People Left: Kyra, Taylor, G, E, Belle, Candi, Beck, Tammi, Tris, Sylvia, O
Sylvia stared at the phone. O had broken the silence that had permeated everyone for an hour, and all of a sudden the phone was blowing up.
Taylor -Kyra
Taylor -G
Taylor -Beck
Sylvia -Taylor
Myself -Belle
Sylvia continued to stare. Were they going to wait for her vote? It's not like it would do anything.
...Sylvia? -Taylor
My vote won't change anything. -Sylvia
That it won't. But you still need to vote. -O
Sylvia looked across the room to the door. If only she could get out...
Taylor -Sylvia
The radio started up and a boy came on the line, sounding younger than he claimed to be. "P-P-Please sir, don't shoot me, don't shoot me! Please!"
BANG! Another innocent lost in the senseless violence.
You have one hour, everyone. Make it count this time. -O
Sylvia stared at the wall straight in front of her. "Make it count..." she murmured. "How to make it count..."
The phone started blowing up with texts. Sylvia glared at it and turned down the notification volume. She had to make this last hour count, if it was the last thing she did.
She would make sure that everyone here didn't die for nothing.
The door moved half an inch. The was something, right? Sylvia was half an inch closer to freedom. Half an inch closer to defeating the killer.
Half an inch closer to regaining her sanity.
The table was in ruins, though. She couldn't throw it at the door again and expect it to do anything. But she still had the bed. She was about to use it when she noticed the chat had gone silent again. She picked up the phone. What happens when there are only two people left? -Kyra
I mean, no one's going to vote for themself, right? And then it's up to O to kill the last person, which doesn't seem fair. -Kyra
So...what happens? -Kyra
No one had responded after that. Then, a little text showed up.
Allow me to explain. -O
I am posing as one of the people in your precious little voting game. Vote me before everyone is gone, and everyone left lives. Leave me alive by the end, and everyone dies. You have 40 minutes left to figure out who I am before the last vote. -O
And thus started the descent into madness.