Hugo, where are you? | Penana
Hugo, where are you?
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Hugo, where are you?
Apo Shui
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     “Lucy!”  Yes, her name was Lucy. She was just an adverage girl, who recently lost her parents in a car accident. “Lucy! Lucy!” She knew, she heard it. Who’s calling her? In her dream, she was wandering through the darkness in the forest. Lucy didn’t have a flashlight, so she couldn’t see anything. “Get out!”  She heard that scary voice again. It came out of nowhere but she felt like it’s coming to her closer and closer. She tried to run but couldn’t move her legs. “No!!!!” Lucy screamed and then woke up. “Oh, why always this stupid dream? I’m getting tired of it! It seems too real!”, she rambled. There’s something on her blanket. She saw a piece of paper written by blood. “Go find hugo? ” She read it out loud and wondered. For this reason, she started packing her bagpack and decided to go out to find hugo. She thought, what she’s confronting was not a normal thing and she knew, she wasn’t crazy. “Maybe hugo has the answer.”, she thought. Then she found another piece of paper on the carpet, it kind of looked like a map in cartoons. She followed the map until she realized that she was lost in the woods somewhere. Lucy didn’t know how to get out of the woods. She didn’t even have a navigator!

     “ShakaiYatilo..halazaluoppilakiyumala” Lucy heard somebody talk indistinctly in a strange language. "Are u hugo?" shev said. he didn't replied. Suddenly, something appeared beside her. "seelamakilihiya." That guy strared at her and then stated talking to her but she didn’t understand anything anyway. 

 After that ,the guy ( that she assumed he was hugo) led her to the waterfall. The landscape and everything were so stunning. She looked back and saw that the guy has disappeared. She was so shocked and thought that maybe he was a ghost. 

        Then she continued walking and saw a wolf. It was eating something and that thing stinked. She got closer and closer. “Sh****!!!” She screamed. It’s a dead body of a girl. “Oh jesuss!!” She screamed again because the dead body lying on the floor was  her!! “Oh no! Why!?  How ??! How did I die ?? Is it real ?!! Is it just a dream!!?” She was so confused and passed out. After that, she found out that she was actually dead.

預計閱讀時間: 2 分鐘
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