Lonely Beacons | Penana
Lonely Beacons
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Lonely Beacons
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Here's what you need to know.

"The Grid" a highly regulated internet of the not so distant future has almost entirely eradicated crime. Through some kind of advanced AI tech the police are able to collate user data into behavioural profile pictures -  otherwise known as  ‘stealthies’ - aimed at finding and even predicting criminal personalities.

The police force continues to exist, but their capacity has become subjugated to the realms of data analysis and software maintenance.

Living "offgrid"  has not been abolished, but without a "Gridtag" - a universal internet ID that allows you access to the Grid but also gives the police the ability to monitor you - many necessities are inaccessible. Shopping, driving and telecommunications to name a few, as well as the ability to travel internationally. You following so far?

Despite this, there are still a few that attempt to live outside of mainstream society as much as possible.

This is where Damien Budinski and Sahar Smith come in. It's their job to keep tabs, real world tabs, on these individuals who choose to live a life offgrid, in order to assess their threat as best as a human mind can.

Usually less exciting than it sounds, their job is about to get difficult as they are tasked with finding a man that will prove impossibly illusive. But who is he, why is he attempting to take down The Grid and what's the deal with his apparent psychic powers?

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