I've never done this before though, so I didn't know what will really happen. I hoped that the result will not be disastrous. Goodness Emily was here to help me. I slapped the table twice to get the attention of the competitors. "Everybody, we are starting right now. To warm up, I want you guys to line up according to height, facing me, within 2 minutes. You guys decide which side of the line should have the taller people or the shorter. No talking. Whoever talks will have less chance of being my model. Timing starts....now!"
The group of people quickly scrambled up and I watched them struggling to find their proper place. I saw some of them frantically gesturing to each other arguing who's the taller one. Their speed was impressive, I had to admit. Without a mirror, they quickly figured out the line. Since Emily was a part of the judging panel, I decided to let her talk and judge their line. "Everybody freeze!" I commanded. I nudged Emily to let her continue. It was hilarious how everybody was purposely frozen in exaggerated mid-action. They were trying to impress me, I guess. "Eh...you guys can relax a bit." They stood in a more natural looking position and Emily started talking," Since my dear co-judge will probably be too nice, I will be the mean and critical judge just for the sake of balance. Now lets....see. You guys are actually in a straight line and the height order is perfect. Wow." There were a few nervous laughs after that comment. " Now we will actually start the audition. No need to waste time. But....actually...we might waste some time in the next activity. I hope none of you are afraid of video cameras, because I will be recording you guys for the sake of fairness and evidence. Before we do that though, why don't we write own our names on this sheet of paper and stand back into the line you are in right now?" Ha. Perfect speech. Now I don't really need to improvise since Emily is doing it for me. Emily held up a sheet of blank paper and told me draw a table that has 30 rows within 10 seconds. Easy peasy. I quickly drew a perfect table and handed it to Emily. The competitors rushed forward to fill out their names. As quick as lightning, they soon stood in their original places in the line.
"Before we start. I would like to explain the rules of the first part of the audition. It is called the staying-still contest." Excited whispers filled the room. When the noised died down, Emily continued. "First we will be grouping you guys into 2 separate groups. Each group will have 15 people. During the contest, one group would be in this room. Each of you would be sitting on an art stool. In which ever position you like. You will each be blindfolded. You must hold that pose without moving for as long as you can. As soon as we or the cameras, which would be recording you, sense that you are moving, you will be un-blindfolded. You then would have to wait until everybody's blindfolds are taken off You will know during the contest who's the winner in your group. It may sound easy to not move, but considering the itches and scratches, it's a hard activity. Also, you are not allowed to make any noises during the contest. And one last rule, there will only be two winners who will proceed to the second part of this audition, one from each group." There were a few audible gasps when Emily said the last part. Emily created so much pressure in only a few seconds. There will be 28 people eliminated in this stage when there are in total 30 people! No wonder she said I was too nice. I would have never done that.
"Now," Emiliy started again, "you will be split into different groups. You decide how to split it, Paisley." I reluctantly stood up from my comfy and soft chair at the desk. I slowly walked to the shorter side of the line. I alternated the group number for each person while counting towards the taller side, "one, two, one, two, one..." I decided to do this because I wanted it to be as fair as possible. "Now, members of group 2 can go outside to relax and maybe practice being still and quiet. Members of group 1, please stay and grab a art stool to sit on." Half of the people hurried out of the room, looking nervous, while the other half settled themselves down on stools as fast as they can. Me and Emily set up 4 cameras at the corners of the room, just to record down the movements for evidence. We also decided to tie the blindfolds on people ourselves, just to make sure they don't cheat."
I continuously tied blindfolds for several people before I came to a boy. He had tan skin, grey eyes and hair that had the same color as mine. I hesitated before touching the boy. Honestly, I was still a little shy around boys since I never really interacted with them. I've noticed that he's the only boy in the whole competition. Me and boys never really had a common interest. Why did he even bother to come? Hmm... maybe he liked art too. In the end, I tied the blindfold on him myself. Both me and the boy flinched when I touched his ear. He turned back his head and flashed a huge smile at me, with his blindfolds on, of course. I quickly walked to the next person, just to avoid any further awkward contact with the boy. When me and Emily finished, I told the competitors to move and relax for 10 more seconds before we begin. The countdown started,"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Start!"
A/N: How'd you like this chapter? I hope the pace is not too slow for you. You can definitely comment if you want any changes or improvements. What do you think would happen next? ;)
Rolled sugar cookies and brownies,
Jessica :3