Writing and thoughs: Unapologetic... Unadulterated | Penana
Writing and thoughs: Unapologetic... Unadulterated
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Writing and thoughs: Unapologetic... Unadulterated
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This is just a blog where I'll write my thoughts on writing, and maybe some snippets of my writing as well.

Just a small introduction: My name is Violeta Jonsdatter. I have been writing ever since I was a little thing. I write in Norwegian, which is my native language, but sometimes I write short stories in English. I'm very interested in languages. I know a moderate amount of Spanish, I can read Portuguese, I understand a lot of German and I can read some German, some Japanese, but not enough to have a conversation (though I can understand what people say most of the time). I want to study creative writing or some language. Probably English, Scandinavian languages or Latin languages. 

I live on the West-Coast (vestlandet). I'm not going to tell you where, because I'm quite embarrassed by my narrow-minded town. I would consider myself an "alternative" person. I like punk, watch anime, write social commentaries and transgressive fiction and I like documentaries. 

I have studied academics here in Norway (because in high school in Norway we get to choose what to study. Like you can study media if you want to become a journalist or director, or health if you want to become a nurse,  food if you want to be a chef, etc... Academics is a three year course with subjects like my beloved English and Norwegian, and my eternal enemy Maths. 

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