“I came, just like I promised I would, Ophelia”
His voice was echoing through the whole house even though he wasn’t yelling. It sounded so cold and firm. Whoever that man was, he was intimidating.1053Please respect copyright.PENANA33njb7okYC
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAuz7PAEzO3i
Ophelia glared at the stairs before she opened a secret compartment in the wall from the far back of the hall. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed an elongated object that looked like a stick and grasped it. She had to be strong for her daughter. She had been entangled into his web for far too long and she had so many regrets that were still haunting her. That man tainted everything in her life and she didn’t want that to happen to her daughter as well.
The person who got first in the hall was a woman with strange and messy hair and with a terrible expression on her face. She was content and cocky, in a bad way.
The little girl walked closer to the door and listened.1053Please respect copyright.PENANANYkQSuVcUa
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAeH1l9mrrcP
Those pale green eyes narrowed at the crowd getting on the first floor, “You will never have her. Never.”
“Stupid woman. You’re doing the same mistake as my stupid cousin.” The messy haired woman sneered. “Give us the girl!” The woman screamed while waving her hand dangerously towards Ophelia.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAMexbSktMBH
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAWniUGfCRud
“No. She is my daughter and I won’t let her end up like I did.” Ophelia said as she squeezed her wand angrily and straightened her back. She had no chance against them but it didn’t matter.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAEkrUQCz55g
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAszL67USQWe
The crowd of strange people scattered but the one who walked towards the woman was not the cloaked man. No, it was a man with platinum blonde hair and piercing grey eyes. He shook his head in disappointment and moved aside, letting the real danger face Ophelia.
“You did it with your own hands.” The blonde mumbled before the same loud curse echoed through the hall.
“Avada Kedavra!”1053Please respect copyright.PENANAgYzWvudqCd
1053Please respect copyright.PENANA4O0NImYBYJ
Eliza woke up with a jolt, grasping for air and trembling from every corner of her body.
She calmed down after a few minutes and took a shower. The girls weren’t up yet so she could take her time.
With the water falling over her head, she couldn’t help but remember the dream. Maybe Remus was right and she did need a change of environment because something new popped up. It wasn’t very relevant because he didn’t seem to have any higher position than the rest but the way he was looking at Ophelia, with such disappointment…1053Please respect copyright.PENANASbOJBpUAK6
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAlCwB8suw6M
After she finished her shower, she stopped for a moment to look at her reflection in the mirror. It was foggy so Eliza had to wipe it a bit so she could see her eyes at least. She caressed her cheek softly and sighed. Those green eyes were not exactly the same pale color as her mother's but they did look alike. The rest of her face was a softer version of the crazed man who escaped Azkaban. 1053Please respect copyright.PENANAqjxfp9b0zB
1053Please respect copyright.PENANABRUsXNJGh0
When Eliza walked back in the room, the girls were making their beds.
“Oh, you’re awake already. Did you shower?” Hermione asked, still dazed from waking up.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAVOwkrrRMeL
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAuGJhpM7Yw5
Eliza nodded and grabbed her clothes. She finally had color on her robes and they were pleasant to the eye.
1053Please respect copyright.PENANABQomG6qeCW
The first class of the day was Divination with Professor Trelawney. From what Eliza piqued up during breakfast, it seemed divination and Care of Magical Creatures were new classes that some students chose and some didn’t. The point was Eliza did not choose anything and her timetable just came to her already prepared. Unconsciously, her eyes fell over the professors table but instead of catching Lupin’s eye she caught another’s.
Finding the divination classroom was another big problem because Eliza had no idea whatsoever where she was going. When she finally found the classroom, she was ten minutes late and had to sneak at the nearer table.
Except the outside appearance which was definitely abnormal, the professor seemed kind and a bit lost in her own world. Altogether, Eliza was happy that everyone she had met was in that classroom, more or less interested in what Trelawney was saying.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAyloVoArZ2w
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAb48INYrMOg
Eliza was standing with Parvati and Lavender which proved to be a very bad decision. The girls were engrossed into all the stuff about divination and once they drunk their tea and begun their tea leaves future finding whatever that was, Eliza sulked in her seat.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAV4wc2M0SEj
1053Please respect copyright.PENANACXfNJkwgeX
“The truth is buried in a sentence of a book, waiting to be read. First you must open your minds to see what is beyond!”1053Please respect copyright.PENANA9LQRTrBqUh
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAgCeCKwaBoR
Eliza watched the professor being very animated in her lesson and she couldn’t help but chuckle bemusedly. At some point, the professor saw the so called Grim in Harry’s tea and the chaos ensued, almost the whole class moving around Harry and Ron’s table.1053Please respect copyright.PENANA72ZQ6DfqnC
1053Please respect copyright.PENANA8txQ9XDaGw
Eliza glanced at her partner, who was now looking at her with confusion. She snatched the cup from her and looked at her own leaves, her eyes widening when she noticed the insides. Eliza didn’t have the grim but she had something that looked a lot like a serpent.
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAY5PCO7dkfq
Nothing really happened after class and Trelawney didn’t get the chance to see Eliza’s serpent, thankfully. It was the second time she would have gotten lost if it wasn’t for Lavender Brown who found her going in circles when they had Transfiguration.
Unlike what Hermione imagined, Eliza has been very well taught and knew absolutely every spell they did in the last two years. Of course, she didn’t know anything new but unlike her classmates who were shaken up by Harry’s Grim and the whole Divination class altogether, the brunette was well past that.
However, when they had to go outside for Care of Magical Creatures after lunch, Eliza was saved again by Lavender.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAv0XiGVI4hm
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAGMaTfW9wiD
“I’m very thankful, Lavender.” Eliza mumbled sheepishly.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAtEdWV86ciF
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAtSGVp9Cmnc
“No problem! We’re in the same house we should help each other out!” The girl smiled, sending positive sparks towards Eliza.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAtPc1gi23bU
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAWHLMdWLEUo
Unlike what she originally thought, people who were in the same house seemed very likely to have each other’s backs. Eliza has seen Hufflepuffs hang around with Ravenclaws and both houses hanging out with Gryffindor but no one from Slytherin would talk to someone else.
“How has today been so far? Is Hogwarts different fromwhat you imagined?” Lavender asked, genuinely curious.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAeA2zTHC4JR
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAVADZlZlHyK
“Yes, very. I had never met a Dementor before and only saw one in a book,” She responded sincerely.
Lavender furrowed her eyebrows together and nodded thoughtfully.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAfwugoHJ50J
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAVSzsUQEkmn
“Yes, yes. It never happened before here either. It’s all about Sirius Black and the breakout from Azkaban. But that is not enough to keep you from having fun!” She exclaimed and smiled.1053Please respect copyright.PENANASkx31P3k2v
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAkKr14cH4Cq
Once they arrived at what Lavender called Hagrid’s Hut, they got into partners and had to keep an eye out for the books. Eliza had one too but she didn’t open it yet; not that she wanted to after she saw how hard it was to control it.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAm4nXhDjH41
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAEpKoppAocl
“Are you alright?” She asked Neville when she saw him fighting with his book.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAtoyRIw5PP5
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAjFqZJexubP
“It’s fine.” He mumbled right before the book launched at him. Through some amazing luck, he got the chance to close it and keep it that way.
1053Please respect copyright.PENANANXKxHLw3Fq
From Hagrid’s Hut they went into the forest, ready for the lesson. It was about magical creatures and how to take care of them or use them in your favor. They had that class with Slytherins and it seemed all of them enjoyed creating havoc around them, especially one blonde guy.
“That’s Malfoy. He has something stuck up his bottom.” Seamus told Eliza, making a face. He was a funny man and she was quite grateful that she stumbled upon them; or it was the other way around.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAipg1yrxbax
1053Please respect copyright.PENANA6BT46AgGHw
“He seems to piss off everyone.” She commented, grabbing Ron’s attention.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAjFrIEp9nnr
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAUoEDoiNoI1
“You bet he is.” He mumbled as he passed the brunette.1053Please respect copyright.PENANABsC2UpFhPB
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAtUpphQ6RNZ
For most of the way, friends spoke to friends and no one else. She got to speak to Hermione again but for some reason, every time Harry was around, Eliza was uncomfortable and had to go back to Seamus or Neville. She wasn’t sure why since they never even talked and he wasn’t a bad person but it felt a lot like that scar on his forehead was hurting her as well. It was silly but she couldn’t help it. It was a reminder that her family was just as broken as his parents were dead.1053Please respect copyright.PENANASXZjm6CxW6
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAHBiS7uzAzN
Neville opened the book again and got attacked by it, making everyone laugh.
Once Hagrid told them to separate into groups, Eliza followed Hermione yet still kept the distance from Harry.1053Please respect copyright.PENANA4bzh8KWk5k
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAHO7mvjLrVP
“Those books are intense,” Eliza mumbled to her roommate but she seemed a bit tense.
Hagrid seemed quite struck by the fact that not even one student knew the books had to be stroked in order to calm down. The blonde of Slytherin found it quite vital to point out just how stupid that sounded, Hagrid’s whole excitement cracking.1053Please respect copyright.PENANA1lszruUVYA
1053Please respect copyright.PENANADicsSsuj65
Eliza shook her head and sighed, deciding she should keep a distance from the Slytherin mean boy for as long as possible. As she was walking behind Dean and Seamus, she almost tripped over her own two feet, the forest fading from vision as something else flashed before her eyes.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAC5wu7PIdgH
1053Please respect copyright.PENANA22XSwQMs0I
“I’m not the kid from Hogwarts anymore. You should have chosen your family, us! But instead, you chose Potter and his little group,” The blonde snarled at the green eyed woman. He was furious and he was looking at her with the same disappointing glint as the day she was murdered.
“Is that really what you want to be Lucius? When we first met, you were just like me. Our families were the ones who forced us into the darkness. Maybe they trained you too well, maybe you have been brainwashed but not me.” Ophelia addressed this younger version of Lucius.1053Please respect copyright.PENANA9HYVdgQ4ZR
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAh0vBYjMZt3
“Maybe. Or maybe he changed you, Sirius Black. He will get you killed sooner or later.” Lucius added calmly, making Ophelia feel even worse.1053Please respect copyright.PENANA0nbHJBaMJU
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAnirs9sPAmX
The memory faded away when she got pushed aside by none other than Malfoy, who wanted to have a better view of what was happening ahead. Ron noticed her almost losing her balance again and helped her up.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his eyes staring into hers.
“I just got pushed, nothing much.” She responded, a smile spreading on her face.1053Please respect copyright.PENANA2zuN2aTQ6o
1053Please respect copyright.PENANALsrmt1sUY8
Since Harry wasn’t there because he got to make friends with a hippogriff (which she totally spaced out and had no idea how and when) it was far more comfortable standing with Hermione and Ron.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAVpIuH1HgTN
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAwiy4XrfyfQ
Eliza couldn’t help but glance at Malfoy from time to time. He was just like a younger version of Lucius, if she were to really inspect him. They were both Slytherins and their images fit so well together.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAeGXYkZ0eRO
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAlKgxrs4jNh
As the hippogriff came back, Harry became the center of attention which quickly changed into a disaster once Malfoy forcefully touched Buckbeak, getting him scratched.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAijgQIgXEe9
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAjjuKqsb3aI
“My father will hear about this!”1053Please respect copyright.PENANAyjZgayXBW2
1053Please respect copyright.PENANASedeLlNuDg
Malfoy was very keen on making everyone pity him, even when Hagrid easily scooped him up and went back to the castle and to the Hospital Wing.1053Please respect copyright.PENANANUBAYLaV7a
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAQZdjVOTJ0t
“What does his father do?” Eliza asked the closest person she could find. Interestingly enough, that was Harry.
“He works at the Ministry of Magic. He is an even bigger asshole than his son.” The boy responded making her even more curious.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAA1k1NEbM2T
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAMlblNakX7V
“Is his name Lucius?” She asked, not once thinking that Harry had met him before.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAuU7EYs19G6
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAsArsd9QrNO
“Yes. Have you met him?” Harry asked, frowning a bit.
Her eyes widened when she realized what she just asked and shook her head quickly.1053Please respect copyright.PENANAEiPz3ESmbP
1053Please respect copyright.PENANAnCvlxPI0i7
“Not exactly,” She muttered before she turned her head to the side and completely ignored him for the rest of the way back.