Killer Computers | Penana
Killer Computers
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Killer Computers
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Hi! This is my first story here, and I'm still getting the hang of it, so wish me luck!

(Also please note the autocorrect on this device doesn't function properly so be prepared for a few weird mistakes.)
​​​​​​​I do not own the image used on the cover.

Here we go!

 My name is Reese Fletcher. I'm a sort of geeky person - computers, phones, tvs, you name it; I can fix it, and give you an annoying geeky joke about it.

 I  tend to get A's and A*'s an all my tests, and my social life is pretty good (more like barely adequate), so you could say my life is dangerously close to perfect.

 But then something happened, a couple of months ago, that changed my life forever.

Th​at's exactly why you need to read this. Your very existence depends on it. So if you want the chance to live 'till your next birthday, DO NOT STOP READING.

They're coming.

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Total Reading Time: 11 minutes
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