Plack, plack, plack!
What was that?
Plack, plack, plack!
Whatever that sound is, it better stop right now. I'm trying to sleep, today is just like any other summer vacation day, what date was it again?
Oh no, is it really today? Oh my god, today is my first day at high school! I have to go catch the bus before it leaves without me! I can't be late for my first day of school, that would be a horrible first impression. Good thing I packed my stuff yesterday into my suitcase because I was going to stay in a dorm.
Plack, plack, plack!!!!
Wait, what was that sound, I almost forgot about it. It seemed to be coming from my window.
I quickly ran over to my window to scream at whoever woke me up, but thank them as well because I would have been late for school.
I couldn't believe who I saw at my window, it was Adrian, my arch-enemy since seventh grade. How lucky was that? Adrian was throwing small pebbles at my window to wake me up.
"What are you doing??!!!!" I screamed at him at the top of my lungs. "You interrupted my peaceful sleep! I will never forgive you!!!
"Excuse me? I literally saved you from being late for school. I risked missing the bus to come to check on you because I knew how dumb and forgetful you are. Now you better get your butt down right now so we don't both end up late.
I threw on my clothes that I planned to wear as quickly as I could and rushed to my front door, almost slipping down the staircase twice.
No time for breakfast, my poor stomach. I will repay you later. I thought.
I grabbed my bag and my suitcase and hurried out the door.
"What are you doing here. I'm pretty sure I didn't invite you to come and save me from being late. Eighty percent sure." I said as soon as I stepped out the door.
Outside my door, waiting for me was Adrian. His messy, dark hair, that I definitely didn't find hot, was the same as last year. He was wearing a dark green sweater that complimented his amazing, green eyes with some dark jeans.
"Not even a 'Hello, how are you, my best friend?' or a 'Thanks for saving my life, I love you so much'?" asked Adrian, teasingly in a higher pitch voice.
"Was that supposed to be my voice? And no, was I supposed to be all polite and pretend that you were my idol or something?" I asked.
"Wow Julia, you haven't changed at all," said Adrian.
"Whatever, enough talking, if we miss the bus I'm blaming it on you because you distracted me by being all 'I love you, thank you so much for rescuing me.'"
"Hey that's not fair, you're the one who overslept, and I did save you."
"Shut up," I said before walking off to the bus stop with Adrian hurrying behind me.
Eventually, Adrian caught up. We started walking side by side, struggling to speed walk with all our luggage. We turned the corner and saw the bus coming.
"Quick, run!" I shouted to Adrian.
We started running as fast as we could, which wasn't very fast because of all our heavy possessions. Of course, the bus left two seconds before we got to the stop. I was so angry and annoyed, it wasn't even the bus that annoyed me. It was my best friend, Jenna.
She was staring out the window, sticking her tongue out at me, then when she saw Adrian behind me, she made her "OMG SHIP!!!" face which made me want to kill her.
I don't like Adrian at all, in fact, I hate him. He has always been the most annoying person on earth even though he was kind of hot, but I'll never admit that.
"Why did I save you?" cried Adrian. "I would have been on that bus, speeding away to school."
"Ugh, not my fault you are such an idiot, I would have never saved you if I were in your situation," I said.
"Wow, I'll keep in mind to never save you again, you ungrateful git."
"Sorry," I said.
"Are you really?"
"Aww, you know me too well, I'm not sorry at all," I said, almost affectionately. "Anyways, since the bus goes in a circle around our neighbourhood, we might be able to catch up to it if we go that other stop that is also pretty close to this stop."
"Smart," complimented Adrian, with a small hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Why thank you," I replied with the same amount of sarcasm.
We started running down the sidewalk as fast as possible. We suddenly passed a house with a car that we noticed belonged to Adrian's friend, Declan.
Declan was a tall, chestnut brown-haired boy with bright blue eyes. He was hot, but nothing compared to Adrian.
Wait what? Ignore what I just described.
"Wait right here," Adrian called to me. "I'll be right back with a ride to school."
He walked up Declan driveway then said something and called back to me,
"Julia! You can come now, Declan will bring us to school because he goes to the same school as us."
"Shotgun!" I called.
"So childish," mused Adrian.
I walked over to the black car and opened the car door and sat down in the front. Adrian was already sitting in the back. Declan started the car and drove out the driveway.
The entire car drive was silent, no one said a single word. Probably the awkwardest car ride in my entire life.
When we got to school, I immediately ditched the two boys and went to find my soon to be dead best friend.
I searched the entire high school for Jenna but I couldn't find her anywhere. I was about to give up when suddenly, the announcements went on.
"Good morning everyone," said the principal through the speakers. "Since today is the first day of school this school year, you all get a day off to locate your dorms, explore the school if you're a grade nine and become friends with your roommates. Since this is a small school and there aren't many people, dorm numbers will be posted on the office window. Have a nice day!"
Aha! Jenna will have to go find her dorm number, so that means she'll have to go to the office.
I made my way to the school office where there was a crowd of people who were all trying to find their names on the pieces of paper that were taped to the window. I immediately spotted Jenna's light brown hair. I pushed My way through the crowd to get as close to Jenna as possible.
"Hey Jenna, how are you?" I asked, putting on a sweet smile.
"Oh, Julia! I'm... great! You?"
"What do you think!!!" I shouted, the smile immediately got replaced by a glare. "I'm going to kill you-"
"Who's going to kill who?" interrupted the principal.
Well shi-
"Nothing," I answered, putting on that fake smile again. "I was just joking with her."
"No, she was actually going to-" started Jenna.
I shot her a death stare to stop her from snitching on my evil plan.
"-pretend to kill me to prank everyone else!" finished Jenna.
"Okay then," said the principal before walking back into the office.
"You got lucky this time," I said to Jenna. "Next time, we can prepare your funeral before I murder you."
"Got it," answered Jenna "Anyways, now that we're good, let's go find our dorms!"
I could've sworn that she shot me one of her "I did something really evil that will probably result in Julia killing me" smirk.
We pushed through the crowd some more until we were standing in the front of the crowd. I quickly scanned through the list until I found my name.
Hmmmmm, room number one hundred fifty-nine.
"Check what number your boyfriend has," said Jenna, her smirk growing bigger and bigger, so big that I thought her face was going to split in half.
Jenna was up to something, I just knew it.
"For the last time, Adrian's not my boyfriend!"
"Then how did you know I was talking about him?"
"I hate you."
I scanned through the list again, this time looking for Adrian's name. His name was a couple of names after mine. I checked the dorm number and felt like strangling Jenna again. His dorm number was number one hundred fifty-nine. Sound familiar? It's the exact same number as mine.
"How dare you do this!" I whisper-shouted to Jenna, now knowing what would happen if I threaten Jenna too loud.
"I had to do it, I had the perfect opportunity just waiting for me. And plus, I'm just helping you make sure that you'll end up with your boyfriend."
For some reason, I didn't mind as much as I thought I did so I went back to looking at the list, scanning for who else was in my dorm. Joshua Gagnon, Ace Woods and- wait I can't believe my eyes.
"Jenna did you check what dorm you're in yet?" I asked.
"No, why?"
"Well you really should,"
"Move aside, let me see!" said Jenna before she pushed me aside.
The look of horror on her face told me that she found her name.
"Ha!" I said.
"Noooo! Why???? My plan backfired! Now I have to share a dorm with you and your boyfriend.
"That's right, that'll teach you to never try to put me with Adrian ever again. Now you have to suffer through sharing a dorm with him too."
Me and Jenna started walking around the school. Since this is our fourth year of high school we already knew where the dorms were. We walked around for a while looking for number one hundred fifty-nine.
When we found it we walked in and found Adrian, and three boys already in the dorm talking and laughing.
"Hey, Julia!" greeted Adrian when he saw me and Jenna.
"Hello to you too," said Jenna, although she looked like she didn't mind the fact that Adrian didn't say Hi to her.
"Hi I'm Joshua, but you can call me Josh." said the boy with dirty blond hair and brown eyes.
"More roommates? This will be a long year." said the boy with blond hair so light it was almost white and ice blue eyes.
"Sorry about this idiot, I'll introduce him instead," said Josh. "This is my best friend Ace. He might seem rude at first so don't take it personally, he talks to everyone like this. It might take a while for him to trust you, but once he does, you'll be glad you waited."
"Stop making me sound like some monster who turns into a kitten. I'm not that sweet, I'm not sweet at all," complained Ace.
"Kittens can claw people's faces off too," joked Josh.
"Oh, shut up," said Ace while gently punching his friend in the arm.
"Awwww, you punch like a cute, little, baby kitten!" teased Josh.
Ace replied to him by punching him again, this time not so gently judging by the oof sound Josh let out.
"Anyway, I'm Julia, and I'm very mean so you should stay away from me," I said.
"Mean? You're just like me, I might not hate you after all. We might be able to get along." said Ace.
Adrian rolled his eyes before sarcastically saying,
"Mean? I've known you for two years and you have never been mean to me once."
"Totally," I said.
"I'm sorry to interrupt you two couples but I would like to introduce myself," said Jenna.
I was about to say Oh shut up when I realized I didn't have to.
"What are you talking about? Me and Julia aren't dating," said Adrian.
"You sure? I actually thought you two were dating when they came in and you only said Hi to Julia. Also, the way you two were acting around each other, you acted like you have been dating for years." observed Josh.
"Wow, you notice a lot of things, you must have a huge brain." noticed Adrian.
"It's really annoying to have to deal with it every single day. He might just be the smartest person on earth," said Ace in an annoyed tone. "And that wasn't a compliment."
"You're just jealous," said Josh.
"You wish,"
"Okay back to me introducing myself." interrupted Jenna. "Hi, I'm Jenna, I'm the nice one, way nicer than Julia."
"Yep, nice, just like me! We'll be able to get along just fine," said Josh. "See Ace, you're not the only one who can make friends with cool girls."
"Jenna's not cool," I explained. "Trust me, she once went inside the boys washroom, not just any boys washroom-"
"Don't finish that sentence if you know what's good for you," said Jenna since she knew exactly what story I was going to tell.
"You think I'm scared of you?" I asked, catching one of her death stares. "...... She walked into the male teachers' bathroom."
"Julia!!!!" Jenna shouted. "I'm going to murder you!!!"
"Nope, you're not murdering her with me here!" said Adrian protectively.
Jenna's angry expression immediately got replaced by her OMG SHIP face.
"I can protect myself just fine," I said to Adrian. "I don't need you to protect me from my friend."
"You should be glad I saved you,"
"I knew you were dating," said Josh.
"Well, I guess I'm leaving," I said before things got awkward. "Me and Jenna are going to share a room because we're the only girls here."
"What?" asked Jenna. "You're not going to sleep with Adrian?"
I shot her my extreme death stare to shut her up.
"I mean, yeah! You boys are stinky! I would never force my best friend to room with any of you."
We walked off to the closest room and closed the door. The room was pretty big, with two desks and two twin beds.
"Pretty good for a school dorm," said Jenna.
"Yeah," I agreed. "I call dibs on the left bed, you can have the right one.
"Sure, I was going to choose the one on the right anyway."
"Ugh I don't want to unpack, I'll unpack tomorrow," I said.
"Okay, you procrastinator."
"Let's check on the guys," I suggested.
When we walked into the boys' bedroom, all the boys were sitting on the floor, in a circle.
"Staring contest?" I asked.
"Probably," answered Jenna when all the boys ignored me.
Suddenly, Josh blinked.
"Nooo! Why?????"
"Ha, sucks to be you!" I said.
"Why were you having a staring contest anyway?" asked Jenna.
"Notice there are only two beds, I guess this was meant for a four people group."
"I know exactly why we only have two beds," I said.
Me and Josh both look at Jenna.
"I'm sorry!" she said. "I didn't know that there were four people in our dorm already."
"Apology not accepted," I said.
"Whatever, let's just see who has to share a bed with Josh," Jenna said.
Two seconds later Ace blinked.
"Why????" said Ace and Josh at the same time.
"Because you guys suck at staring contests and I'm the best at them," said Adrian proudly.
"Fine, me and Ace will share the bed," said Josh.
"I'm just going to warn you about something first," said Ace. "I'm not very good at sharing, so if you ever wake up on the floor, the reason will probably be because you stole all the blankets."
"Got it," answered Josh.
"Okay, Jace is going to be sharing a bed," said Jenna. "Goodnight!"
"Did you just call us Jace?" asked Ace.
"Is that supposed to be a ship name?" asked Josh.
"Sweet dreams," I said before dashing out of that room.
I went back to the room Jenna and I were sharing, changed into my comfortable PJs, brushed my teeth and went to bed.
Jenna came into the room a little while after I turned the lights off after she got a lecture from Ace about shipping him with ugly, smart people.