A Dark Destiny | Penana
A Dark Destiny
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A Dark Destiny
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Within a society steeped in religious beliefs and folklore surrounding myths and the supernatural world, there is a young girl named Diana from Zambia who finds herself in perilous circumstances and almost escapes death. Since you only ever die once, why come back to life?

Diana must figure out a means to survive when death returns to pursue her in many ways, complicating her life. That's when she discovers that death is returning, but this time with a different agenda.

Diana decides to discover the truth about her troubled past with the help of a few friends, but that just gets her into more problems when other people and the supernatural find out how special she is, that death itself wants her. Diana must find the connection between her and death if she and the rest of the world are not to meet a terrible end.

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Total Reading Time: 8 hours 36 minutes
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