The 'fairness' in war is the reason there are so many conflicts in the world. I personally believe that war is pointless, but I understand that in keeping things the same in the name of peace actually prevents it. Say if there was a big country and a little country, and war was banned, it seems good as it prevents war, but actually this prevents the little country from getting its fair share. So maybe it is right. (Of course the two countries could merge creating a huge economy of peace with no wars but due to the ignorance of humans throughout history this seems unlikely).
In love is a different matter. If someone uses unsavoury ways to ensure their true love gets together, is it bad? YES!!! What if this means that they are both happily in love? STILL REALLY BAD!.. or is it? There is a song from the Lorax (one of my favourite children's films) and the lyrics are:
'The animal that wins has got to claw and fight and kick and bite and punch, and the animal that doesn't (well the animal that doesn't) ends up as someone else's lunch!'
(This is actually about deforestation and marketing but the same rule applies. Oh and the once-ler is my favourite character but forget that for now (I know he cut down all the trees but its a film, so stop judging me (I know you are!)
This makes sense in a way as advantages, however sly, are the only way to get ahead. But please remember this is coming from the guy who is in fact a movie villain. You can't trust them; especially when the message behind the film is that he is badness in all its glory.
Maybe this refers to love too. If using these techniques means the best for those you care about and would do anything for, then is it so bad?
I honestly don't know what to think about this really. But I've tried my best.