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Updates, Suggestions, writing platforms, etc.
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Hello everyone! So I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to make this blog about. I've never done a blog before in my life, unless you count twitter/facebook updates. Anyway, I suppose I'll tell you my writing history. 

It all began in 2016 when I was hung on this girl for about 3 years. She knew I was into her but had no interest in dating me. But I didn't care cause I was obsessed with her and needed to have her. Wasn't the greatest time in my life.

So one day she started seeing this guy and I got super jealous. Didn't know what to do, I professed my love to her but she shot me down. At this point, I was in a really bad place and needed to vent in some way. 

Next thing I knew, I was writing short stories. At first, I didn't know what to write about, let alone how to put my thoughts into words. I barely read one book in my life at the time. So I did some searching around and came across a website known as; Wattpad.

One thing led to another and I ended up meeting loads of people and writing became a hobby rather than a necessity. And that's I got into writing. Not exactly the most interesting story but that's what happened. Hope you enjoyed my little tale.

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