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Sameness is boring that means you dont do anything different from what you did yesterday or even long time ago.  To me changes means challenges. I have to overcome many barriers ahead of me. It’s really scary. I find it boring and dull when I follow the norms or could I say it is just sameness I could not think of any words to describe that remaining the same like the past days I have lived for years means no progress made like lived in the past I am still in the world that I imagined for many years which I have followed for years everyone around changed a lot but I remain the same. Honestly speaking, I knew that I have changed but I dont want to uncover it and recognize it I am freaked out.  But actually in the retro of my life I have ever lived like a human when I was a junior high and when I was a freshman in college I lived freely then I think I am a human being when I live by the norms I set for myself or subconsciously I sign a contract with my inner self that I can rely on this because I know who I am that a big different between the fact and the unveil of the truth I know about myself and I do not know myself I feel very frustrated when I find it hard to remain and be myself thats why I was overwhelmed by the fact that Sulli have committed suicide when embarking on the journey of searching her real self. Thats’s very shocking to me I feel the sorrow and the unwillingness not to accept the truth so how can I proceed the search of myself when I am still doing mine I am freaked out actually.  But anyhow I am working my own path out. Cheers for that! 

If I am still alivethats an evidence I am showing to the world I am brave. 

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