Strangers Embrace | Penana
Strangers Embrace
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Strangers Embrace
Michelle Lewis
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Strangers Embrace

Edited by tigersman thank you
yes it was a real dream

The Open Glen

By Raven

I want to thank my proof readers Shadow warrior, Murrphy_Mia, Lychor and I want to thank my Beta reader onimusha73, for all the wonderful help, thanks

Chapter 1

The Open Glen

(The Dream)

I stepped out onto the front porch. A chilled breeze blew over me as I walked across the porch. And that's when I notice a blood red Ford F-150 XLT sitting in the driveway. I studied the truck as I walked down the steps and I vaguely wondered whose it was as I walked along the cobblestones & across the street. I stopped at the edge of the yard the same moment I stopped studying the truck. Instead, I turned my attention ahead of me to where there was a forest just a few paces away. I stuck my hands into my pockets as I started to walk past the first couple of trees. As I walked on past the seemingly endless trees, I stopped and noticed that off in the distance there were flickering lights dancing through the trees. My curiosity grew so I followed the lights until I walked into a clearing.

There where torches all around this 30 foot sphere glen. The way the flames from the torches danced made the trees around the glen look alive. As I was taking in the site of the clearing, my gaze fell upon a golden throne perched atop an 8-foot tower. The beauty of this golden throne was exquisite even though it was unadorned like how some royal thrones are. While I was taking in the site of the throne, I heard a noise like someone or something stepping onto some broken limbs. I spun around; my heart was in my throat and I couldn't see anything but solid darkness. So I cautiously walked farther into the clearing and up to the tower that held the throne. Slowly I walked around to the back and noticed a set of steps that lead up to the throne. Carefully I walked up the steps one at a time and a few moments later stepped up to the throne. Curiously I walked around to the front of the throne and carefully examined it more closely. Just as I thought. It was just a plain golden throne.

Nothing remotely special about it. Now that my curiosity has been put to rest, I turned around to stare out at the woods around me. But, just as I was beginning to listen and watch the woods, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I started to struggle, but the arms tightened slightly as they pulled me down onto a warm lap. I continued struggling to free myself and he wrapped his legs around mine, pinning them down. Then he slowly slid his hands up my body until he had both my wrists in his hands above my head. Then just as slowly, he pulled my arms back down by my sides. Quick as lighting, he moved to put his arms around mine preventing any movement, so I stopped struggling. I tried to turn my head so I could see him, but I wasn't able to move my head that far.

"What do you want?" I asked. He laughed.

"You of course," he said, with an accent I recognized but couldn't remember where I heard it before.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You already know who I am," he said with a smile in his voice.

"You better let me go. I have friends that will come looking for me," I said, just barely able to keep out the fear. He laughed.

"They've already been taking care of," he said.

"What have you done?" I asked him.

"Oh, but you will see soon enough my dear."

I jabbed my elbow back as hard as I could into his ribs. He didn't let go of me but howled in pain instead. Then he tightened his hold on me that made my breath hitch in my throat. He pushed my hair back with his chin and began kissing my neck. He inhaled my scent deeply and I felt him shiver. He then began to nibble up and down my neck gently and his breathing got more rapid as if he were panting.

Your fear is like a drug, it is tempting to taste you," he said.

I tried to calm down but couldn't. He leaned back with me in his arms and laid his head between my shoulder blades at the same time rubbing his face in my hair.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You tell me," he whispered.

"Oh, boys you can come out now," he said in a booming voice.

Four guys stepped into the clearing. They all had black jeans on and boots with nothing else. I couldn't see what kind. They stopped far enough back so I couldn't see who they were.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"They're a couple of friends of mine," he said.

"What are you planning to do to me?" I queried.

"You will know soon enough," he answered.

Then he threw back his head and laughed, as did his friends as well. Their laugher then turned into howls.

Then I woke up!!! 

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