The Sebakar Sword | Penana
The Sebakar Sword
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The Sebakar Sword
Paul Robison
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This story is about life in Turania, Central Asia during the pacification that followed that country's annexation by Russia in 1899.  

It concerns Russian army families---the Karamazov brothers, Dmitri and Alexi, and General Milekhina and his daughter, Raisa.  Dmitri was the better soldier but Alexi was handsome and far more spectacular, especially in his conquests of women.....

After action around Vezek against the holy warriors of Sasanfanif, the Karamazovs' regiment is transferred to the dread Sebakar region, where a warrior chieftain has been attempting to set himself up as an anti-Russian khan.  A medical mission is there and Dmitri finds himself smitten by the missionary's redheaded sister, Chloe.  Then the renegade sultan attacks and drives the army from the plains, then drives the army away from the valley, and kidnaps Chloe and Raisa.

Alexei is now left to take command of the punitive expedition. 

Will he win?

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Total Reading Time: 4 hours 28 minutes
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