Last of Me (Introduction) | Penana
Last of Me (Introduction)
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Last of Me (Introduction)
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Everyone knows the old saying "live each day like your last". We hear it everywhere. Hell, it's shoved down our throats from the day we're born. But how many of us actually do? Do we really form every sentence as if we'll never get to speak another? Do we get up in the morning and pick out clothes that would be comforting during our last dying breath? Most of us would say no. Because the simple fact of the matter is we're unable accept reality. We believe that we're above death. Because we've never seen the world from anything other than our own dull eyes. But sometimes reality hits you hard. Maybe it's when your tires lose traction and send you plummeting into a ditch. When your lungs fight for air against freezing cold waves. Then, and only then, you get a good look at what mortality looks like. Whether it be an icy road, the violent waves of the ocean, or just a syringe, you really understand death. Just for that split second before you breathe or you don't.
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