“Andris, please…” Sophia was begging him not to turn away from her. If he did, he could never return, he wasn’t human like them. There is no redemption for those that commit an act of treason against Him. “I had warned you before not to get attached to them, you are a warrior Andris, not a babysitter!”
Andris groaned in agony, his hands combing through his brunette hair in frustration. “Yes, you warned me.” He snapped, “But why is it we can’t protect them! These things are preventable, but it is HIM that allows Lucifer to bring illness and possession of souls like—”
Andris’ eyes wandered meters from where he and Sophia were standing. A bright little yellow umbrella lay in the road rocking back and forth after suddenly being dropped. Small, curled fingers that once had gripped it now lay unmoving against the cool pavement. Rain pattered down in a drizzle washing the scene free of blood.
It would only be moments before the street would come to life with flashing red and blue lights, the distant sounds of sirens were already resounding streets away.
“That is not your job Andris!” Sophia let out a shaky sigh, and spoke softly, “You are a warrior of Heaven. Believe in Him Andris do not shut Him from your heart.” Tears grazed the corners of her eyes seeing her brother watching over the small child’s body. He was hurting from years of indecisiveness wearing him down like sandpaper. Having redeemed the human’s souls clean of sin, it was painful to watch the children of their Leader teeter away like candlelight.
“You know He will save her. She will be just fine she is blessed to be with us now.”Andris shook his head, turning his back on Sophia. “There is no redemption for angels, you know that.” Tears rolled down Sophia’s cheek in a final attempt to break his poor judgment.
Andris chuckled softly, a sadness ringing at the edges of his voice. “This child had an amazing life ahead of her. She would have experienced everything that we could not, Sophia. Doesn’t that bother you?” A gentle sob shook his body; he was still walking forward towards the small child, her body paling in comparison to the asphalt.
“Of course it does Andris, my heart aches for them. But He also decides who stays and who goes.”
A frustrated yell erupted from his lungs, and he kneeled down in front of the child who had been an unlikely casualty to a drunk driver. “I want you to leave Sophia! I need to think.” Andris sobbed loudly, gripping his arm tightly and hunching over, his shoulders hovering at his ears.
Sophia closed her eyes, looking away from the scene. She knew what he would do as soon as she would turn away. Bringing a human breathe again was a direct betrayal to Him. Andris would be sent to the feet of Shoftiel to be judged and fall onto earth to become a foul follower of Lucifer.
Sophia took one last glance at Andris whose wings were now flickering from his cherubic white, to a deepening brown – a sign that he had already made a decision. Sophia turned on her heels in grief to escape seeing his fate, and instead came face to face with the smell of sulfur and serpentine eyes.
“Oh, fancy meeting you here pretty Sophia.” The general purred, caressing the side of Sophia’s face. “Looks like you lost another one, hm?” The man that stood only inches from her face was Lucifer’s Grand General, the one who serves directly under Lucifer.
A sneer spread across Sophia’s face and she swatted his hand away, “Agaliarept, get out of here.” She hissed.
“No can do, sweet angel,” he smirked, “Dear Andris has a date with the Devil.” He laughed, and with the snap of his fingers he was gone. Sophia blinked, and turned around with sheer panic growing in her chest. Andris was gone, but in his wake was a breathing, crying child.