The Universe In Her | Penana
The Universe In Her
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The Universe In Her
Nathalia Bracamonte
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Gabrielle Sanchez has this charm that attracts people around her, known for her positive vibe as she always sees the good in everyone. Despite the goodness in her, not everyone knows that she is keeping a tragic past. It has always been hard for her because she doesn't remember anything at all but the feeling always stayed inside her.

Ethan Jackson loves to draw, he can see things that other people can't and he can turn it into something beautiful. His demeanor is mysterious and somewhat eccentric which adds up to the reason why people admire him but the thing is, nobody knows who he truly is.

"The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest is being happy with what you find." -Auliq Ice

What if they find out who they truly are? Will they find happiness with what they will discover? Will they be able to accept the truth that they will uncover?

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