講一句笑話你聽:我有個朋友,當初大學畢業嘅時候有個 job offer 。我問佢份工做乜啦,佢話係做 Operations 嘅。咁我再問佢, Opera...
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營運管理:你會係《賓虛》入面划船嘅壯士嗎?8964 copyright protection459PENANAja8intetQb 維尼
講一句笑話你聽:我有個朋友,當初大學畢業嘅時候有個 job offer 。我問佢份工做乜啦,佢話係做 Operations 嘅。咁我再問佢, Opera...8964 copyright protection459PENANABA6s1qcR0T 維尼
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