Crimson Hearts | Penana
Crimson Hearts
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Crimson Hearts
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Sometimes those one considers heroes, end up being a villain in disguise. However, the victim is not always the victim.

Rose, a 25 year old with a perfect imagine in town of a warm heart innocent person who helps out those in need, suffered of her family being murdered. Ha-Joon a 30 year old FBI detective who is on search of a serial killer that has been lately killing females in the area. Azumi a victim of rape who is a suspect of murder, Axel, a university student who is also a suspect of murder of his ex girlfriend. The increase of killings in the area scare the city, leaving them chills on the thought of who the murderers are. Who truly is innocent, and who is guilty? 
(This story consists of various points of views in order to understand what is going on, and shifts from present to past or vice versa.)

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Total Reading Time: 10 minutes
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