Shallow Moon | Penana
Shallow Moon
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Shallow Moon
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A weary father at the end of his rope, struggling to protect his thirteen year old daughter and eleven year old son, leads his family home through a collapsing and lawless civilization.  Death has taken its toll.  Those that remain grapple to put the pieces back together or take what's left for themselves.

This is a work in progress.  It's unedited and unplanned, with no outline or idea as to where it is going. I’ll probably continue post additions/revisions from time to time.   Follow along if you're interested, intrigued or simply amused.  I'm new at this and welcome comments and suggestions; the good, the bad and the ugly.  Criticisms, grammatical corrections, plot suggestions, character revisions, praise and marriage proposals will all be given proper consideration.

This is a work of fiction.  This isn’t me and these aren’t my kids.  No one in this work of fiction represents anyone, living or dead, completely.  Scratch that.  None of my exes are portrayed in any of my characters, vile or otherwise.  Oh yeah... despite its presentation herein the world is not ending, nor has it gone to pot... as of yet.

Copyright:  All rights reserved.  Nobody can use, redistribute, reiterate, reproduce, copy, or in any other way incorporate what I have written or I might get really mad.  I may even sue you.  I live smack-dab in the middle of a town filled with starving lawyers.  And not just that - I have a lot of time on my hands and could really use some of your money.

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Total Reading Time: 40 minutes
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