The Irish Fire [Halloween 2019] | Penana
The Irish Fire [Halloween 2019]
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The Irish Fire [Halloween 2019]
Nikki Larousse
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On the night of Halloween part, Alice went to the party for the first time in her life when she was out of her parental controls. When she meets the beautiful stranger, Connor O'Sullivan, at that party, she just only knew of the world that existed beyond the Mortal realm.
Can she escape her destiny or must she sacrifice everything she ever loved to stay alive?

Connor O'Sullivan was one of the most powerful creatures of the founding family of Ireland. But, he was forced to find his mate when he had everything in his life just perfect they were. After meeting Alice, he thinks twice about having the life that he knows or escape with her to the world unknown.
Can he make the right choice or will there be a consequence that he has to pay?

A new novel by Nikki Larousse this Halloween season
**Happy Halloween! [2019]

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Total Reading Time: 4 hours 7 minutes
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