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"I've been writing for five years now," I say, leaning back into my chair whilst retaining my terrible postural habits and taking a sip of my disgustingly plain water. "And I still don't know squat, y'know."

Welcome to the place where I ramble on about things that I heard here and there, dropping writing tips and tricks that work for me and also some tips and tricks that don't. Plus, I'll be flaunting my near-forgotten computer science GCSE as I pretend to know what I'm talking about whilst guiding you through computery things. (Don't worry, I'm starting basic.)

To tell the truth, I'm a terrible teacher. But I'll be trying my best.

NOTE! As with most crafts, I still have a way to go. If you think I'm wrong about something, I probably am - so please feel free to correct me where necessary. I will continue to update as required from this end as well.

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Total Reading Time: 22 minutes
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