"Sub me." I said to coach. It was finals in mens volleyball. I really hate it when this happens. By the way, we got an easy win in semi finals.
"What is wrong? Did something happened?" Coach asked me while I was sitting in the bench. I am so pissed off with the play today. They kept on getting the balls that were aimed at me and never let me spike! I was just standing in court and I did nothing as in nothing! If this the way of Rick's revenge then I'll gladly take it and quit with the team.
"Hey coach, If people are ganging up on me because I 'disrespected' their captain without them knowing the truth, I'm quitting this team." His head snap at my direction and asked me why.
"Rick is the setter." Coach said "And I need to build a strong relationship with him, but because we had a thing at the past and he asked for another chance and breaks his promises once again, I decided to end the shit! And now, he's not setting for me! Dang he's not even looking at my direction! I joined this team to prove that I can do it and if my teammates are not giving a chance then let it be. I'm not quiting because I'm weak and can't handle pressure. You can't win if no one is cooperating or one is left behind in the plan."
Coach just nod at this. "I am just a coach. I can't barge in your personal relationships. I need your strength in this team and I can't let you go. However, if that is your wish then let it be. I just have one last wish."
The first game was won by the Mytheryl Academy and so was the second set. If they take the 3rd game it's all over.
"We're switching players." Coach said and no one objected.
Third set players are Me and the second six of the team. I'm more confident with this guys. They have the urge to win since they were benched most of the times, and the best part is that Ryan is the setter.
"I'm will not put my nose in others business but, please this time trust us because we trust you." Ryan said at me and the others beamed at me too. "Let's work hard together." I said and we played!
It was quite hard since the first six has the strongest abilities but they are not that bad. They can save the ball. As long as it connects, we can still play. It was a long third set and and we won. Fourth set then started and we were still the players. I can sense that the first six players are now really pissed off. They wanted to play. They don't want their spot to be taken away. Glares was sent at my direction.
I don't even care. Coach let me play then I'll play. But with this kind of team? Nah. This is my last game with the school varsity team. They can eat the trophy after we're done. We actually won the fourth set and the crowd goes wild.
"You guys will play for the final set." Coach said to us and our eyes was so wide in shock.
"Why?! We can defeat them! Why won't you let us play!" Dan said to coach and he was really pissed off. "It's because you lack unity." Coach just said and shrug him off.
"We actually have! It's just that Reid is hard to kept on pace and he is a distraction." Rick and I shot him a glare. Now this is my fault? WOW
"I'm quiting. You what? I'm over this." I said as I threw my hands in the air. I'm dramatic. YES. It's because I was so pissed off.
I pointed at Rick. "You. fucking cheated on me. I was hoping that you will change but no. So I gave up on you. And you act as if I can still trust you after what you have done? NO.FUCKING.WAY.RICK." I now pointed at the the six players. "And all of you. were a fucking minions of RICK. Since he is your captain you will just listen to what he says and now I'm the bad guy here? OH HELL NO. If you don;t want me to cooperate with you then I'll leave this team. I'm not saying that I am the ace here but have fun losing." I said to them as I walked out and go to dugout.
They can't win with that kind of attitude, not trusting everybody and leaving them behind. They are all arrogant and they had this kind of thinking that since they are the first six players, they are the only people who are allowed to play. Ever since in the start of this league the other players can't actually play! They won't even let them sub any of them. That is nasty for a team game.
I decided to back to my room and my mom called me. "Why are you home? Why did you walked out earlier?" I knew she was watching but I don't care about that for now.
"They don't trust me. It's a fucking monopolization out there!" I said to her and she hugged me. It was so tight that I didn't even felt that I am crying.
"You don't need those kind of people. I am so proud of you. You had faced your fear well. I love you Reid" My mom said and with this, I was happy.
"I'm sorry to ruin the moment mom but we need to get dressed for the dance competition" Bea said as she entered my room. "I know, I know. I'm sorry I can't watch it Reid, Dad and I need to attend some meetings but promise me to record it so we can watch it okay?" I nod at her and she placed a soft kiss in my forehead.
"Bye mom." I said and with that she left.
"Sooo?" Bea said as she sat on my bed.
"I quited the team. They don't need me and I don't need them." I said to her and she agreed.
"Stop this vibe and chill. We need to win that fucking competition." She smiled at me and we started to get ready for the dance battle.
While we were changing, my phone vibrated indicating that have a new text message form someone.
Don't care about others. Dance. I know you can do it.
Well that's new. He never texted me like this. most of the time it was all naughty things or prank things. I smiled at this and continue what I am doing.
For some reason I was really pumped up. I don't know if t was because of the text, or because I love dancing, or because it was Brian.
Why won't this fluttery feelings won't go... I wonder.