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In the beginning of the time,it is believed that when people first created, their shape was different.Men and women were created single  body consisting of two heads and four legs and four arms. Zeus thought that they were magnificent creatures together and he was afraid of it. Zeus found a solution and cut people in half. Apollo  god of divination and healling ,was upset when he saw people in shapeless bodies and planted them. And the male and female bodies are fully formed.People always believed in the existence of their soul mate. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Aedon who lived in a small town. She was an ordinary girl who lived with her family and had friends until she founds love. One day Aedon  and her friends decided to land in the city. When they go there they are in turmoil. People were running around,bumping into,running away and screaming  each other. And then ,she suddenly realized that she wasn't with her friends.While looking for her friends,she saw that ıt was a minotor that caused this turmoil. Minotors were ox-headed monsters and they were always trapped  in dungeons. As she runs away, she hears a sound, and when she looks back, she sees someone who has defeated the minotor with his sword in his hand. While she can't take her eyes off that worrrior, that man comes and they speak for a while. Aedon learns that his name is Ajax and that he is one of the warriors of Olympus. They fell in love with each other at that moment.Months pass, the two lovers still can't meet each other because the worriors cannot marry according to the laws of the king of Olympus. When Ajax goes to ask for permission from the king, the king gives him a duty if he does this duty, the king will  allow him.Time passed, Ajax went to duty but died there. When Aedon learned about it, she felt that a piece of his soul had broken off. After a while she disappeared and no one could find her again.

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