-Third Person P.O.V-
Duped sobs wracked it’s way through the room; shouts of luring lies forced themselves into the ears of the many unknowing. “Wait wait wait. So what did he do??” “I–I was just...t-talking! And then...and then...he just shouted at me! I don’t even know what I did wrong!!!” The room was tense, a silence not even the sharpest sword could cut through.
Sitting in a circle sat: Yuma, Azusa, Sylvion and Mino. In the middle stood a teary-eyed, manipulative Cleo. The thought of destroying someone without tarnishing her own name amused her; it was downright funny! Just then, the door clicked open and walked in Dark, Light, Laito and...
Furious shouts and yells boomed through the room–all aimed at the last to enter–. “WOAH GUYS STOP!!! Jesus...What’re you all shouting about??” It was then that Laito’s vision focused in on the practically drowning girl in the middle of the circle. “T-that...that MONSTER shouted at me! For no reason!” The tallest’s head perked up instantly.
”What? I didn’t do anyth—“
“Actually. He didn’t.”
All eyes in the room landed on Dark. “What? He’s telling the truth. Kanato hung out with Light, Lai and I for the whole day.” “NO! YOU'RE LYING! HE SHOUTED AT ME TO GET LOST!” Light raised an eyebrow and started to move forward but Dark raised an arm to hold her back.
Keeping her voice levelled, the rose quartz eyed girl pushed on; “You're right, I have no proof whatsoever.” She let her gaze fall around the circle and to her own friends before continuing,
“But I do have witnesses.”
Gasps blew out here and there as the seated waited for their fibber’s response.
“Heh. Well?” “ Think your religion is a lie to keep my mouth shut “ Dark nodded, stepping back as her small, dainty hand clutched as Light’s hoodie rhythmically. A sharp nod was all they exchanged before the second tallest headed on into the debate. “Kanato was with us the whole time Cleo. What’s your problem, honestly?” It was a harsh tone, but the elder couldn’t help it. She was being completely unfair and she couldn’t stand for that.
“That MONSTER shouted at ME!” Cleo accused.
”That still gives you no right to call him a monster. It makes you one.” Light stated firmly, listening carefully in order to decide her next argument.
But it didn’t come.
Instead or putting up another fight, Cleo just walked out, slamming the door behind her. The room seemed to stretch out in an endless silence before Dark tugged at Light’s tangerine coloured hoodie again.
“We should go.”So I'm on testify to crime you're keeping score of.
As the days that passed turned into weeks, Dark, Light, Laito and Kanato slowly became to drift away from Cleo. Out of sight, out of mind, Dark thought, that was the case until Sylvion and Mino rushed up to her. “Vion? What’s up?” She tossed out, thinking the two were just there to say hello, “Dark, you remember when Cleo and I were..a thing right?” Her head froze, ears perking up and mind clearing to leave space for the new information.
She nodded an affirmative.
“Okay..Mino and I are going to tell you something that you mustn’t tell anyone yet. Okay?” Another nod.
-Sylvion’s P.O.V-“ Why don't you throw me to the wolves? “ I hear her say, that once kind and beautiful voice now sounding like nails on a chalkboard. I just can't believe it! I trusted her. I LOVED HER. And she just goes and cheats on me with one of our closest friends! I don’t even blame the guy, he didn’t even know what was going on. She’s a liar! That’s all that she is. A liar and a cheater.
A cynical laugh ripped its way out of my throat.
Well we’ll see about that.
<End Flashback>
-Third Person P.O.V-
Dark shuddered at the story, but the shudder wasn’t one of fear or horror, instead one of a slowly bubbling simmer of rage and fury. HOW DARE SHE DO THAT TO HIM? Sylvion is a really nice person! Dark told herself, he always wanted the best for others even if he didn’t show it. She nodded to her companions that she’d stay silent for the time being.Counting all my sins just to cross them off
When the next argument took place, Mino and Sylvion didn’t stand by Cleo’s side, instead, they both stood by Dark and Light’s. Cleo stared at them harshly, indignation clear on her face. “YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS! ME?! A CHEATER! HOW DARE YOU??” Sylvion stationed himself behind Dark’s shoulder, a heavy weight beginning to tip over his shoulders. “I can very well be. And I am. You cheated on me when we were together you jerk.” Saying in my tongue, we still lie to trust
At that, Yuma stood up vehemently; launching his own chair back from where he sat until it smashed against the wall with a loud screech. “STOP IT VION! NOW YOURE JUST BEING RIDICULOUS.” He raised an open palm and cranked his hand back. Instinctively, Dark launched a hand out to shield Mino and Sylvion while Light stepped forward to grab the violent arm.
“Yuma Mukami.” Light began coldly, her voice bit at his knuckles as she dragged on his name, “How old are you? How old are you that you need to hit someone in your own fit of useless rage?” “Old enough, “ Cleo chimed in; she seemed completely unfazed by what was going on right in front of her, in fact, she seemed elated about it.And in my blood couldn't keep you
”Fine then.” Light decided, “If you think you can win like this, go ahead. Fight with everyone you meet, hurt everyone you meet. You’ll see how it ends soon enough.” Ending with that, they turned once more from the room this whole ordeal started in. As they left one by one, Dark turned to face the three, “Yuma. Azusa.” Glancing respectively, she nodded, promptly ignoring Cleo’s presence, “I can’t believe you guys. Just, stay safe okay?”
As her footsteps faded, a voice shouted out from behind her, it was fearful, scared of rejection and terrified to be left unheard. “DARK!!” It crackled, and the owner of said name spun around in shock, “Azusa..? What—“ “IM SORRY! PLEASE COME BACK!” Pale pink eyes darted around to check for any looming bystanders before she rushed over and pulled the taller in for a reassuring hug.
”Oh..you poor boy, what are you sorry for?” She murmured soothingly, small palm grazing up and down his back as little gasps shook through Azusa’s body. “I-I can’t..everything. I’m sorry for everything.” It wasn’t much, but Dark understood it and pulled away from the embrace, nodding with a warm smile. “It’s okay Azu, I won’t leave you here. Come. You don’t have to fear this anymore.”You're fooling Heaven's gates
”YUMA PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!” Dark pleaded, tugging on her childhood friend’s arm as he still stood by Cleo. “DARK CAN YOU JUST STOP? EVEN YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO ALL THESE RUMO—“ The voices raised higher. “THEY ARENT RUMOURS FOR GODSAKES! CANT YOU BLOODY SEE WHATS GOING ON AROUND YOU?!” Dark was crying now, her voice finally giving into the pain that she felt at loosing a brother she once knew to the side of evil.So you won't have to change
”Just admit it Dark.” Cleo’s tone was smug, a winner’s tone glossing over every syllable she uttered, “You lose. I didn’t do anything and you all have no proof.” Next to her, Yuma nodded slowly, his action dragged out in certainty. Abruptly, a loud sigh ripped through the otherwise empty hall. “I’m done with this.” Light said sharply. Her eyes narrowing at Yuma, staring with focus.
”You. Why can’t you understand that she’s hurting people?? Look at all of us. Yes there aren’t any physical bruises but can’t you see it? Can’t you see the pain in our eyes and the hurt in our hearts? Or are you just to blind to see it?” To their surprise, the boy began to shrink away from her intense gaze. “I...” “Spit it out. If you really think staying with someone who hurts others without a freaking care in the world.” Her voice raised a slight, tone pitching higher towards the end.
“Then so be it.” You're no saint, you're no saint, yeah
Though no one said anything, the combination of Dark and Light’s broken, hatefully disappointed stares broke Yuma’s walls down, one by one. Those walls let in shadows of doubt and soon he doubled over in shame. “I’m sorry! I was an idiot!” He shouted, this time his tone brought on a wave of guilt as he stepped over to Dark’s side, kneeling so he reached her level.
“I’m sorry for making you cry,” he turned to Light, still on his knees, “I’m sorry for doubting you guys.”
Standing back up, his eyes locked on Cleo.
”You.” You read between the lines and don't stick to the scriptures
”How dare..”You only follow rules if other follow with you
”YOU!”That doesn't sound so holy, only playing victim
”YUMA DON’T!” Dark screamed, releasing her tightly held breath as Light managed to catch his arm before it struck Cleo. “There is another way to do this Mukami.” Light advised, lowering his wrist but still clutching onto it in case. “I..I don’t know what got into me...” he responded quietly, a timid voice underlining it all.
”Cleo.” Light started, her voice even and steady, “How did you ever think this was the right thing to do? How could you ever let your ego rise above everything like that??” The girl said nothing, too stubborn to accept her own fate and wrong-doing. Counting all my sins just to cross them off545Please respect copyright.PENANAMTi796pbFo
Saying in my tongue, we still lie to trust
“No one will believe you. They’ll all think you’re crazy!” She countered, looking nervously between the three, “Wrong.” Sylvion echoed from around the corner, walking in with the rest of the guys and Mino. “Almost everyone knows what you’ve done to us Cleo. Don’t even bother trying to hide it.” And in my blood couldn't keep you
Dark, who had calmed down, stepped forward again, “Just accept and deal with it. You did this and there’s no going back now Cleo.” You're fooling Heaven's gates
Cleo swivelled her head, all eyes were on her and it wasn’t for a good reason. So you won't have to change
Shoulders dropping and chest heaving, the culprit took a deep breath; released it and spoke, “I admit, I’m honestly sorry for hurting everyone here and I hope we can start over.”You're no saint, you're no saint, yeah
Now; all eyes were on Dark, waiting tensely to see what she’d do next.
Dark gave her a small grin and chuckled light-heartedly. “Of course we can, it’ll take awhile but I’m sure we can work something out.” She chimed.And keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough
”Yeah, don’t worry about it, you deserve what will happen from now on but it will get better sooner or later.” Light added.So keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough
The guys nodded as well, and some even spat out their own apologies about what happened–past or present–.And keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough
From that day on, Cleo did her best not to hurt another on purpose,
You're fooling Heaven's gates
And slowly, the group’s trust grew stronger than before as did their friendship.So you won't have to change545Please respect copyright.PENANAry7Qt3VzZn
You're no saint, you're no saint, yeah