Well hello, hello, hello there, darlings! You all might just be wondering who I am, after all, I haven't even said my name yet! If you should like to have a name for me, my name is Gamemaster. If you'd rather not have a name for me, and just simply think of me as a thing, then I'm merely a spirit in this story.
Now, for some rather basic information about myself..I'm a dear friend of Irene Kelly and Cora Pavlov, if that wasn't already obvious. Oh, I remember what we'd get up to when we were kids. We were such rotten little kids. Of course, it didn't make them like me, even when I proved to be a worthy opponent. So, obviously, I had to get my own way. They'd pay attention to me, if I really wanted them to. We went our seperate ways.
Cora and I, though, we became closer than ever, one night. Truly, friendship is such an amazing thing! She was out walking, and ran into me. It was like she hardly even recognized me! Honestly, remarkable. But since that night, we've been as close as ever!
Now, you might be wondering, what is it exactly that makes me Gamemster? Oh, nothing, really, dear. Gamemaster is a simple aspect of me, to be quite honest. I mean, it would be, if it wasn't the only thing left of me now. Hell, I don't even remember my own name! But that's all okay, darling. What makes me Gamemaster is that I am her, and she is me.
But that, my love, is beside my point. You'll likely be wondering, well, what in the hell does this have to do with anything? Oh, dear, you've barely even scratched the surface. I am so ingrained in them, in their minds, their bodies, that for them to go on without me would mean nothing less than losing a whole part of themselves. They just don't know it yet. And I have very little intentions of telling them. I mean, why would they even want to know? If they didn't care about me when we were children, I highly doubt that they would care now that I've done all of this. Even if it was just to get their attention, well. It's not like they ever did care, now is it?
I could do anything in the world, and Irene would never notice. Of course, Cora would notice, but only because, well, we're so close it's like I know her every move! Well, which I do, but that's rather irrelevant, isn't it, dear? What matters is simply the fact that all of these people, all of them, have no idea what they truly think. It's obvious, isn't it? Poor Irene, with her thoughts all twisted, she just has no idea what to think about anything! And then Cora, dear Cora. Relying on me for all of her thoughts. Without me, she wouldn't even know what to think! She always needs me to think for her. It's cute how dependent she is, really. And it's so sad how she feels like she has to hide it. Such a pretty girl shouldn't have to hide herself, her real self. Of course she feels like she has to. Irene's always so mean to her, really, it's a shame nothing's happened to her. Yet, at least. Anything could happen to her, if she was left alone for a while. Look what happened to me!
All that I'm trying to say, darling, is that look at how much better Cora is, when she's with me. You've met her, you know exactly what it is I mean. She's so much better when she's with me. Just look at her. And Irene, poor Irene, she's just so..dull. Without me, she's a dull, dark little thing. But oh, she could be so much better. Don't you agree, darling?
Now, I'll leave you to...whatever it was you were doing. Just remember, darling. Nothing is as it seems.