Marked Soul | Penana
Marked Soul
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Marked Soul
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The story of a mere commoner the Gods and Goddesses have chosen. That person then went through many trials. The struggle was difficult and life-threatening. In the end, the journey brought change to the world, for better or worse.
The legend of a person with unknown origin summoned as a cry of help in time of despair. A sacred mission then given to that person. Attacked and tempted along the way, the person finally completed the mission and the disaster that threatened the world was avoided.
The myth that a soul called again after finally finished its worth of life. Blessed with precious memory and skill, they are inspired to bring a better living to the person they hold dear. Through long and dangerous ordeal, they finally managed to not only rescue their loved ones, but also make a legacy in the world.
Different stories. Different times. Different people. Different souls. But each and every one of them has at least one thing similar. And that is the fact that their souls are different. Their souls are marked, one way or another.

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
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