Musical Fantasia Contest | Penana
Musical Fantasia Contest
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Submission Closed
Musical Fantasia Contest
Ramen Noodles
Judging: Community Vote
Prompt Entries Comments (8)

Music has often been described as breathing, something one cannot live without. Music is the soothing voice within our ears, the voice that speaks what cannot be spoken, and carries the words that describe us so well. 

In this contest authors will be takes with writing a story of preferably under 12k words that revolves around music. The story can be a romance, adventure, or even a Horror as long as music as a central theme. The story must also incorporate a song you created of any type of genre from rock to blues. The challenge in this writing is to not also tell an enjoyable story, but enlighten the reader's senses of sound and music through any means necessary. Illuminate the reader's mind through vivid descriptions! 

In essence this story combines both poetic(Or lyrical) skills and fiction writing to create a musically compelling story! The focus on music is more to the poetic/literary aspect of it. Music is simply poetry in its written form and poetry can be a great addition to fiction stories. Enjoy!

Requirements: Must incorporate your own written song. Under 12k words. Revolving around music, but the story can also be a romance!

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Total Reading Time: 16 minutes
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