurd idea. He was still wearing his last night's grey hoodie and black jeans, the only difference was now, his clothes were clinging to his body because of the sweat which he felt was gross. He stood from his bed accidentally kicking the whiskey bottle which he had emptied last night before passing out getting drunk. As soon as he got up he yelped from the pain surging through his body from the injuries he got from the last night's notorious fight.
He stripped off his clinging clothes as quickly as possible without stirring any more of his bruises.
He crept into the hot shower which was indeed the best he could do to ease his over toiled muscles and calm down the strain caused by the bruises. As the hot water glided from his head to toe Dylan relaxed. Slowly the thoughts about his last night's nightmare crashed into his now unconfined mind.
Dylan has repeatedly seen some parts of this nightmare before, but it’s the first time he was ever seeing his younger self being pulled into this. But he knew better not to dig up the memories which he had buried deep inside him years ago so he just let the nightmare be as trivial as it could be. When Dylan found his bruises alleviate he knocked off the tap stopping the shower, he covered himself with a bathrobe and crept out of the bathroom. As soon as he got out he heard his phone ring. Dylan found his phone in between entangled sheets, a small smile pinched his lips as soon as he saw Catherine's name flash on the caller ID. He answered the call on the next ring.
"Hey Cathy," Dylan said trying to sound as cheerful as he could be after a wild night of creepy nightmare.
"Hey, Dylan..... Are you okay? "She sounded concerned.
For a moment Dylan thought that even after his tremendous attempt to keep his worry out of his voice Cathy still saw right through it.
But her next words cleared that suspicion
"I mean, after last night's fight you were quiet injured Dylan, so I called you to check whether you are okay"
"Oh... yeah I am"
His voice had a tinge of disappointment in it but he masked it with his hoax laugh which he often used with his friends and Cathy when it was way out of their league to understand his feelings.
Hearing him laugh, the tension in Cathy's voice eased.
"You are not going to miss the first day of senior year are you?" she asked sarcastically and ended up chuckling.
This time a real smile played on his lips, he loved it when Cathy talked sarcastically and always ending up laughing.
He ended the call after promising her that he would definitely be at the university by 8:45. Without wasting any more time in his lame thoughts he got dressed up in a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and his usual favorite black jacket. He picked up his bike keys along with his helmet and rushed out of the front door and found his bike parked in the same place where he had left it yesterday. Dylan hopped on his bike and turned on the engine, the engine shriveled into start which caused a sudden course of adrenaline in his veins. He always felt this way when he rode his bike, the same adrenaline rush that makes him forget about everything else. About 15 minutes later Dylan reached the Columbia university front gate.
As always his friends were waiting for him in the parking lot. Dylan didn't feel like he was coming back to the university after 2 long months. Everything just felt the same as he had left it. The knot in his chest eased a bit when he saw his friends smiling at him. He pulled up his bike on the same spot where he's been parking for the last 3 years which now became his official spot. As he parked his bike his friends gathered around him, he never wanted to feel like a special person but at instances like these his so-called friends made him feel like one. As soon as he got off the bike Catherine jumped into an embrace which he happily returned. After which Ellen hugged him so hard that Dylan winced due to the gushing pain from his bruises, which she didn’t even take notice of. Mike's hug was definitely not like his girlfriend’s it was more like a smooth one hand hug. At last Dylan bumped fists with Kelvin. Kelvin was not so much of a physically affectionate person. Well, his rules are different for the girls he hooks up with every week. Kelvin was his best friend; the person who knew him much better than most of his friends. Immediately after the reconcile session it was Ellen who spoke up first.
"Well I really don’t know Dylan whether I should be surprised, shocked, or stunned seeing you here on the first day of senior year, especially after the stunt you pulled yesterday," she said sardonically.
Dylan pouted with mock embarrassment.
"Ell you can't completely blame Dylan for yesterday's fight. Dylan clearly won the race but that shithead jerk was not ready to accept his defeat and he was so induced into breaking Dylan’s head. Kicking that shithead's ass was definitely the right thing to do" Kelvin spoke up defending Dylan.
Dylan hearing his best friend's words of support smiled warmly at him
"Kelvin you're the only person who can understand me, here give me a high five" Dylan raised his hand for a high five which Kelvin returned with at most pleasure.
"Well in the act of kicking that jerks ass, you're ass too got kicked Dylan" saying this Ellen turned to Kelvin
"And Kelvin, don't you see the collateral damage Dylan got in the form of bruises?”
“And for instance, the most important point to be noted here is that... the only things you did this summer vacation were bike racing, getting drunk, and getting into fights Dylan. At times I really think how your body is handling all this fights and injuries" Ellen said pointing at Dylan.
Dylan smirked hearing that.
Dylan walked up to Ellen's side and held her to him, gently squeezing her shoulders. Ellen gave a puzzled look. Dylan spoke grinning at her.
"My dear little tomboy ell...." Dylan paused, Ellen, glared at him. After getting the anticipated reaction from ell he continued cutting off Ellen's next ready to blast words.
"Taking your concern into consideration I Dylan Steve mark has decided to be….. uh well at least try to be a very polite, young gentleman and as a first step... I will be attending all the classes of this senior year." Dylan looked at each one of them expecting them to say something back, but they were all too bewildered to say anything at that moment, but then all of a sudden 4 of them burst into laughter as if Dylan had just cracked a hilarious joke. Dylan was annoyed with their improbable response.
"Excuse me.... did I say some kind of a joke which I'm not aware of? " he asked clearly being vexed.
All four of them tried to suppress their laugh, but the more they tried the harder they laughed.
Dylan stood leaning against his bike with his arms folded against his chest waiting for them to stop their sheer imprudent laughter. He threw louring glances at them which finally ushered their laughter to a halt.
"All these 3 years which we have known you, you never said anything this significant about your life Dylan," Mike said failing to keep a straight face.
"By chance does all this so-called resolution of yours to become a good guy which is not, too quick to be believed have anything to do with your grandmom, Dylan?" Cathy asked raising an eyebrow questioningly.
"Uhm....." Dylan paused. He definitely didn’t want to take this conversation that far. He always tried keeping his friends away from any chat about his grandmom. But this time he knew better not to avoid this question.
"Well probably yes... I thought I can live with that much goodness in me"
"Your grandmom does care a lot about you Dylan," Ellen said patting his back warmly.
Dylan smiled, but it was more of a despondent smile. Only if they knew, he thought to himself. He looked down trying to hide the overcast shadow of pain in his eyes. He wanted to divert this conversation so he asked the most trifling question that came into his mind.
"By the way which is the first hour we have?" he asked gathering a cheerful tone. Kelvin glanced at Dylan, if he knew Dylan was just diverting the path of the conversation he didn't manifest it for good. The sudden change in the topic surely brought back the excitement of the first day of senior year in the air.
"Literature" Cathy grinned
Dylan's gaze shifted to utter aversion
" no no...not this year," he said sulking.
"Aww stop complaining Dylan. Even though you hate literature you will still have to attend it, remember you're scared of your grandmom" Cathy said trying hard to stop her lips from pulling into a smile.
"Hahaha very funny and for your information, I am not scared of her" wow a very well casted lie.
" still have to attend it" saying this Cathy propelled Dylan to walk forward. Dylan pulled a brooding face and walked off stamping his feet like a child, they followed behind him to class secretly laughing at his tantrums.
She is sitting in the art hall painting her now hues filled canvas which is placed in front of her. Her hands were sprinkled with disparate shades of paint. Bristles of her black wavy hair peeking out of the ponytail brushed her forehead and cheek. Her profound hazel colored eyes toying and froing in motion with her swiftly moving fingers over the canvas.
A small smile spread her lips when she saw her delineate painting complete. She rose from her seat and walked to the sink at the end of the hall. As the water flew down from the tap, she scoured the paint away from her hands. When every trace of paint was removed, she turned off the tap and dried her hands. She freed her hair from the hair tie and let the smooth curls of her hair glide on her soft silk fabric near the waistline. When it was time, she took her leather bag and started walking towards the front door. She glanced back one more time before she walked out of the hall.