Darken School of the Supernatural | Penana
Darken School of the Supernatural
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Darken School of the Supernatural
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I honestly have no idea how this came about, the Muse struck me over the head, and thus, Darken was born!

Darken School of the Supernatural

Darken was founded as a school for the supernatural creatures and people. Human, nonhuman, undead, or alive. The few things students have in common are these:

No one came here on their own choice, no one knows the true purpose of the school, and no one has ever been outside the courtyard walls.

The school, in reality, is a holding tank for the potentially dangerous specimens of supernatural beings. It provides traditional classess, wonderful meals, amazing teachers, and many different clubs and after-school activities, but once a student realizes whats happening, the truth is revealed. This school is nothing more than a prison. No student at Darken who has found the truth has stayed long. Any who do are said to have "Graduated."  In reality, they are imprisoned, tortured, or, more likely, killed.

I doesn't matter how you find out, what matters is, at some point, you do. Once you find the truth, your one task is to escape. Plan, fight, survive. team up with the four other students who have found the reality, and succeed where so many have failed.

Can you escape Darken?

Hi! I'm RiverSong, and I'm pretty new to this site. Figured I'd just jump right in. 

Before we do anything else, there are a few rules I want to discuss. 

I want this to stay PG, so no rough or explicit language please.

MATURE CONTENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! If you include mature romance in this story, you WILL be asked to leave the team. However, I do looooove a good romance, so warm fuzzies and kissing are just fine! I have nothing against same sex relationships, one of my best friends are lesbian, and she's the most amazing person ever, but I don't feel comfortable writing/reading that type of romance, so please refrain from that. Thank you!

please try and narrate in first person.

backwards writing and minor violence is allowed. Nothing super graphic with the violence, though.

Be respectful to the fellow writers of this story. (Though I have no doubt I won't have to worry about that, you amazing person you!)

if your interested in joining, message me, and include your character template in that message. (Character template will be dislosed in this summary.)

Don't kill any character without owner's permission. (If needed, I will include a list of minor characters created for that purpose.)

If you would like to play more than one character, you can.

Now all the boring stuff is out of the way, ON TO THE AWESOMENESS! WOOOHOOO!

First off, in this school there are different races (Supernatural school. I mean, duh, right?)

Races (Intelligence levels are optional. You can choose how smart your character is. these are only rough guides to the races at Darken.)

Vampire (Undead/dark class)

Perks include: walking on walls/celings, night vision, floating/flying, and limited shapeshifting.  (Can only turn into one animal.) Vampires are generally intelligent.Common disadvantage: Vampires have insomnia. (Since they're nocturnal.)

Wherewolf (Dark class)

Perks include: talking with dogs, night vision, acute senses of smell and hearing, and a sixth sense for danger. Common disadvantage: They're Wherewolves, man. Isn't the disadvantage kinda obvious? also, most aren't too smart (But if you want to be a surprisingly smart Wherewolf, I don't expect you to follow every little detail on the races).

Human (Light class/neutral) *Neutral means they can be turned to a different species or class, i.e Vampire, Wherewolf, or Demon.*

Perks Include: Any supernatural power. Common disadvantage: Humans don't have any power besides what they have, and aren't as well protected as some of the supernatural races. Humans are of varying intelligence. 

Demon (Undead/Dark class)

Perks include: Any supernatural power, magic, wings/flying, sharp vision. Common Disadvantage: Anger issues, pride, and greed. Some demons, (NOT all. this is optional.) have a sensitivity to light. Can't see well in the daylight. Demons are notoriously cunning, but don't have much work ethic.

Angel (Light class/neutral) *Can be turned into a demon if attacked and injured by one.*

Perks include: wings/flight, manipulating light, magic (Only helping spells, such as healing or protection.) high stamina. Common disadvantage: Angels are night-blind. Angels are of varying intelligence.

Note: Both Angels and Demons will always have to keep a promise. When making a deal with either, they are honor-bound to keep their word. How you choose to use this information is up to you. Angels and Demons have an ongoing blood-feud.

And now, my favorite! CHARACTER TEMPLATE!!!!!!!! Private message these to me  before joining. I love reading these!

Character Template


Age: (High school ages, or 14-18)




Appearance: (If you want, include a picture.)



Weakness: (The disadvantage of your race doesn't count.)



History: (How did your character come to this school? Does he/she already know the real purpose of the school? ect.)

Up for love?: 

Years spent at Darken:

Reason they want to escape-or don't:

(Optional) Theme song:



I'll be posting my character in the comment section after I get a few cast members.

Darken also has a school uniform, so all our character will be wearing this.

Darken's school colors are red and black.

Darken School Uniform (Male)

white button up shirt, red vest, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a black tie

Darken School Uniform (Female)

Red blouse, black plaited skirt (Knee-length) black leggings, black boots or dress shoes (Female style)

I look forward to seeing messages from people soon. (Please include the reason you want to join.) Very excited and looking forward to working with you!

May Starclan light your path!


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