Hello everyone! As you can see I deleted the 1 and 2 chapters that I posted 😑
I decided to edit these chapters and to post a Prologue.
Hope you will enjoy the story!😊836Please respect copyright.PENANA47YFOFuIkj
(English is my second language, that's why you can notice some mistakes) 836Please respect copyright.PENANASWjM8J0eqh
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The man wearing a dark blue cloak and a hood over his head, with a design of the two dragons, black and white dragons on his cloak. He stopped to take a rest from his long walk in front of the castles window. He was holding the window frame, so he would not fall, while panting and sweating. The man thought to himself that his old age made him week, but he should hurry to warn his King. He threw his last glance on the window before going.
The city was covered in the crimson fire. The old man could hear the cries of people, which was field with horror, and loud roars of Orcs, Goblins and other hideous creatures that were chasing and killing the villagers. He looked at the front gate, the gates were broke down, the guards and soldier magicians that wore white cloaks already engaged in battle with a group of the attackers in black cloaks, they were vampires. They used whips, and spikes that were created from their blood, piercing the guards and magicians with ease. They had other weapons, but they didn't use them, as if they thought that this battle was a child's play.
The man that was leading the attackers was riding a black horse, he was wearing black plate armor, that had black shoulder pads covered with fur, everyone who stood in his way got killed instantly, the victims blasted from the inside, as if they were bubbles, nothing of them remained, except of the pool of blood which was on the place were they were standing before. He didn't use any weapons nor he created ones from the blood like his followers. The attackers were marching towards the castles front gate. The old man looked away thinking that he must hurry.
After sometime he reached big wooden doors, that had two dragons facing each other carved on them, behind them was the Kings throne room. In front of the doors there stood thirty elite guards, the best warriors of the kingdom, and six of his fellow magicians from the council of the twelve, that were wearing the same clothes as he was.
"What are the news Medgrigor? Did they reach the front gates?"836Please respect copyright.PENANA8ePuzorEPu
Said a tall man wearing silver plate armor , while walking towards the old magician. The man was in his mid-thirties. He had short black, and a black short beard, his brown almost black eyes showed power in them. The old magician could feel a strong aura coming from him.
"Your...Your Majesty!" Replied the old magician, addressing the man that approached him, pulling his hood back. He was around sixty years old with long wrinkled face, he had long grey hair, and blue eyes that showed wisdom . The old man was panting, trying to not fall on the ground, as his legs were trembling from the long run.
"On the way here, I saw them from the window, marching towards the castles main entrance" Replied the old magician, " I think they broke through them, and are inside the castle as we speak."
"I also tried to contact the tower mage squad, but no one responded" he continued "I think they were all killed by the Kludde's"
"May their souls rest in peace. Those monster won't stop until they kill everyone." Said his king, his eyes showed no fear after hearing such news, instead they were showing hatred, and an intent to kill. He turned away from the magicians, facing his loyal soldiers, that were looking at him with respect.836Please respect copyright.PENANAAVmzGjSohl
"You heard what Medrigor said!" He exclaimed " Let's give them a warm welcome shall we?" His soldiers let out a battle cry, holding their swords above their heads. Giving them a nod, the king turned to the old magician, putting his strong arm on the old man's shoulder.
"You did well my friend. I know you are tired, but we don't have time to rest." He said to him "We are going to hold them off, while you complete the ritual. The-" his cough cut his words, he held his hand to his mouth, he saw that blood was dropping from it on them, he was very sick, and because of this sickness he couldn't use his powers nor turn in to a dragon. But he had no time to think about his condition, he had to protect their last hope.
"Your Majesty are you alright?!" Said the old magician, and one of the guards that rushed to the king. "It's, fine.." He said, stopping coughing blood, while raising his hand to stop the guards from approaching him,
"But your Majesty, how can you fight in this condition?!" Said the old magician, with a worried look.
"Don't worry about me, my friend." Said the king, "This is our last hope, it is more important than my current condition, if we will lose it, everything will be destroyed." He said looking serious. "Now go, they already started the ritual."
"Yes, your Majesty." Said the old man "Good luck to you."
"Good luck to you too my friend." Said the king.
The old magician walked towards the door he touched it with his hand, and they opened by them self's. He entered in to the throne room which was very big. In the center of it there was a magic circle, the blue light that was coming from it was reflecting on the walls. Around the circle there stood six magicians from the council of the twelve, facing the circle. Six others were guarding the entrance to the room.
Inside the magic circle stood eight people, four men and four woman, they were wearing blue cloaks, their hoods were covering their heads, they also wore silver masks covering their faces, and black gloves on their hands, so that they won't get effected by the spell they are about to cast. They were forming a circle inside, holding each others hands . In the center a man was standing , a book was floating on his chest level. He turned his head to the door, to see who entered.
The old man hurried to the shortest one of the magicians that was standing outside the circle, hearing the door closing behind him.
"The circle is ready father, we can start now" said the man taking his hood off revealing his face. He was a teenage boy fifteen or sixteen years old, with blonde wavy hair, and azure blue eyes.
"Alright Atrius, I am going to take my position" Said his father, taking his place between his son and the other magician. "The King and his troops will hold them off, we should be hurry"
Atrius Replied with a nod turning his head towards the circle.
"Let's begin!" Exclaimed Medrigor, holding his hands forward , a silver staff appeared in his hands, he twisted it in his hands, hitting the marble floor with its end, a whit glowing line appeared from the end of the staff, linking to the circle, other magicians did the same.
"Now start chanting the spell!" He said to the man that was standing with a floating book in the center of the circle, he nodded in response , starting to chant in the ancient language. His strong voice field the entire throne room, the magic chant caused a strong magic wave to appear from the circles border, it made its way up towards the ceiling, it was like a strong wind . The man stopped after each sentence, so that the ones inside the circle could repeat after him. When they reached half of the chant, a white sphere started to appear above the circle, it started to swirl and slowly grow bigger and brighter. When they were about to finish the chant, everyone in the room heard a shout of shield wall, and swords clashing. The king and his man engaged in to battle.
The man that was standing in the center, was still chanting, but his voice changed after what he heard outside. He was worried.
Suddenly the doors burst open, everyone present in the room turned their heads towards the opened doors. Their stood a man, the same man that Medgrigor saw, outside the castle riding his black horse. Behind him stood some of his best remaining soldiers. He was in his mid-thirties, he had long Raven colored hair, he had dark black eyes that looked like pitch black holes, that were sending shivers through anyone who looked at them, he had pale skin, and on his face played a wide killing smile, in his left hand he had a sword and in his right he was holding something, he lifted up his hand revealing what he was holding in it.
Horror appeared on everyone's face.
"Father!!!!" Yelled out a man that was standing in the center of the circle, stopping to chant. "Oh he was your father?" Said the man with a question look on his face. "Don't worry, I will give you the same painful death as I gave to your father, by sliding my sword over his throat slowly....while his screams became music to my ears." Said the man sounding happy, he threw the Kings head on the floor.
" ???!!How dare you monster??!!" Roared the man in the center, pulling his hand towards his sword, ready to attack the man, no monster that killed his father.
"Your Highness! Don't!" Exclaimed Medgrigor. "If you will step out of the circle, the spell will be destroyed, and your father and everyone else would have sacrificed their lives for nothing!" He said, his voice was still trembling from his king and friends death.
The man stopped, lowering his hand from his sword, he was trembling in anger, every part of him was etching to kill that monster, he turned his head towards the book, continuing the chant.
"I also forgot to mention that before chopping his head off I cut every par-"
"STOP!!!" Yelled at him Medrigor in anger, making few steps towards the murdered of his king. "Shut your filthy mouth Demon!!" He lifted his right hand, making a duplicate of his staff appear in it. He applied a binding spell, so that his other staff would not fall, and cause his magic to stop flowing in to the circle. He hit the ground with his duplicated staff, causing tornados to appear, moving them towards his enemy. When they were about to get close to him, the Demon king closed his eyes, opening them after a second, his eyes turned red like blood, with one look he made tornados disappear. But when they disappeared, behind them appeared weapons, that were flying towards him in the speed of light. He ducked to the right, to dodge them, but two swords struck inside his leg and arm.
"Is that all you got old man?!" He yelled at Medrigor, while taking out the swords from his leg and arm, without feeling any pain.
"Don't look in to his eyes! They will kill you in instant!" Yelled Medrigor to the other three magicians that did the same as him to their staffs, to join the fight. The other two didn't know how to use the binding spell.
"Even without looking in to them I will still defeat all of you and then I will take care of your so called hope!" The Demon king exclaimed, looking at the magical circle. Suddenly he lifted his hand sending spikes formed from blood on them, but they were destroyed by Medrigor , he dashed over to the Demon King.
The black sword and a white staff clashed.
"You made me draw my sword." Said the Demon King, "You are not that bad old man."
They started to battle, both of them were fighting with grace, the bright blue light was surrounding Medrigor, he used a spell of strength, so that he could fight against his opponent.
While they were fighting, other magicians engaged in battle with the remaining vampires, each of the magicians showed great skills in controlling their magic. Each of them had their own element.
Medrigor started to sense that his opponent became stronger, no it was his strength spell that was going out, he should be hurry or everything will be gone. "Ugh.." He grunted in pain, as his opponents cut through his leg, but that didn't stop the old magician from continuing fighting, his determination was stronger than his pain. But the next thing he fell was a deep pain in his stomach, his opponents sword wounded him. Than he cut off the old man's arm sending it flying with his staff. The old man cried in agony and pain.
"Your time has come to die you old fool!" Said the Demon King lifting his sword for the final blow.
"Ariella now!" Yelled the old magician, to one of the magicians, who was a water element user. She was the only magician that left the circle and was not fighting, she was standing in the corner of the room with eyes close inside a water shield chanting a spell , when she heard Medrigor she immediately opened her dark blue eyes, they were glowing. She hit her staff on the ground, it started to shake. Then from under her staff a wave appeared rushing towards the Demon king, it crashed on him, but he didn't move an inch. When the waves disappeared the Demon King turned his head towards her. Knowing that his current opponent is defeated, and he could easily kill him any time.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk you couldn't possibly think that it could actually kill me darling." He said to her looking in to her eyes, he was about to destroy her with his deathly eye spell, when he suddenly stopped, feeling his body freezing from the inside. He stopped moving still looking in to Ariella's eyes, he finally realized why he stopped moving, the look in his eyes showed shock.
" is that even possible!!" He exclaimed at the young woman, "I am the only one with the eye controlling powers! I researched information on every magician in this damn kingdom! There was no one that had this ability! Especially the ones that can control their elements with their eyes!"
"Everyone has a secret that only they know, or the ones they trust." She said calmly, still looking him in the eyes. Suddenly she started to tremble, it looks like her life force was draining from using such a strong spell. The Demon King started to move his arms.
"You can't freeze my blood that easily, after all I have a demons blood running down my veins. " He said, trying to move his body slowly towards her. Which began to unfreeze.
"Finally..." Said woman smiling , falling on the ground, she was dead.
The Demon King thought what a fool she was dying with a smile when her precious kingdom will be destroyed. The spell didn't disappear completely yet. "How sad, and I wanted to kill her my self." Said the Demon King with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Now, where were we old man?" He turned to face the old man. His eyes turned wide from shock of what he saw.
The old magician was standing holding on to his sons shoulder, who was supporting him. His son and two other magicians apart from the old man were the ones left, the other ones were lying dead, after defeating their strong opponents, using all of their magic. But what shocked him wasn't that it was a white Chinese dragon which was flying above the magic circle like wind. The people inside the circle were still chanting. The Dragon was white as snow , he was made from the magic that was formed from the six magicians magic, and the powers of the eight inside the circle, but the main source of it was Medrigor's magic.
"Your time has come to an end!" Exclaimed the magician, his eyes turned from blue to white, glowing like the moonlight.
"This...How could this happen!!!??" Yelled the Demon King "My agent that was in your circle told me that there are no eye users!!" He yelled in anger he was still half frozen, so he couldn't move properly.
"Take him." Said the white magician, looking at the Demon king. Suddenly the white dragon roared, turning to the direction where the two magicians and the Demon King were standing. Then he charged, flying to the demon king like a fast wind.
"Noooooo!!!" Cried the Demon , as the white dragon moved through him like a ghost, sucking out the Demon King's magic on the way, The Demon King collapsed on his knees, he became pale and looked weaker. The dragon disappeared.
"Ugh..." Said the old magician, he could feel his like force coming to its end, he knew this would have happened, after all he was an eye absorbing user.
"Father!" Said his son, sounding worried, he laid his father on the floor.836Please respect copyright.PENANAd6i85J5pT1
"You! You took my magic!!" Roared the Demon King, he was still on his knees, looking at the two magicians with rage and hatred. Suddenly a big portal opened behind the Demon king. Two handsome men came out of it, one of them had black, short messy hair, he wore a cloak over his battle armor, the other one had blonde hair falling down till his shoulders. Both of them had red eyes. They helped the Demon King up to his feet.
"What took you so long you fools?!" Yelled the Demon King to his subordinates.
"We deeply apologize for that my lord." Answered the vampire with blond hair. "We had some trouble while summoning the portal."
"Tsk, next time you two will be punished." He snapped at them "We need to leave now, or the portal will close, after all it was hard to create a portal to earth."
" can't be.." Said the old magician barely moving his mouth to speak, "How could you....summon a portal inside the castles grounds?! No .....more importantly.... How did you summon the one that is connected to the earth?" He asked in a shock.
"How did I? I just made....some arrangements with someone.., that's how I did it." Said the Demon King, he was also too week to talk, but not week as the old magician.
"My Lord but what about the people here? Shouldn't we kill them?" Said his black haired follower. "No need , we are already wasting our time!" Replied his king.
"Listen up you scum!" Exclaimed the Demon King addressing his enemies "I am going for now! But mark my words, I will return here and by that time I will conquer the earth as well! And I will become more powerful, and then nothing will stop me!" Then he said calmly looking at one of the dead magicians bodies "Stand up Rey, or we will leave without you."
The magician that was supposed to be dead stood up, uncovering his hood, He was in his mid Twenties. He had messy red hair, he was tall, but a bit slim, his eyes were dark green, until suddenly they changed to red.
The remaining magicians stared at him in shock.
"Tamin..... So you were the spy?" Said Medrigor calmly, as if he already knew that.
"Hmm.........., you don't sound that surprised, if you knew why didn't you dispose of me?" Said the one he called Tamin.
"I thought of that , but I never knew." Said the old magician.
" Even still you didn't trust me with all the secrets, taking for example the eye power." Said Tamin. Walking towards his real King.
"Now I think it's time for us to depart , we left the present for your chosen ones by the way!" He said booming in to laughter. Then he, his King and comrades jumped in to the portal, which closed behind them.
"Hmm...that Rey, he never knew that letting him participate in the ritual was also...a part of the plan....after all he possessed strong magic.....without it we never would have completed the spell....." He stopped not completing the sentence, because of his cough.
"Father!" Said his son who was still besides him, he didn't stop his father from talking because he already knew that he didn't have much time and he needed to pass his knowledge of the plan to his son. "What is the spell that the intruder casted?" He asked his father.
"Hmm.." Said the old man closing his eyes " He casted a detecting spell" he said " When the chosen ones will awaken he and his people will know where to find them."
"What should we do in that case?" Asked his son with a worried look "The detecting magic, especially dark can't be removed."
"That's why I have this." Said his father reaching to his clocks pocket , taken out a small leather sack, he opened it and inside it was a magic silver dust.
"How did you get this father?!" Asked his son, surprised by what he saw "This is the moon stones dust, these stone's existed long time ago! How did you find one?"
"I have no time to explain." Said his father "I want you to take this dust .....and send it flying towards each of the gems, so that... it could enter inside of them, since you have the same element as me, you will be able to do it without entering the circle, or it will ....disappear, and our plan will not succeed."
"But how will that help?" Asked his son confused, he knew of the moon stone, but he never knew its potentials, since it was not written in any books in the library.
His father reached his son's forehead, touching it with his index finger, he closed his eyes, the place where he touched started to glow, he felt his father's memories teleporting to him. Then his father whispered to him "Farewell my son..." And dropped his hand. His eyes never opened again.
"Farewell father.." Said Atrius, he wanted to cry but he didn't have time. He rushed towards the circle, not getting too close to its boarders. The people inside were still chanting, but it was another spell. The magic lights started to appear from the bodies of people inside the circle, from the place where their heart was. Each light had a different color red, indigo, green, blue, yellow, purple and lastly Icy blue, glowing brighter and brighter in the process of chanting, the lights started to change in to gems, each light turned in to a gem that resembled it's color. He took out some dust and send it flying towards each stone with his wind magic. After the process was done he waited for the chant to stop, so that he could speak the knowledge that his father passed to him.
"The intruder casted a dark detecting spell on each of the chosen ones stone, so that he and his kind could detect them and kill" He said to the people inside the circle, " But fear not! My father asked me to place a moon stones dust on each of the gems, so that the gems could detect the dark magic users ,before they come and kill them. It also will detect the presence of another users stone so that the chosen ones could find their fellow chosen ones. Now let me open the portal, it will take you to the chosen ones. May God watch over you" With that he started to chant with two other remaining magicians, the circle started to glow.
Suddenly under each person inside the circle a portal appeared, closing after a person fell inside it. When only the man in the center remained Atrius said to him. "You know what will happen to you." The man nodded.
"Farewell your Highness". Said Atrius to a man before watching him disappear.
"Wake up chosen one."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!☺
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(The picture of the gemstones are in the copy of this book that I posted on Wattpad, there you can also find pictures of characters, items and much more!)836Please respect copyright.PENANAZziMZYLDT1
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