Star Fox: Crimson Legion | Penana
Star Fox: Crimson Legion
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Star Fox: Crimson Legion
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DISCLAIMER: This writing is best enjoyed and makes the most sense if you have some prior knowledge of Star Fox and its lore. If you don't, then it might be somewhat confusing.

I also feel like I should mention the fact that this isn't a novel; it's a screenplay. I would've chosen "Screenplay" as one of the genres but it wasn't a subgenre option, so I'm telling you that it's a screenplay now. I'm planning on getting this thing animated sometime, so stay tuned for updates!

Okay, here we go. I'm gonna shut up so you can read this thing.


The Lylat System. Eighteen planets, six nebulae, and a hub of intergalactic peace for centuries. Lylat, namely the fourth planet, Corneria, has prospered in recent years, and developed technology unmatched by other civilizations. Their crown jewel is a teleportation device capable of sending ships light years away and back in the blink of an eye. However, the lead scientist of this project, Arthur Winstoniye, went insane and tried to use this technology to launch an assault on Corneria. General Pepper of the Cornerian Defense Force successfully defeated and banished Arthur to the last planet of the Lylat System, Venom.

Five years have passed, and Corneria is peaceful once again. However, Arthur, who now goes by Andross, has constructed an army, the Crimson Legion, in secret, and he plans to use it to exact his revenge on Corneria. General Pepper became suspicious of Andross years before, and once the scout ship he sent to Venom to investigate returned with photos of the Legion, his suspicions were confirmed.

But the scout ship was spotted by the Crimson Legion's general, Andrew Oikonny, and once Andross discovered that his Legion was exposed he launched three of his battleships to assault Corneria. Desperate, General Pepper has called upon the legendary mercenary team Star Fox to help defend them as the Venomian threat grows nearer...


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