Home tonight by Paul McCartney
I'm taking you home tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANA92Kk8zuU7Z
I want to make sure that you're alright363Please respect copyright.PENANASwhPQnX8zB
Looks like a cold, cold wind is blowing in363Please respect copyright.PENANAF8zxf16tuy
I'm taking you home tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAd3Xkll30LC
Like a train that's left the tracks363Please respect copyright.PENANA2bGKcfKtnE
The world is falling apart363Please respect copyright.PENANAoZaeNQdKzd
I'd gladly help to put it back363Please respect copyright.PENANAb1YnM5qgca
But tell me where to start363Please respect copyright.PENANAOCFN3ZxHvG
I'm taking you home (yeah!) tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAyymSMaQa0X
I want to make sure that you're alright363Please respect copyright.PENANA4uuQsJFjtS
Well, the coat you're wearing's way too thin363Please respect copyright.PENANA0RLCJkUD0E
I'm taking you home tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAmSuL7V82kA
I read the bad news every day363Please respect copyright.PENANANTl5L5awdY
It's getting harder to cry363Please respect copyright.PENANAeYNO7WrymM
Sometimes I'd like to look away363Please respect copyright.PENANAki2aVTN9B8
But I can't close my eyes363Please respect copyright.PENANAGzIduxm35J
I'm taking you home (yeah!) tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAmBN3Rtbk80
I want to make sure that you're alright363Please respect copyright.PENANA6WTTOhFYLe
Won't you notify my next of kin?363Please respect copyright.PENANAqFirZiioGJ
I'm taking you home tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAK7IZNI11hC
Say yes tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAwttGBEy5OK
Say yes if my suggestion is right363Please respect copyright.PENANAefgnmf4ro9
Say yes to me363Please respect copyright.PENANAeKAu7VSPHh
If that's the way you want it to be363Please respect copyright.PENANAijGO923fCO
Oh, I'm taking you home (yeah!) tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAVtvcQg4IKO
I want to make sure that you're alright363Please respect copyright.PENANAv5OVHJzNLE
Looks like a cold, cold wind is blowing in363Please respect copyright.PENANA4psnr0XDrv
I'm taking you home tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAl7CWxDvqCw
Well, life goes by at such a pace363Please respect copyright.PENANApJP9UIn3nk
The troubles seem to increase363Please respect copyright.PENANAKTwS5vttyX
I know that we can find a place363Please respect copyright.PENANASouflgqhWj
Where we can get some peace363Please respect copyright.PENANAFKHA5x7TK6
I'm taking you home (yeah!) tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAUiklykknqK
I want to make sure that you're alright363Please respect copyright.PENANA0KCrGS5uW9
Looks like a cold, cold wind is blowing in363Please respect copyright.PENANAh8ZQeKTOQ3
I'm taking you home tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAN4vKVqZWc3
So say yes tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAlxCcD7oP6Z
Say yes if my suggestion is right363Please respect copyright.PENANArpSnxPPoP7
Say yes to me363Please respect copyright.PENANACRZOCVcf55
If that's the way you want it to be363Please respect copyright.PENANAVuzDzhu8TO
Well, I'm taking you home (home!) tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAlXNSkAA0pe
I want to make sure that you're alright363Please respect copyright.PENANA3SxzVJJtKb
They say a cold, cold wind is blowing in363Please respect copyright.PENANAJB989EynWJ
The coat you're wearing's way too thin363Please respect copyright.PENANAwsiYV0UMJ2
Notify my next of kin363Please respect copyright.PENANAE8o1I106gZ
I'm taking you home tonight363Please respect copyright.PENANAphwayZNTeb
The Beatles 是我自童年便一直喜歡著的樂隊,今年剛好成軍30年,挺值得紀念的。這隊樂隊對我影響挺深,很多時候都是聽著他們的歌聽著聽著就過了。而自從樂隊解散了之後,樂隊各人都有自己的發展。Paul McCartney亦開始發展自己的音樂事業,到現在推出了不少單曲和專輯。而今天就想和大家分享Paul McCartney的Home tonight。
聽這首歌的時候,剛好是我的生活一團糟的時刻。找不到人生方向、懷疑自己的能力、失去讀書的動力、期終考試的失利,這些東西一點一點的壓垮了我,我那段時間每天都會經歷最少一次心悸,以及最少一次的panic attack,接下來便是無盡的焦慮情緒。我根本沒有辦法好好整理思緒,甚至連從哪裡著手都不知道。唯一能夠讓我稍微冷靜一丁點的,就只有這首歌的歌詞和Paul溫柔的聲線。睡覺時聽著這首歌,感覺才好像安穩了一點,起碼在暴風雪中有人陪著。
有時候我很想逃避,很想脫離正在研讀的課程,很想逃跑,但是對數學的熱誠讓我暫時驅散了那種想法。但這種不斷反覆出現的fight or flight情況很快擊潰了我的防線,不但身體出現了反應,甚至心理也開始變得更加焦躁,容易有極端的情緒,例如極度傷心、極度生氣等等。這首歌便是我在失控邊緣的一根救命稻草。每次一聽這首歌,雖然情緒還是很失控,不過卻有一種舒服了一點點的感覺。
//I’m taking you home tonight//
363Please respect copyright.PENANADdWBDCQUpO