It was that nightmare again.
I was standing in front of a the top group of our clan, the Blue Wolves.
”Cutler, although you’re the late head’s son, you don’t have the proper qualifications to lead the clan yet” a man on the most right said.
”Not only did you ability’s power diminish greatly after being cursed by a witch, but you have always neglected your fathers and the elders advices to study and train, thus you lack the intellectual abilities for the position as well” another man said.
I sighed “Respected Elders, you all know I’m not interested in taking this position despite my fathers’ will so rest assured. You can be direct with me here. You didn’t call me here just to reprimand me, right?”
A brief silence took place.
”With the majority’s vote, Carter is found to be the most fit for the position, do you have any objection?”
At that moment, Carter emerged from the shadows and stood next to the Elders table.
”not that it matters” another elder muttered. Did he know I could hear him?
”None. Brother Carter is the best fit for this position, and I’m pretty sure he’ll bring glory to our clan”
”Good, now please pack your belongings and your mothers. You’ll move to the secondary lodgings of the clan”
”What? But my mothers condition is really bad!! She needs to be in the main building because the family doctor lives right next to the building. It’s also sanitary. What if an emergency happens again?? It might be too late when the doctor arrives if we move to the secondary lodgings” I shouted
”...we’re not going to change the rules for an outsider” an elder said.
”Carter! I’m begging you here! Don’t do this to my mother!” I ran to Carter and held his arms.
Carter will help me!! He played with me since I was a kid, and my parents liked him and treated him like a son. He’s my cousin, we’re family!! I supported him so he won’t hurt me...
or at least that’s what I thought...
”I’m sorry Cutler, but the rules are everything in the clan” his expression was cold...
He’s not the Cutler that I once knew.
The scene shifted.
I was in a dirty old room with barely any furniture.
”MUM! Hang in there!! The doctor is on the way!!”
My mother and I were only ones in the room. Her health was getting worse, as the pulse machine was peeping less Andy less.
she was dying.
”I’m here!! I’m right beside you!!”
She barely opened her eyes and made a very small smile.
”be...strong...Mum...loves you”
I don’t know how long I cried after mum died. No one except for me and Kyle attended her funeral. She got sick after being curesed by a witch. We had the same curse.
It sucks our ability, then our life force.
Why? Why did this happen? It’s not like we provoked any witch before.
It was only two years that I discovered the truth.
I overheard two elders speak of Carter’s cunningness. He was behind it all. My fathers murder, my mothers curse and mine were by a witch working with him. I didn’t want to believe it, but all the signs pointed to him. I also saw that damned witch flirting with him!!
How dare they!!! I will have my revenge!! They’ll see!!!
But I’m weak and helpless...
”weak...weak...poor Culter...all alone...a weak child with no’ll die soon anyway, so what’s the point of the hate? Just die and leave peacefully, like your parents” a voice whispered in my head.
“NO!! I’ll kill them or I’ll die trying!!”
”but you’re weak?”
the whispers don’t stop. They keep haunting me chanting weak everywhere!! No matter how hard I try they don’t stop. They keep suffocating me in the darkness.
Suddenly the voices stopped.
I opened my eyes, and something strange was in front of me. A white fluff ball that had tiny eyes was looking at me, then looked at all directions.
”that smell...Food...ITS ALL AROUND ME!!!” The white creature suddenly grinned evilly.
It threw it self to the darkness.
Loud screams reached my ear from all directions. In no time, the darkness faded and light replaced it.
I saw the creature on the ground in a distance, bloated to an unbelievably huge size.
”Wh-What just happened?”
the creature sighed in satisfaction “that was the best thing I’ve ever had!! I never felt I’m full like today...”
I ran to it, and shouted “What are you?!!”
It looked at me and had a surprised expression.
It magically shrunk to its original size and flew towards me.672Please respect copyright.PENANAnqwFgbNQIL
”Cutler, what are you doing here?”
”That’s my question! Who are you? And what are you doing in my dreams?”
”...that’s a lame pickup line” the creature stifled a laugh.
”...” Did a cute white fluff ball just make fun of me? I grabbed it and stretche its cheek.
”OWWWW! Stop it!! How dare you do this to a girl!! I thought you’re a gentleman!”
”really? I can’t tell if you’re a boy or a girl though?” The creature looked shocked at me.
”but you could tell I’m a girl yesterday...that’s weird”
Shes the weird one. I didn’t even meet her before.
”You made them go away?”
”The black stuff? I ate it! It was so good!!”
She...ate it?
” won’t appear anymore?”
”huh? I don’t think so?”
”Really?!! Are you serious?!”
”Prabably? It’s weird. Btw, where are we? I was in the kitchen few minutes ago?”
”yeah, I went to eat from the food you brought. Thanks for rice and salad. Your cooking skills are not bad”
...Huh?! NO WAY!!
”YOU’RE RAE?!!!”
”Huh? Obviously?” She tilted her fluffy head to the side.
”What obviously?!! You don’t even look human!”
“That’s funny, I look perfectly fi-“
she stopped talking when she raised her little paw (no fingers) and saw it. Then she touched her head and shoulders. She tried to look at her feet but they were so small, she couldn’t see them. She had no neck as a fluffy white ball so she couldn’t tilt.
she started jumping all over the place, screaming. I tried to catch her so that I could calm her down, but I couldn’t since she was too fast.
Suddenly she collided with me, hitting me on the head really hard.
“OUCH!!” I opened my eyes and found myself awakened from sleep on the couch, refreshed for the first time in three years. I found Rae just awakened up too. She was lying on the ground near the couch.
”Ugh! Is your skull made of iron?”
I looked at her in a daze.
“You’re back” I muttered as I looked at her, as human as she SHOULD be.
”huh? HEY! You’re Right!!” She laughed “sheesh! That scared me!”
I had a thought about what happened and I wanted to confirm it. I went the bathroom and checked my neck from the side.
It was gone. Completely Gone!! The Curse symbol had disappeared!!
Did Rae really do this? She said she “ate” the monsters in my nightmare, but could it be that she really ate was...the curse itself?!
Rae...who the hell are you?