Suddenly, bumped into someone.
"Hey, watch your step," the man yelled.
He was short, had white skin, wore thick black shades and short sleeves with a hoodie that covered most of his face. (I don't know why but I recognized him from somewhere and it's weird! It's like I'm recognizing everyone today.)
I apologized and continued on my way. He then took off his jacket and his shades.
"Lucy?" He asked staring at me. "Is it really you?" I looked at him, confused. What did he mean by that?
Then I heard thumping. Very heavy thumping.
There's only one person I know who shouts like that. Natsu. He was heading directly towards us at a speed of 25 mph.
"LUCY!!!!" Natsu shouted.
Natsu quickly spotted and ran up to us.
"Lucy, where have you been?" He asked. "I've been looking all over for you."
He gave me a quick hug, right before he noticing the man standing behind him. He then gave him a curious look and frowned.
"Hey, who's this man that I don't know?" Natsu asked. The man was staring at Natsu's pink hair.
"Hey, what are you looking at?" Natsu said when he finally noticed. He then grabbed the man by his shirt and lifted him up into the air. He was about to punch the living daylights out of that poor man when we heard shouting in the distance.
"Timothy, what are you doing?" a familiar voice shouted.
It was Carla. Carla is my friend Wendy's exceed. (An exceed is a special breed of cats that can use magic.)Wendy hatched Carla when she was very little and they've been best friends pretty much their whole lives.
Anyway back to the story.........
Carla was in her usual human form. A brown 13-year-old girl with white hair. Her white tail and cat ears were still showing but blended in with the rest of her outfit: a business suit with grey jeans. She had just walked out of the restaurant and was greeted with the sight of Natsu getting ready to punch the life out of some stranger. She gave Natsu a 'what-happened-this-time' look.
"Timothy, why are you about to punch that poor man?" Carla asked. "Did he do something to you?"
"You better believe he did!" Natsu shouted, tightening his grip. "This dude showed out of nowhere, startled Lucy, and stared at my hair like some sort of weirdo. Come on Lucy, back me up." Everyone stared at me.
"Well.....He didn't exactly startle me per se......" I squeaked. Carla smiled.
"See, he wasn't bothering anyone," Carla stated. "Now please let the poor man go."
Natsu nervously smiled and loosened his grip on the man causing him to collapse onto the ground.
"Um...Timothy, why is there a man in front of you begging for his life?" A familiar voice asked.