Senshi glanced at magpie as they exchanged glances before nodding. Senshi jumped up grabbing the spider by the jaw and flipping herself up and whipping out an arrow only to jab it into the eye of the spider., “HIT THEM IN THE EYES! IF THEY CANT SEE US THEN WE HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF SURVIVING!” She demanded, magpie did so jabbing a spider with her sword “BUT THERES MILLIONS! MAYBE MORE!” she shouted back before defending herself from multiple other spiders that were ganging up on her.
Senshi growled flipping a spider above her and over onto the ground hard it’s legs folding in on themselves showing that it was dead “I DON’T CARE JUST DO IT!” Senshi yelled, magpie glared at her but nodded.
After a few hours magpie and senshi managed to kill off more then half of the millions of spiders, senshi huffed her body scratched and bruised from being thrown around in the fight. Magpie panted her body in the same condition, their clothes were tattered but they continued to fight.
“DAMMIT SENSHI WERE NOT GONNA WIN!” magpie yelled hoarsely after being practically thrown at a building, senshi coughed her body acting up again “DONT SAY THAT. WE. WILL. WIN.” She yelled back ignoring the pain of holding back the coughs and grabbing an arrow from a dead arachnids eye.
Senshi jabbed it into another’s eye before wrenching it out and sliding under the abdomen and jabbing the arrow into it the flesh slicing open smoothly as she slid leaving a blood trail behind her.
Magpie gagged “gross” she complained as Senshi joined her “eh- I’m used to that crap. Used to see it everyday in Alavaria” she replied with a smirk.
Magpie raised an eyebrow concerned for her mental health “what?” She asked, magpie shook her head slicing off the head of a spider it flying across the street “nothing.” She replied.
Senshi shrugged before taking out three spiders at once with her arrows, she split from magpie taking out more spiders not realizing there was only three left.
Magpie and senshi huffed before finishing them all off the arachnid bodies surrounding them in a gory scene as magpie cringed “like I said you gotta get used to it” Senshi said wiping her face blood streaking a crossed it as she reached for another arrow “damn I’m outta arrows...”
magpie sighed and collapsed in exhaustion “we did were right...” she mumbled, senshi smirked.
“aren’t I always”
That earned Senshi a glare.
“Am I wrong?”
Magpie inhaled readying herself to fire back but exhaled and gave up smiling fakely. “Sure” she said through gritted teeth.
Senshi grinned “let’s get outta here before we’re ambushed again”
Magpie nodded standing and joining her as they ran off to find the others.
Senshi yawned as the light of the day started to disappear below the skyline and darkness engulfed everything, magpie noticed but ignored it as they continued to push on before hearing something in the distance.
“VAN! HANG IN THERE!” A voice shouted from afar, senshi’s attention whipped towards the familiar voice along with magpie as they exchanged glances. “Nu.” They said in union before running towards the voice.
Senshi skidded to a stop at the scene as magpie ran over frantically “Oh my lord is he okay?” She asked, senshi watched not knowing what to do as she walked over slowly.
Nu looked up at them her eyes wide “Senshi? Magpie? Your alive!” She said with excitement but also in pain.
Magpie nodded glancing at Senshi as she joined them only to start coughing this time noticeably the blood and petals mixing and falling to the ground in a flurry before her the world slipped from senshi’s vision and all she could hear was ringing as she felt something touch her lips.
Her vision blurring in and out before she saw magpie getting ready to use the vile they found in the cave, senshi’s eyes widened as she realised what it was but she was too weak to move.
She didn’t want to go back...she didn’t want to have to deal with the prince or anything else...she didn’t want to leave them or...Jayden...but if she went back...this pain would end...right?
Her mind ran at 100 mph before nu cut magpie off asking her what the vile was her getting distracted and senshi finally slipping into darkness.
‘I don’t wanna go home....’