Cadonea's Life | Penana
Cadonea's Life
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Cadonea's Life
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A vida de Cadonea estava em tumulto total, enquanto ela gritava para o marido Tyrone parar de bater nela enquanto protegia o estômago. Seu bebê não nascido foi a melhor coisa que já aconteceu com ela. No entanto, Tyrone sentiu o contrário quando a chutou quando ela se deitou na cama completamente vulnerável, quando ele a agarrou pelos cabelos e a jogou no chão. Completamente atordoada quando a sentiu cambalear para agarrar-se à grade da cama enquanto ele a segurava e a socava na mandíbula enquanto ela gritava.

(English Translation):

Cadonea's life had been incomplete turmoil as she yelled for her husband Tyrone to stop beating her as she protected her stomach. Her unborn baby was the greatest thing that has ever happened to her. Yet Tyrone felt otherwise as he kicked her as she lies down on the bed completely vulnerable as he grabbed her up off the bed by her hair and threw her on the floor. Completely dazed as she felt her staggered to come to and hold onto the bed rail as he grabbed her and punched her in her jaw as she screamed. 

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