The Stars Have Aligned | Penana
The Stars Have Aligned
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The Stars Have Aligned
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Guys, when someone enters in your life ever feel that they were meant to be there? Well, I never saw it coming.  Here's a lil story I created for the one I miss deeply. Hope we collide again soon enough. Enjoy the story <3 


It must tragic

The road of magic seems to sweep along

It was some madness couldn't began to have thought

That i would meet you

On the stellar of the empty space,

 i can't begin to understand

How had met you

Your something special, caught my eye to the greatest height

It was uncertain,my nerves began to take flight

Oh i have seen you,

A star on the screen, that beamed with hope

That mouth of yours spoke high and might, while your smile kept you face all bright

A divine soul, how can i meet you?

I was unfooled

By your presence, too magnetic


Formed a longing spark, 

Catching your heart

Even if the distance was far

It felt like a good start...

And thats when it happened

On that day, set in stone

Oh how 

i could have i known 

That we would be friends

Forming a endless bond

I felt lovesick

But just went with it;

knew you were a damn good reason 

For me to be apart of it

I didn’t lose hope

My intuition was too far ahead, where did we start?

Was this apart of the stars that have for told?

That the stars have aligned

Oh dear can we soar up, on the mountain sky

Going after our dreams, flying high

Up to the top, feeling free

It's there, with full clarity

Taking flight, can i be with you for a life-time?



Wealth and fame are apart of your name,

oh dear i don't care i wan't you to hear me

when i say


Don't leave me

Don't leave me

Don't leave me..

Don't leave me behind..

The stars have aligned.


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